A new build is on the way to the PTR! Keep checking back as we update our notes.
- Trial of Style has replaced some of the old themes in preparation for Season 2.
- New Trial of Style decorations and Season 2 Trial of Style sets have been added.
- More Postmaster strings have been added.
- The game now banks XP after you hit the trial cap and grants it when you purchase the game.
- Profession leveling has been streamlined:
- Several reagents no longer exist: Greater Astral Essence, Lesser Astral Essence, Greater Mystic Essence, Lesser Mystic Essence, Greater Nether Essence, Lesser Nether Essence, Nexus Crystal, Large Glimmering Shard, Small Glimmering Shard, Soul Dust, Vision Dust, Small Glowing Shard, Large Glowing Shard, Dream Dust, Small Radiant Shard, Large Radiant Shard
- Illusion Dust is now Light Illusion Dust
- Rich Illusion Dust has been added
Gallywix Model Update
Gallywix got a new Azerite cane topper and ring! You can see the old model on the right in the image below.
Profession Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
- Greater Arcane Protection Potion Alchemy. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents:
Dream Dust, Dreamfoil, Crystal Vial.Rich Illusion Dust x 4, Dreamfoil, Crystal Vial.
- Sageblade Blacksmithing. 15 sec cast. Reagents: Arcanite Bar x 12,
Nexus Crystal x 2Large Brilliant Shard x 6, Flask of Supreme Power x 2, Enchanted Leather x 4. Tools: Blacksmith Hammer.
- Advanced Herbalism Permanently enchant gloves to increase Herbalism skill by 5. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents:
Vision Dust x 3Rich Illusion Dust x 2, Sungrass x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Advanced Mining Permanently enchant gloves to increase Mining skill by 5. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents:
Vision Dust x 3Rich Illusion Dust x 2, Truesilver Bar x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Agility Permanently enchant a two-handed melee weapon to increase Agility by 1,286. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Large Brilliant Shard x
86, Essence of Air x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Agility Permanently enchant gloves to increase Agility by 272. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Lesser Nether Essence, VisionGreater Eternal Essence x 2, Rich Illusion Dust. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Agility Permanently enchant boots to increase Agility by 255. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Greater
NetherEternal Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Argent Versatility Permanently enchant bracers to increase Versatility by 255. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Illusion Dust x 4, LesserRich Illusion Dust x 4, Greater Eternal Essence x 4, Essence of Water x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Defense Permanently enchant a cloak to increase armor by 153. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Small
Glowing Shard, SoulBrilliant Shard, Light Illusion Dust x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Demonslaying Permanently enchant a melee weapon to have a chance of stunning and doing additional damage against demons. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents:
Small Radiant Shard, DreamLarge Brilliant Shard x 2, Rich Illusion Dust x 2, Elixir of Demonslaying. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Dodge Permanently enchant bracers to increase dodge by 255. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600 Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Greater
Nether Essence, DreamEternal Essence x 2, Rich Illusion Dust x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Enchanted Leather Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Rugged Leather,
Lesser Eternal Essence. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Greater Eternal Essence x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Enchanted Thorium Bar Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Thorium Bar,
DreamRich Illusion Dust x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Exceptional Health Permanently enchant chest armor to increase health by 4,757. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Arcane Dust x
8, Major Healing Potion x 4, Large Brilliant Shard x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.10, Major Healing Potion x 6. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Fiery Weapon Permanently enchant a melee weapon to often strike for 1,600 additional Fire damage. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents:
Small RadiantLarge Brilliant Shard x 4, Essence of Fire. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Fire Power Permanently enchant gloves to increase Fire spell power by 459. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Small Prismatic Shard x 2,Large Brilliant Shard x 10, Essence of Fire x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Fishing Permanently enchant gloves to increase Fishing skill by 80. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Soul DustLight Illusion Dust x 2, Blackmouth Oil x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Frost Power Permanently enchant gloves to increase Frost spell power by 459. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Small Prismatic Shard x 3,Large Brilliant Shard x 10, Essence of Water x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Greater Agility Permanently enchant gloves to increase Agility by 306. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Lesser Eternal Essence x 2Greater Eternal Essence x 3, Rich, Illusion Dust x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Greater Agility Permanently enchant boots to increase Agility by 340. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Lesser Eternal Essence x 2Greater Eternal Essence x 4, Wildvine x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Greater Defense Permanently enchant a cloak to increase armor by 255. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Vision Dust x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Rich Illusion Dust x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Greater Health Permanently enchant chest armor to increase health by 1,784. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
