Alterac Valley Adjustments
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
We’ve prepared a collection of improvements that we’re going to make to Alterac Valley in WoW Classic over the next few days. Our goal is to make surgical adjustments that address some of the more prominent pain points and unfortunate behaviors, without cracking open the substance of the battleground.

As Soon As Possible

We’re working on a hotfix that will go live soon that will make honorless targets unlootable. This is intended to further discourage camping the starting caves as an efficient activity.

With Scheduled Weekly Maintenance

Several concurrent adjustments should positively affect the initial state of each instance of Alterac Valley:
  • Alterac Valley will now allow parties of up to 5 players to queue together. When a party queues together, they will be placed into the same battleground.
  • There will no longer be a number in the name of the battleground in the “Join Battle” screen.
  • We’re fixing a setting that allowed the battleground to start with as few as 20 players on a team.

Soon After the Weekly Honor and Raid Reset

In WoW Classic (and original WoW), players who get fewer than 15 kills aren’t given any rank progress, and are given a standing amongst other players who had fewer than 15 kills. This standing is ignored and causes confusion, so it will no longer be displayed.

Finally, we’re updating the calculation of diminishing returns to match patch 1.12 of original WoW. When WoW Classic first launched the Honor System, we made the decision to decrease Honor by 25% per repeated kill. With world PvP being the only option for obtaining Honor at that time, this made sense. Now, PvP has primarly moved to battlegrounds where repetitious engagements can happen with much greater frequency. Starting next week, Honor will now decrease by 10% per repeated kill in both battlegrounds and world PvP.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Alterac Valley Adjustments started by Lumy View original post
Comments 45 Comments
  1. thatmikeguy's Avatar
    What is the point of this Fake Vanilla exactly? As a launch player, I don't understand what the draw is, as it was never like vanilla anyway. I'm guessing it's mostly seeing the old quests again, or for the first time? But the overall experience was never remotely possible, because almost two years if patches (including content) had gone by before that patch, and it's running on today's engine. At this point anything they do with Fake Vanilla will only anger people.
  1. popewaxGhost's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by PieBob View Post
  1. Queen of Hamsters's Avatar
    Love that even this, Classic fans blame on REEEEtail...

    It's Classic players complaining that's prompting these changes, nothing else.
  1. Hinastorm's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by thatmikeguy View Post
    What is the point of this Fake Vanilla exactly? As a launch player, I don't understand what the draw is, as it was never like vanilla anyway. I'm guessing it's mostly seeing the old quests again, or for the first time? But the overall experience was never remotely possible, because almost two years if patches (including content) had gone by before that patch, and it's running on today's engine. At this point anything they do with Fake Vanilla will only anger people.
    Personally, i'm not playing for nostalgia, classic is actually a good mmo. It's warty, and some parts could use improving (certain specs being pointless, some balance issues) but with the state that the mmo industry is in, classic is one of the best options right now.
  1. Voidwielder's Avatar
    What's the point of this if people are going to have itemisation of AQ by the time BWL is out?
  1. Hinastorm's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Voidwielder View Post
    What's the point of this if people are going to have itemisation of AQ by the time BWL is out?
    What does that have to do with breaking premades in AV?
  1. Spazlord's Avatar
    I'll take it, these are some good changes. Queue as a party, and removing the BG # from the AV queue pop.

  1. Majestic12's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Hinastorm View Post
    This breaks AV premades which never existed in vanilla. AV premades existing is a change.

    If you unironically respond to these changes with #nOcHaNgEs, you are...I want to use a word, but lets just say, dumb.
    AV premades still exist. Have you seen the premade discords? Hundreds of people queing at the same time in 5 man groups will still pop new games and see several groups together.

    People have already tried Blizzard's approach on private servers, it's not new and didn't solve anything.
  1. Katchii's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by aeuhe4yxzhds View Post
    Did you intentionally misunderstand his comment?
    No, I've seen a couple posts talking about stealth buffs to BWL and was just wondering where the rumors are coming from. Found it a bit coincidental that BWL buffs would get brought up in a thread about Alterac Valley.
  1. Relapses's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Madscientist View Post
    bUt SlIpPerY sLOpE iS nOt rEaL!!!11111. oh look another change since you retarded idiots ask for them. in about 2 years classic = bfa in terms of mechanics and fixes
    Yes, because removing AV premades makes Classic WoW exactly like retail.

