Bug - Quest Log Being Wiped
Users are reporting that their quest log is being wiped when changing zones. A fix has gone out but it may take a little while to hit your realm.
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)
I am not trying to diminish the impact of this issue at all, it is obviously a huge deal. Especially depending on the quest that was lost... Bugs are regrettable when they happen, and we do what we can to deal with the outcome. I don't want to make any promises on a resolution when I don't know what may be possible here.

As an update, a fix has been found and implemented and it is populating through the live realms now. It will take a little while to cycle through and update across all realms/shard but folks should stop losing their quests.

So the question is will quests be restored, including the status that the quest was in, or are we gonna have to start all over? lol
I don't know if that is possible, Kamarel, but that is certainly part of the discussion about this situation. For the most part you should be able to just pick the abandoned quests back up, but for those who had partially or fully completed the quest, there may not be a way to verify that progress to restore it. One step at a time, let's get the quests to stop abandoning upon zoning first.

Should it not be possible for those of us affected to post someplace and have our quests restored from before the glitch started?
Likely not, Tawsh. We have no way to update quest progression, we're unable to grant partial progress, etc... . If we could, verification would require extensive log searches that may not actually provide a full history if some of the progress was made outside the scope of the logs (i.e. within a month on average).

As it stands it is unlikely that we'll be able to assist directly with restoring quest progress. If the quest required you to collect items that were not labeled as "Quest", they should still be in your inventory and the quest will update when you pick it back up.

You should otherwise be able to pick up any quest that you had before this incident by returning to the NPC that provided it.

We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience this issue has caused.

Is doing a rollback not possible?
As far as I know data isn't saved/stored in a manner that would make that feasible.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Bug - Quest Log Being Wiped started by chaud View original post
Comments 97 Comments
  1. Count Zero's Avatar
    Well damn, glad I haven't logged in yet today, hope that means I'm safe.
  1. SupBrah's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kathranis View Post
    Is there any information on when/why this occured and if it's still occuring?
    Apparently the hotfix to nerf honor farming in darkshore did it since they happened at the same time.
  1. Doffen's Avatar
    Just started another mage. Did one Quest done in Darkshire. Got a dungeon, and quests were lost. But then I was gonna get the Quest again and it completed right away so I guess it could track that from earlier.

    Noticed when I picked up the quests that it started as a bonus objective. Could that be a reason for the quests to disappear? Since it follows certain zones, so when you enter a new zone they just goes away.
  1. FelPlague's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Hinastorm View Post
    Just happened to me 5 minutes ago, I did not lose anything of consequence though.

    Thank god this happened now though, if it had to happen sometime. Imagine this happening to someone midway through a balance of power like quest in BFA, holy fuck.
    Imagine happening in BFA holy fuck thank god now, and thank god blizz realized they fucked up and said sorry, and were legit with what they could and could not do
  1. mmoc925aeb179c's Avatar
    They can keep them cleared so i don't have to clear them before bfa lul
  1. Noobslayer's Avatar
    I am still working on quests for my alts especially the class mount quests. Logged in on one of my toons and went to do the new BFA pre-expansion quests and as soon as I zoned I lost everything. I can't remember all the quests I had or where they came from. Shitty to say the least. I really truly hope something this stupid happens a month or two after BFA launches so Blizzard can reap the rewards of their incompetence. I have no intention of logging in now until BFA launches.
  1. sololux's Avatar
    This is starting to get a bit ridiculous. I understand the whole bugs happen sometimes argument but these past few weeks are a real eye opener on the current quality of this company. It may be time to find another game once and for all.
  1. rhorle's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Noobslayer View Post
    I really truly hope something this stupid happens a month or two after BFA launches so Blizzard can reap the rewards of their incompetence. I have no intention of logging in now until BFA launches.
    Why? Why would truly wish they screw up and impact millions of players? Why do you want millions to be just as mad as you are now?
  1. Laylriana's Avatar
    When my first character went to Legion I was in a group and the rest started the last quest with the death of Ysera cinematic before I got there. They completed it but I didn't get credit because I wasn't there yet. The quest was lost and so I was not able to get the 800 chest reward or complete Valsharah. I put in a ticket and in a couple days the quest was mailed to me so that I was able to complete Valsharah. Looks like they could do the same thing here.
  1. sopeonaroap's Avatar
    i've played a lot of wow, eso and GW2 in the past 2 years and wow has been the buggiest by far. i personally experienced 1 bug in GW2 (quest completion) and 0 bugs in ESO, i've experienced multiple bugs this week in wow (not to mention the other bugs)

    the days of blizzard being about quality in relation to other developers is long gone, this seals the deal. we're not going to make any progress in the MMORPG part of the gaming world as long as wow can crush competitors with brute strength.
  1. vlackrs's Avatar
    Just complete that quest for everyone and GG.
  1. Tucci's Avatar
    Damn, I'm glad I'm not playing currently. I have unattainable quests from vanilla and BC like "The Alliance Needs Purple Lotus!" and the "Chamber of Secrets" quest that awarded the Monster Slayer Kit.
  1. Esper's Avatar
    I had a few hundred kills on a Nemesis mission from the Gladiator's Sanctum. But I guess with the removal of Ashran, I was never really going to get that done anyway.
  1. Count Zero's Avatar
    Man I hope having used the Legion app today doesn't possibly trigger the same effect as logging into the game / switching zones, ugh I'm gonna be nervous about it until they say the bug is gone
  1. Kussie's Avatar
    Is doing a rollback not possible?
    As far as I know data isn't saved/stored in a manner that would make that feasible.
    Ahhh haven't they done rollbacks in the past? I'm sure i remember one or two around vanilla and some of the early expansion launches due to major bugs and issues
  1. Lenarific's Avatar
    idk whats going on seems my toons still have their quest..... But this is the most bugs iv ever seen in wow in over 12 yrs of playing.... Besides during Classic ofc
  1. capri sunset's Avatar
    Damn I didn't think I was that attached to the couple pointless no longer obtainable quests I had but I'm actually really sad, I feel like I've been robbed in broad daylight.
  1. Count Zero's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kussie View Post
    Ahhh haven't they done rollbacks in the past? I'm sure i remember one or two around vanilla and some of the early expansion launches due to major bugs and issues
    You can only roll back so far. Some of these quests people lost are over a decade old. This is probably something they will not be able to fix for people that it hit, unless maybe you literally only had quests you picked up today.
  1. Barnabas's Avatar
    this shit show continues. their server and data teams always find a way to screw something up.
  1. Zumacrume's Avatar
    I lost my quests - thought maybe Dalaran was being laggy so I logged out to work a bit. Well...that sucks!

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