SoulLight Illusion Dust x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Greater Impact Permanently enchant a two-handed melee weapon to do 340 additional points of damage. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Large
Radiant Shard x 2, DreamBrilliant Shard x 2, Rich Illusion Dust x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Greater Intellect Permanently enchant bracers to increase Intellect by 340. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
LesserGreater Eternal Essence x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Greater Mana Permanently enchant chest armor to increase mana by 1,529. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Greater Mystic Essence. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Lesser Eternal Essence x 5. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Greater Mystic Wand Creates a greater mystic wand. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Star Wood,
Greater Mystic Essence, Vision Dust. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Lesser Eternal Essence x 2, Light Illusion Dust x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Greater Stamina Permanently enchant boots to increase Stamina by 340. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Dream Dust x 5. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Rich Illusion Dust x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Greater Stamina Permanently enchant a shield to increase Stamina by 340. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Dream Dust x 5. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Rich Illusion Dust x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Greater Stamina Permanently enchant bracers to increase Stamina by 340. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Dream Dust x 5. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Rich Illusion Dust x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Greater Stats Permanently enchant chest armor to increase all stats by 204. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Large Brilliant Shard x
24, Rich, Illusion Dust x 6. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Greater Strength Permanently enchant bracers to increase Strength by 340. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Dream Dust x 2, Greater Nether Essence. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Rich Illusion Dust x 2, Greater Eternal Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Greater Strength Permanently enchant gloves to increase Strength by 340. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Lesser Eternal Essence x 4Greater Eternal Essence x 4, Rich, Illusion Dust x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Greater Striking Permanently enchant a melee weapon to do 221 additional points of damage. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Large
Radiant Shard x 2, Greater NetherBrilliant Shard x 2, Greater Eternal Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Greater Versatility Permanently enchant bracers to increase Versatility by 306. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Lesser Nether Essence x 3, VisionGreater Eternal Essence x 2, Rich Illusion Dust. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Greater Versatility Permanently enchant a shield to increase Versatility by 340. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Greater
Nether Essence, DreamEternal Essence x 2, Rich Illusion Dust x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Healing Power Permanently enchant gloves to increase spell power by 357. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Small Prismatic Shard x 3,Large Brilliant Shard x 8, Righteous Orb. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Healing Power Permanently enchant bracers to increase spell power by 391. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Large Brilliant Shard x
2, Illusion Dust x 4, Lesser Eternal Essence x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.4, Rich Illusion Dust x 5, Greater Eternal Essence x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Health Permanently enchant chest armor to increase health by 1,274. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Strange Dust x 4, Lesser AstralLight Illusion Dust x 4, Lesser Eternal Essence. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Herbalism Permanently enchant gloves to increase Herbalism skill by 2. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents:
SoulLight Illusion Dust, Kingsblood x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Icy Chill Permanently enchant a melee weapon to often chill the target, reducing their movement and attack speed. Has a reduced effect for players above level 60. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents:
SmallLarge Brilliant Shard x 4, Essence of Water, Essence of Air, Icecap. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Impact Permanently enchant a two-handed melee weapon to do 255 additional points of damage. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Vision Dust x 4, Large GlowingLight Illusion Dust x 4, Small Brilliant Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Intellect Permanently enchant bracers to increase Intellect by 255. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Lesser NetherGreater Eternal Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Lesser Absorption Permanently enchant chest armor so it has a 5% chance per hit of giving you 1,288 points of damage absorption. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Strange Dust x 2, Greater Astral Essence, Large GlimmeringLight Illusion Dust x 2, Lesser Eternal Essence, Small Brilliant Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Lesser Accuracy Permanently enchant boots to increase crit by 68. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Vision Dust x 4, Lesser Nether Essence. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Rich Illusion Dust x 4, Greater Eternal Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Lesser Agility Permanently enchant boots to increase Agility by 170. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Soul Dust, Lesser Mystic Essence. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Light Illusion Dust, Lesser Eternal Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Lesser Agility Permanently enchant a cloak to increase Agility by 153. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Lesser NetherGreater Eternal Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Lesser Beastslayer Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase damage to beasts by 306. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser
Mystic EssenceEternal Essence x 4, Large Fang x 2, SmallGlowingBrilliant Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Lesser Dodge Permanently enchant bracers to increase dodge by 153. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser
Mystic Essence, SoulEternal Essence x 4, Light Illusion Dust x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Lesser Elemental Slayer Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase damage to elementals by 306. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser
Mystic Essence, Elemental Earth, Small GlowingEternal Essence x 4, Elemental Earth, Small Brilliant Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Lesser Impact Permanently enchant a two-handed melee weapon to do 170 additional points of damage. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Soul Dust x 3, Large GlimmeringLight Illusion Dust x 3, Small Brilliant Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Lesser Intellect Permanently enchant a two-handed melee weapon to increase Intellect by 170. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Greater Magic Essence x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Lesser Magic Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Lesser Intellect Permanently enchant bracers to increase Intellect by 153. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Greater AstralLesser Eternal Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Lesser Mana Oil Creates Lesser Mana Oil. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents:
DreamRich Illusion Dust x 3, Purple Lotus x 2, Crystal Vial. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Lesser Mystic Wand Creates a lesser mystic wand. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Star Wood, Lesser
Mystic Essence, Soul Dust. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Eternal Essence x 2, Light Illusion Dust x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Lesser Parry Permanently enchant a shield to increase parry by 280. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Greater Mystic Essence x 2, Vision Dust x 2, Large GlowingLesser Eternal Essence x 5, Light Illusion Dust x 3, Small Brilliant Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Lesser Protection Permanently enchant a cloak to increase armor by 102. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Strange Dust x 6, Small GlimmeringLight Illusion Dust x 6, Small Brilliant Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Lesser Protection Permanently enchant a shield to increase armor by 170. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser
Astral Essence, Strange Dust, Small GlimmeringEternal Essence, Light Illusion Dust, Small Brilliant Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Lesser Stamina Permanently enchant boots to increase Stamina by 153. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
SoulLight Illusion Dust x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Lesser Stamina Permanently enchant bracers to increase Stamina by 170. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
SoulLight Illusion Dust x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Lesser Stamina Permanently enchant a shield to increase Stamina by 170. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser
Mystic Essence, Soul Dust. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Eternal Essence x 2, Light Illusion Dust x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Lesser Stats Permanently enchant chest armor to increase all stats by 112. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Greater Mystic Essence x 2, Vision Dust x 2, Large GlowingLesser Eternal Essence x 5, Light Illusion Dust x 4, Small Brilliant Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Lesser Strength Permanently enchant bracers to increase Strength by 170. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
SoulLight Illusion Dust x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Lesser Striking Permanently enchant a melee weapon to do 102 additional points of damage. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Soul Dust x 2, Large GlimmeringLight Illusion Dust x 2, Small Brilliant Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Lesser Versatility Permanently enchant a two-handed melee weapon to increase Versatility by 170. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser
Astral Essence, Strange Dust x 6. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Eternal Essence, Light Illusion Dust x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Lesser Versatility Permanently enchant boots to increase Versatility by 153. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Greater Mystic Essence, Lesser Mystic Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Lesser Eternal Essence x 5. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Lesser Versatility Permanently enchant a shield to increase Versatility by 170. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser
Astral Essence x 2, StrangeEternal Essence x 2, Light Illusion Dust x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Lesser Versatility Permanently enchant bracers to increase Versatility by 153. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser
