Kael'thas Sunstrider New Voice Actor
Kael'thas Sunstrider has received new voice lines recorded by a different voice actor on Patch 9.1 PTR. All voice lines from Shadowlands as well as those from Burning Crusade have been completely replaced. It is currently unknown why the voice actor has been changed, although it's speculated that this might be a result of the allegations against Quinton Flynn, the original actor of Kael'thas Sunstrider.

Patch 9.1 Mythic+ Scoring System
Raider.IO has announced that Blizzard will implement a Mythic+ Scoring System in Patch 9.1. The system will be designed in a similar way to how the current scoring system works, and will be incorporated into the Raider.IO website.
Originally Posted by Raider.IO
We’ve got the inside scoop on a previously unannounced feature launching with Patch 9.1, "Chains of Domination":

Blizzard will be implementing a core Raider.IO feature: Mythic+ Scores! We have been both an advocate and the primary driver of Mythic+ Scores in the community since we started tracking Mythic+ over 4 years ago, so we're flattered that Blizzard is acknowledging how important this system has become by adding it directly into World of Warcraft.

The WoW development team has been in contact with us on this new Mythic+ scoring system, and they've expressed that they have designed theirs in a very similar way to how the Raider.IO Mythic+ Scoring system works.

We're eager to bring you deeper coverage of this system, including exactly how it works, and how it will be incorporated into Raider.IO - once the feature is live on the PTR.

We look forward to continuing to provide the community with the high quality features, content, and events that you've always come to expect from us!

Dark Legacy Comics #768
DLC #768 has been released!

This article was originally published in forum thread: Kael'thas Sunstrider New Voice Actor, Patch 9.1 Mythic+ Scoring System, DLC #768 started by Lumy View original post
Comments 419 Comments
  1. Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Vowrawn View Post
    There is a cancel culture. Making up excuses to ruin people's lives because an angry witch-hunting mob screeches about them, is evil, plain and simple. Flynn did nothing wrong. "Oooh he flirted with consenting adults on Twitter! That VILE MONSTER!", give me a break. Dumb kids are so sensitive these days. Back in the days of sanity, it took someone actually committing rape or murder, or at the least grand theft or drug abuse, to get fired. An actual conviction that proved them to be an evil POS. Now, all it takes is an army of whiny brats on Twitter making up "allegations" with no hard proof, or blowing things out of proportion.
    These “days of sanity” as you describe them have just never existed “cancel culture” has been here for all of human history the only thing that has changed at all is that the focus has shifted and will continue to do so but there has never been a period of human history without “cancer culture”.
  1. rrayy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    Why would they go back to change his TBC voice overs aswell? It's not for consistency because Blizzard doesn't know the meaning of the word.
    You answered your own question. Consistency, no matter how you try to take a shot at them over it.
  1. Xilurm's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Feanoro View Post
    For anyone cheering cancel culture, realize exactly the mindset you're applauding when you sneer about the principle of innocent until proven guilty.

    - "I am a delator, and that man spoke against Caesar!"
    - "She's old, alone, and creepy! Burn the witch!"
    - "Confess to being a heretic! Confess in the name of the Inquisition!"
    - "Grab some rope for the lynching, he raped that white girl!"
    - "We know ya dun it, and the rack will get the truth out of ya!"

    Support cancel culture and you're on the wrong side of history and justice.
    But cancel culture doesn't exist apparently.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by rrayy View Post
    You answered your own question. Consistency, no matter how you try to take a shot at them over it.
    So you're just telling me it's just a coincidence. Why now and not for Shadowlands in general?
  1. BoredReader22's Avatar
    I got a quick question to those that vehemently insist on him being a creep. From what i gather none of the girls where underage. The one he send the voicemail to (which btw i can find no recording of, i would like to hear it) seems to have been 20. And apperantly, she also was quiet flirty with him, sending him pictures and such.

    So my question is: At what point exactly does he become a "predatory creep"?! Dont get me wrong, no matter what the girl does, it doesnt give the dude a free pass for anything. But what we have here seems to be 2 consenting adults engaging in mutual flirting. Were his actions "cringy AF"? Yeah, maybe. But could you please framing it as some guy taking advantage of some unknowing little rabbit? Seriously, depending on were you live in the USA you are allowed to drive a car with 16, vote with 18 and drink alcohol with 18-21. You grant teenagers all that responsibility, but when it comes to this case, suddenly they are little kids that fall for "famous people" and suddenly dont know how to say "no"? How does that work? Sorry, but at that age, the "she just didnt know better" shtick just doesnt fly.