    I really struggle to understand how people who think like this operate. Do you scream at your local grocery store when they stop carrying your favorite brand of mayonnaise?
  1. lukkoth's Avatar
    Ah yes, another change to placate the braying cries of the horde player base. They need to have AV too.
  1. Fancydress's Avatar
    It definitely looks like BWL buff is coming now. Blizzard are not afraid to adjust how players consume Classic WoW content.
  1. Arakakao's Avatar
    Who were expecting a note about the original AV coming back, at least during weekend events?
  1. relaxok's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Hinastorm View Post
    This breaks AV premades which never existed in vanilla. AV premades existing is a change.
    False. I ranked in 1.12 and my guildies and I were on voice comms and joined the same AV by number, we usually all got into it.
  1. edw's Avatar
    You can't fix this if you still have engraved in your brain #nochanges whatever the band-aide may be.
  1. Kayze's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by thatmikeguy View Post
    What is the point of this Fake Vanilla exactly? As a launch player, I don't understand what the draw is, as it was never like vanilla anyway. I'm guessing it's mostly seeing the old quests again, or for the first time? But the overall experience was never remotely possible, because almost two years if patches (including content) had gone by before that patch, and it's running on today's engine. At this point anything they do with Fake Vanilla will only anger people.
    I'm sure quite a few just wanted to experience original WoW in some way, but most want it for...

    Slower pacing and all levels/zones are relevant - Less urge to get to end game, more enjoying of the journey.
    Less meaningless rewards - Gives a stronger sense of accomplishment than retail's 4-5 rewards per LFD run.
    Somewhat challenging combat - Unlike retail, you can't pull a bunch of mobs and still guarantee a win. In fact it's the opposite. Classic forces more strategy in pulls and resource management.
    Resource management - Actually having to think about how you spend your resource adds more strategy, regardless of how trivial it might be, in all parts of the game. In retail, this is only true for maximizing DPS meters in a raid or pvping. For most classes, food and drink items are a joke in retail, but vital in classic.
    One class with multiple tweaks - Retail has 2-4 different classes based on its parent class. It's not bad but it does feel less like you're the actual class and much more a hyper focused specialization with loose ties to the class. Classic is more about being stronger with some abilities/playstyles but is ultimately still one class.
    A sense of community - Retail has no real social reputation because realms are all connected. You may never see nor interact with the same character again. Ninja loot? Who cares. Realm first? Meh. Top pvper of your realm? /golfclap. All these things matters when the population of a realm was consistent. You would be forced to name change if you had a bad rep on your realm.
    Stronger progression feels - Despite lower power progression compared to retail, accomplishing goals takes more investment and there's no purchasable content skipping (level boosts). I've lost the connection with my characters on retail as they're all disposable. I mean, the 120 boost is only $60 and equips the character with gold, bags, and ilvl 385 gear; Or free for expansion purchasers.
    Too many catch up mechanics - What's the point of even doing raids outside of LFR if the gear will be obsolete by the next major patch? I mean, You can get ilvl 380 gear in less than a week in Nazjatar, so what's the point in grinding Dazar'alor for 370/385 gear? Or if Mythic for 415, you can get 420 in Nazjatar far faster and easier.

    I point all these out while having only really played retail for the last couple of months. The main draw to Classic is that the more reasonable pain points or challenges you have, the more rewarding something feels. It's basic game design. Retail is the result of extreme tweaking due to player feedback being taken literally towards trivial barriers like learning abilities at a class trainer or manually forming a group to complete a dungeon.

    Retail ends up feeling less like a MMORPG and more like a theme park. Fun in its own right, sure, but less for the reason WoW was successful to begin with. Hopefully Shadowlands fixes this a bit.
  1. Niku's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Majestic12 View Post
    AV premades still exist. Have you seen the premade discords? Hundreds of people queing at the same time in 5 man groups will still pop new games and see several groups together.

    People have already tried Blizzard's approach on private servers, it's not new and didn't solve anything.
    Less 35+ man pre mades roflstomping horde teams in under 5 minutes = happier horde players.

    These 5 man pre mades getting more spread out into alliance pugs increasing the pugs chance att winning = happier alliance players.

    People who want to play with friends can now easily queue for the same AV = Everybody with a friend happy.

    Solid changes Blizzard, thank you.
  1. DechCJC's Avatar
    Oh god I’m going to love reading posts from the nochanges crowd
  1. Nnyco's Avatar
    This thread just proves once again what a cancer the classic community is.
  1. Magicon's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Marc2001 View Post
    LOL get wrekt. Fairness is too much for you guys?
    This wont be better for horde. Just saying.

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