AstralEternal Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Lesser Wizard Oil Creates Lesser Wizard Oil. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents:
Vision Dust x 3Light Illusion Dust x 5, Crystal Vial. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Major Health Permanently enchant chest armor to increase health by 5,131. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Small Brilliant Shard x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Large Brilliant Shard x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Major Intellect Permanently enchant a two-handed melee weapon to increase Intellect by 476. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Greater Eternal Essence x 4, Large Brilliant Shard x
2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Major Mana Permanently enchant chest armor to increase mana by 5,148. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Illusion Dust x 8. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Rich Illusion Dust x 5. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Major Versatility Permanently enchant a two-handed melee weapon to increase Versatility by 476. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Greater Eternal Essence x 4, Large Brilliant Shard x
2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Mana Permanently enchant chest armor to increase mana by 1,019. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Greater Astral Essence, Lesser Astral Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Lesser Eternal Essence x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Mighty Intellect Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase Intellect by 1,121. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Large Brilliant Shard x 6, Greater Eternal Essence x 5,
Illusion Dust x 20. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Rich Illusion Dust x 16. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Mighty Versatility Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase Versatility by 1,019. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Large Brilliant Shard x 6, Greater Eternal Essence x 4, Rich Illusion Dust x 12. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.
- Mining Permanently enchant gloves to increase Mining skill by 2. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents:
Soul DustLight Illusion Dust x 2, Iron Ore x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Minor Agility Permanently enchant a cloak to increase Agility by 51. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser
AstralEternal Essence. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Minor Agility Permanently enchant boots to increase Agility by 51. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Strange Dust x 6, Lesser
AstralMagic Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Minor Haste Permanently enchant gloves to increase haste by 306. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Large
RadiantBrilliant Shard x 2, Wildvine x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Minor Impact Permanently enchant a two-handed melee weapon to do 102 additional points of damage. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Strange Dust x 4,
Small Glimmering Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Greater Magic Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Minor Mana Permanently enchant chest armor to increase mana by 170. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser Magic Essence.
Tools: Runed Copper Rod.x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Minor Mana Oil Creates Minor Mana Oil. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents:
SoulLight Illusion Dust x 3, Crystal Vial. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Minor Speed Permanently enchant boots to increase movement speed by 8%. Does not stack with other passive movement speed bonuses. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents:
Small Radiant Shard, Aquamarine, Lesser Nether Essence. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Large Brilliant Shard x 2, Aquamarine, Greater Eternal Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Minor Stamina Permanently enchant boots to increase Stamina by 51. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Strange Dust x 8. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Light Illusion Dust x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Minor Stamina Permanently enchant a shield to increase Stamina by 51. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser
Astral Essence, StrangeEternal Essence, Light Illusion Dust x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Minor Stats Permanently enchant chest armor to increase all stats by 51. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Greater Astral Essence, Soul Dust, Large GlimmeringLesser Eternal Essence x 2, Light Illusion Dust, Small Brilliant Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Minor Striking Permanently enchant a melee weapon to do 51 additional point of damage. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Strange Dust x
2, Greater Magic Essence, Small Glimmering Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.4, Greater Magic Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Riding Skill Permanently enchant gloves to increase mount speed by 2%. Must be level 70 or lower to gain this benefit. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Large
Radiant Shard x 2, DreamBrilliant Shard x 2, Rich Illusion Dust x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Shadow Power Permanently enchant gloves to increase shadow spell power by 459. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Small Prismatic Shard x 3,Large Brilliant Shard x 10, Essence of Undeath x 6. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Skinning Permanently enchant gloves to increase Skinning skill by 5. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents:
Vision DustLight Illusion Dust x 4, Green Whelp Scale x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Smoking Heart of the Mountain Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Essence of Fire x 3,
Small Brilliant Shard x 3.Large Brilliant Shard x 3. - Stamina Permanently enchant bracers to increase Stamina by 255. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Soul Dust x 6. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Light Illusion Dust x 5. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Stamina Permanently enchant a shield to increase Stamina by 255. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Vision Dust x 5. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Rich Illusion Dust x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Stamina Permanently enchant boots to increase Stamina by 255. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Vision Dust x 5. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Rich Illusion Dust x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Stats Permanently enchant chest armor to increase all stats by 153. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Large
Radiant Shard, Dream Dust x 3, Greater NetherBrilliant Shard x 2, Rich Illusion Dust x 2, Greater Eternal Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Strength Permanently enchant gloves to increase Strength by 272. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Lesser Nether Essence x 2, Vision Dust x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Greater Eternal Essence x 2, Rich Illusion Dust x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Strength Permanently enchant bracers to increase Strength by 255. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
VisionLight Illusion Dust. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Striking Permanently enchant a melee weapon to do 170 additional points of damage. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Greater Mystic Essence x 2, Large GlowingLesser Eternal Essence x 5, Small Brilliant Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Superior Defense Permanently enchant a cloak to increase armor by 340. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Illusion Dust x 8. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Rich Illusion Dust x 5. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Superior Health Permanently enchant chest armor to increase health by 2,548. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Vision Dust x 6. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Rich Illusion Dust x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Superior Impact Permanently enchant a two-handed melee weapon to do 476 additional points of damage. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Large Brilliant Shard x 4, Rich Illusion Dust x 10. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.
- Superior Mana Permanently enchant chest armor to increase mana by 2,073. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Greater
Nether Essence, Lesser NetherEternal Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Superior Stamina Permanently enchant bracers to increase Stamina by 476. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Illusion Dust x 10. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Rich Illusion Dust x 8. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Superior Strength Permanently enchant bracers to increase Strength by 459. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Rich Illusion Dust x 6, Greater Eternal Essence x
2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Superior Striking Permanently enchant a melee weapon to do 255 additional points of damage. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Large Brilliant Shard x
24, Greater Eternal Essence x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Superior Versatility Permanently enchant bracers to increase Versatility by 340. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Lesser Eternal Essence x 3, DreamGreater Eternal Essence x 3, Rich Illusion Dust x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Versatility Permanently enchant bracers to increase Versatility by 255. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser
Mystic Essence. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Eternal Essence x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Versatility Permanently enchant boots to increase Versatility by 255. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Greater Eternal Essence x
2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Versatility Permanently enchant a shield to increase Versatility by 255. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Greater Mystic Essence, Vision Dust. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.Lesser Eternal Essence x 4, Light Illusion Dust x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Vitality Permanently enchant a shield to increase Versatility and Stamina by 510. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Greater Eternal Essence, x 3, Rich Illusion Dust x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.
- Winter's Might Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase Frost spell power by 340. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents:
Greater Mystic Essence x 3, Vision Dust x 3, Large GlowingLesser Eternal Essence x 5, Light Illusion Dust x 2, Small Brilliant Shard, Dragon's Teeth x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. - Wizard Oil Creates Wizard Oil. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Rich: Illusion Dust x 3, Firebloom x 2, Crystal Vial. Tools: Runed Copper Rod.
- Figurine - Jade Owl Jewelcrafting. 5 sec cast. Reagents: Jade x 4, Truesilver Bar x 2,
VisionLight Illusion Dust x 4, Mithril Filigree x 4. Tools: Jeweler's Kit. - Moonsoul Crown Jewelcrafting. 5 sec cast. Reagents: Lesser Moonstone x 3, Small Lustrous Pearl x 3,
SoulLight Illusion Dust x 4, Silver Bar x 4, Mana Potion x 2. Tools: Jeweler's Kit. - Opal Necklace of Impact Jewelcrafting. 10 sec cast. Reagents: Large Opal x 2, Thorium Setting x 2, Truesilver Bar x 4, Large
RadiantBrilliant Shard x 2, Mithril Filigree x 2. Tools: Jeweler's Kit.
- Enchanted Thorium Bar Mining. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Thorium Bar,
Dream Dust x 3.Rich Illusion Dust x 3.
- Enchanted Mageweave Pouch Tailoring. 3.5 sec cast. Reagents: Bolt of Mageweave x 4,
VisionRich Illusion Dust x 4, Heavy Silken Thread x 2. - Enchanted Runecloth Bag Tailoring. 10 sec cast. Reagents: Bolt of Runecloth x 5, Greater Eternal Essence x
2, Rune Thread x 2.3, Rune Thread x 2. - Wizardweave Leggings Tailoring. 3.5 sec cast. Reagents: Bolt of Runecloth x 4,
Dream Dust, Rune Thread.Rich Illusion Dust x 3, Rune Thread. - Wizardweave Robe Tailoring. 3.5 sec cast. Reagents: Bolt of Runecloth x 8,
Dream Dust x 2, Rune Thread.Rich Illusion Dust x 3, Rune Thread. - Wizardweave Turban Tailoring. 3.5 sec cast. Reagents: Bolt of Runecloth x 6,
Dream Dust x 4, Star Ruby, Rune Thread.Rich Illusion Dust x 3, Star Ruby, Rune Thread.
Spell Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Companions- Silithid Mini-Tank Name changed from "Unevolved Silithid Grub" to "Silithid Mini-Tank".
Item Set Bonuses
- Item - Demon Hunter T21 Havoc 2P Bonus Eye Beam damage increased by
30%.40%. - Item - Demon Hunter T21 Havoc 4P Bonus When Eye Beam finishes fully channeling, your Haste is increased by
15% for 8 sec.25% for 8 sec.

- Blackout Kick Kick with a blast of Chi energy, dealing [ 469.7% of AP ] Physical damage.
13 Chi. Melee range. Instant. 3 sec cooldown.
- Blackout Kick (New) Blackout Kick costs 1 fewer Chi. Monk - Windwalker Spec.
- Blackout Kick (New) Blackout Kick costs 1 fewer Chi. Monk - Windwalker Spec.

- Discipline Priest Discipline Priest core passive Increases damage/healing of Shadow Word: Pain by
30%53%. Increases periodic damage/healing of Shadow Word: Pain by30%53%. Increases buff duration of Shadow Word: Pain by 0. Priest - Discipline Spec.

- Mortal Strike (New) Mortal Strike's damage is increased by 60%. Warrior - Arms Spec.
- Mortal Strike A vicious strike that deals
[ 0.633 * 439% of weapon damage or 0.024 * Level * 439% of weapon damage + 0.511 * 439% of weapon damage or 439% of weapon damage274% of weapon damage;] Physical damage and reduces the effectiveness of healing on the target for 10 sec. Warrior - Arms Spec. 200 Rage. Melee range. Instant. - Slam Slams an opponent, causing (
305%190% of weapon damage) Physical damage. Warrior - Arms Spec. 200 Rage. Melee range. Instant. - Slam (New) Slam's damage is increased by 60%. Warrior - Arms Spec.
Achievement Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
- Post Haste Name changed from "Priority Mail" to "Post Haste". Sort 30 letters within 60 seconds in the Postmaster's Office. Pet Reward: Mailemental. 5 points.
- Priority Mail (New) Sort 30 partially addressed letters within 60 seconds in the Postmaster's Office. Title Reward: Postmaster. 5 points.
- The Total Package Find the Postmaster in Dalaran and lend him your aid.
Title Reward: Courier. 5 points.5 points.
Seething Shore
Player vs. Player
- A Good Start Collect 100,000 Azerite in Seething Shore.20 points.
- Blood and Sand Slay 50 enemies near a Rich Azerite deposit.10 points.
- Claim Jumper Within 30 seconds of landing on Seething Shore, collect a Rich Azerite deposit.10 points.
- Death from Above Slay an enemy within 30 seconds of landing on Seething Shore.10 points.
- Master of Seething Shore Complete the Seething Shore achievements listed below.25 points.
- Seething Shore Domination
CaptureCapture Rich Azerite each of the following locations in Seething Shore:20 points. - Seething Shore Perfection Win Seething Shore with a score of
3000 to 0.1500 to 0. 20 points. - Seething Shore Veteran Complete 100 victories in Seething Shore.15 points.
- Seething Shore Victory Win Seething Shore.10 points.
Artifact Powers
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
- Concordance of the Legionfall (Rank 51) (New) Your abilities have a chance to trigger Concordance of the Legionfall, increasing your primary stat by 18,751 for 10 sec.
- Concordance of the Legionfall (Rank 52) (New) Your abilities have a chance to trigger Concordance of the Legionfall, increasing your primary stat by 18,752 for 10 sec.
- Concordance of the Legionfall (Rank 53) (New) Your abilities have a chance to trigger Concordance of the Legionfall, increasing your primary stat by 18,753 for 10 sec.
- All the ranks in between....
- Concordance of the Legionfall (Rank 98) (New) Your abilities have a chance to trigger Concordance of the Legionfall, increasing your primary stat by 51,000 for 10 sec.
- Concordance of the Legionfall (Rank 99) (New) Your abilities have a chance to trigger Concordance of the Legionfall, increasing your primary stat by 52,000 for 10 sec.
- Concordance of the Legionfall (Rank 100) (New) Your abilities have a chance to trigger Concordance of the Legionfall, increasing your primary stat by 53,000 for 10 sec.
Misc Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Adventure JournalQuests
- Dalaran - Area: Northrend > Crystalsong Forest > Dalaran. Description: "Visit the magical floating city of Dalaran in the skies above
Crystal Song Forest. " Quest #39210.Crystalsong Forest." Quest #39210.
Barber Shop Styles
- Hair (Female) - Highborn (New)
- Hair (Female) - Regal (New)
- Hair (Female) - Simple Elegance (New)
- Hair (Female) - Topknot (New)
- Hair (Female) - Vim (New)
- Hair (Female) - Vogue (New)
- Hair (Male) - Aristocrat (New)
- Hair (Male) - Bald and Beautiful (New)
- Hair (Male) - Cascade (New)
- Hair (Male) - Masquerade (New)
- Hair (Male) - Noble (New)
- Hair (Male) - Patrician (New)
- Hair (Male) - Vigor (New)
Highmountain Tauren
- Hair (Female) - Feathered (New)
- Hair (Female) - Flourish (New)
- Hair (Female) - Natural (New)
- Hair (Female) - Practical (New)
- Hair (Female) - Subtle (New)
- Hair (Male) - Bull Rush (New)
- Hair (Male) - Confident (New)
- Hair (Male) - Dauntless (New)
- Hair (Male) - Wide Load (New)
- Hair (Male) - Young Buck (New)
Void Elf
- Hair (Female) - Awoken (New)
- Hair (Female) - Consuming Shadows (New)
- Hair (Female) - Controlled Chaos (New)
- Hair (Female) - Elegance (New)
- Hair (Female) - Falling Tears (New)
- Hair (Female) - Melancholy (New)
- Hair (Female) - Pensive (New)
- Hair (Female) - Scandal (New)
- Hair (Female) - Unleashed (New)
- Hair (Female) - Wicked (New)
- Hair (Male) - Agony (New)
- Hair (Male) - Brooding (New)
- Hair (Male) - Dark Tides (New)
- Hair (Male) - Devoid (New)
- Hair (Male) - Flayer (New)
- Hair (Male) - Foehawk (New)
- Hair (Male) - Gentle Sadness (New)
- Hair (Male) - Restraint (New)
- Hair (Male) - Suffusion (New)
- Hair (Male) - Transience (New)
- Hair (Male) - Unkempt (New)
- Hair (Male) - Widowmaker (New)
Lightforged Draenei
- Hair (Female) - Adventurer (New)
- Hair (Female) - Bouffant (New)
- Hair (Female) - Chic (New)
- Hair (Female) - Fashion Forward (New)
- Hair (Female) - Graceful (New)
- Hair (Female) - Mac'Aree Dreams (New)
- Hair (Female) - Slicked (New)
- Hair (Male) - Brusque (New)
- Hair (Male) - Cascade (New)
- Hair (Male) - Long Tail (New)
- Hair (Male) - Marsuul Tail (New)
- Hair (Male) - Swooping Tail (New)
- Hair (Male) - Valiant (New)
Battle Masters
- Seething Shore - Resource Race. Level
: 45-110. Players: 5-10. Rated players: 10. Map: Seething Shore.
Character Titles
- Postmaster %s - Name changed from "Courier %s" to "Postmaster %s".
LFG Dungeons
- Telogrus Rift - Name changed from "Fate's Veil" to "Telogrus Rift". Alliance only. Map:
Fate's VeilTelogrus Rift Scenario. Level 0. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1 damage.
Map Areas
Seething Shore
- Seething Shore -
Music: PVP_BattleGrounds.Music: Zone_735_PVP_SeethingShoreWalk. - Seething Shore > Bonfire (New)
- Seething Shore > Crash Site (New)
- Seething Shore > Overlook (New)
- Seething Shore > Plunge (New)
- Seething Shore > Ridge (New)
- Seething Shore > Ruins (New)
- Seething Shore > Shipwreck (New)
- Seething Shore > Tar Pits (New)
- Seething Shore > Temple (New)
- Seething Shore > Tide Pools (New)
- Seething Shore > Tower (New)
- Seething Shore > Uncharted Territory (New)
- Seething Shore > Waterfall (New)
Telogrus Rift
- Telogrus Rift - Name changed from "Fate's Veil" to "Telogrus Rift".
Telogrus Rift Scenario
- Telogrus Rift - Name changed from "Fate's Veil" to "Telogrus Rift".
Transport: Azerite BG - Alliance Airship
- Alliance Airship (New)
Map Difficulties
- Telogrus Rift - Name changed from "Fate's Veil" to "Telogrus Rift".
- Telogrus Rift Scenario - Normal Scenario - Name changed from "Fate's Veil Scenario - Normal Scenario" to "Telogrus Rift Scenario - Normal Scenario".
- Telogrus Rift - Name changed from "Fate's Veil" to "Telogrus Rift".
- Telogrus Rift Scenario - Name changed from "Fate's Veil Scenario" to "Telogrus Rift Scenario".
Telogrus Rift
- Step 01: Telogrus Rift - Name changed from "Step 01: Fate's Veil" to "Step 01: Telogrus Rift".
World Safe Locations
- Argus - Krokuun Vindicaar (New)
Telogrus Rift Scenario
- Telogrus Rift - Name changed from "Fate's Veil" to "Telogrus Rift".
- Quest - Vashj'ir (Intro: Player Ride Tentacle) Safe Loc - GJC (New)
String Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Theme: Fire and IceTheme: Spook-tacular! - HOLIDAY_TRANSMOG_THEME_09 - Theme:
Theme: Heroes of AzerothTheme: Magical Modelling - PETTAME_ELITE_TOOHIGHLEVEL (New) - Elite creature is too high level for you to tame
- POSTMASTER_LETTER_FERALAS_MYTHIC (New) - Feathermoon Stronghold
- STORE_MICRO_BUTTON_ALERT_TRIAL_CAP_REACHED (New) - Buy the game to level past level 20.
- TRANSMOG_APPEARANCE_USABLE_HOLIDAY (New) - This appearance is only usable during holiday: %s.
- TRIAL_CAP_BANKED_LEVELS_TOOLTIP (New) - You have earned XP that exceeds your level cap. Buy the game to apply your banked XP and gain %d levels.
- TRIAL_CAP_BANKED_XP_TOOLTIP (New) - You have earned XP that exceeds your level cap. Buy the game to apply your banked XP.
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