    Was he cringy and maybe a bit sleazy? Yes, no objection on that. But at what point does what seems like mutual, consentiual flirting between adults become "creepy predatory behaviour from one side"? I agree with other users, its strange to see how people apperantly instantly go nuts the moment its about sex and what they deem inappropriate. And to those that say "but he should have known better then to abuse his fame": Seriously? Like i said, we arent talking about little kids here. Its not some big profile rapper trying to convince a 16 year old girl to become is groupie in exchange for an apperance in his new video or anything, hell, i would understand the outcry in that situation. We are talking about a voiceactor interacting with a pretty grown woman who, from what i see, neither disliked the interaction nor did she try to dissuade him from it. Sorry, but from my point of view, its a pretty big stretch to try and see some "abuse of power dynamics" here. I mean, if we follow that logic, then whats next? Do we go back to the old times, aka "peasents only interacting with peasents, royalty only with royalty" and such? Because if this situation already counts as "abuse of power dynamics", then there is a whole lot more to consider for future dating.
  1. Wekko's Avatar
    Except you are wrong. I don't do sketchy things like weasel my way into girl's pants. Every relationship I've ever had was with someone who was truly interested me and I put work to be with in. I will gladly stand on a hill for everything I've done in my life, while simultaneously acknowledging I am not perfect and have made mistakes. Again, you can't point to any behavior I've done for them to come at me with, so you are just assuming they will for anything and everything when you haven't even proven that the mob will go after everyone. They seem to be going after people who put themselves in sketch situations. Name one person vaulted from society that you think deserves to be back in society and let's see your cringy list.
  1. Freedom's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Wekko View Post
    Except you are wrong. I don't do sketchy things like weasel my way into girl's pants. Every relationship I've ever had was with someone who was truly interested me and I put work to be with in. I will gladly stand on a hill for everything I've done in my life, while simultaneously acknowledging I am not perfect and have made mistakes. Again, you can't point to any behavior I've done for them to come at me with, so you are just assuming they will for anything and everything when you haven't even proven that the mob will go after everyone. They seem to be going after people who put themselves in sketch situations. Name one person vaulted from society that you think deserves to be back in society and let's see your cringy list.
    You and your type still don't get it do you... today it's a social media and cancel culture conviction of someone who we deem as sexually creepy, and then the culture shifts in unpredictable ways, but the precedent of mob justice and witch hunts is still there. Depending on which way the US goes politically, you could end up with the Trumplicans winning in 2024, and boom, suddenly being anti non-Christian or LGBTQ is the new cancel culture fad. Or in 2028, some "progressive" gets elected and suddenly the cancel culture fad is against anyone who protests to the idea of extreme socialism or slavery reparation direct payments. Actions set precedents...

    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    So you're just telling me it's just a coincidence. Why now and not for Shadowlands in general?
    Hmmm... hadn't thought of that. If anything, if this had been a planned move and not a knee-jerk reaction, it would have made more sense to replace the original voice actor BEFORE Shadowlands, given that Kael'thas has lines in Shadowlands - it would have been less re-recording. I mean, if you planned to replace him all along, why have the old voice actor record Kael'thas' lines for Shadowlands?
  1. Xilurm's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ketsui View Post
    There is no cancel culture, you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. How come Illidan voice actor is still fine? How about Khadgar? do i need to go on?
    Quote Originally Posted by Wekko View Post
    Except you are wrong. I don't do sketchy things like weasel my way into girl's pants. Every relationship I've ever had was with someone who was truly interested me and I put work to be with in. I will gladly stand on a hill for everything I've done in my life, while simultaneously acknowledging I am not perfect and have made mistakes. Again, you can't point to any behavior I've done for them to come at me with, so you are just assuming they will for anything and everything when you haven't even proven that the mob will go after everyone. They seem to be going after people who put themselves in sketch situations. Name one person vaulted from society that you think deserves to be back in society and let's see your cringy list.
    So when an artist puts native american garments on the characters he draws because he finds them cool, and then gets hundreds of people harassing him and sending death threats because he's "appropriating culture" you don't think that's messed up? You think he deserved it because it was a "sketch situation"? That's what cancel culture is, and just because you seem to think its happening to celebrities and famous people it doesn't mean the little guy who did nothing wrong gets harassed too.

    Here's the case of which I'm talking about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJHv0tGLm7Y

    Here's the artist apology post/last post https://twitter.com/eda_log/status/1346280495206727681

    You won't find many of the comments that harassed him because they are eclipsed by the people that rushed to his defense. But yeah, this shit happens, this is what cancel culture is.
  1. rrayy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    But cancel culture doesn't exist apparently.

    - - - Updated - - -

    So you're just telling me it's just a coincidence. Why now and not for Shadowlands in general?
    TBC is being re-released. IT also can be they are having problems coming to terms with the VA. If you are going to re-do the lines for that, you might as well copy them over to Shadowlands too for consistency.
  1. BoredReader22's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Wekko View Post
    Except you are wrong. I don't do sketchy things like weasel my way into girl's pants. Every relationship I've ever had was with someone who was truly interested me and I put work to be with in. I will gladly stand on a hill for everything I've done in my life, while simultaneously acknowledging I am not perfect and have made mistakes. Again, you can't point to any behavior I've done for them to come at me with, so you are just assuming they will for anything and everything when you haven't even proven that the mob will go after everyone. They seem to be going after people who put themselves in sketch situations. Name one person vaulted from society that you think deserves to be back in society and let's see your cringy list.
    Small correction: You THINK you havent done anything they would come after you for. But this case is a good example how "you think there is nothing" doesnt mean "they think there is nothing". We have what seems like 2 consenting adults engaging in mutual flirting. But somehow there seems to be something wrong with that, so now he gets to be crucified. And you can hardly call it "doing sketching things to get into her pantys" when she apperantly also flirted with him out of her own volition.
  1. deenman's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Garretdejiko View Post
    Should have isolated the important thing.

    If this doesn't do it for you...
    who the heck is kotic boby?
  1. Freedom's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by deenman View Post
    who the heck is kotic boby?
    Bobby Kotic? It's missing a b.
  1. deenman's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Verdugo View Post
    Then I am sure they will fire Danuser any second now.
    dunno what he did,also if the person brings in more money than they think they can potentialy lose by keeping him they ofc wont fire someone,companies arent people...they are as progresive or conservative as the financial winds blow

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
    Bobby Kotic? It's missing a b.
    his name is Robert A. Kotick
  1. kaelix1's Avatar
    The sad part about this is a type of behavior some here seem to defend is the type of behavior that make real victims not to be taken serious, stuff like blm/me2 and other that obvious have an agenda that is not pure to its name will make it worst in the future

    I had no attachment to the voice of Kael but I can say after listening to both, side by side the new one is shit
  1. LemonDemonGirl's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by deenman View Post
    who the heck is kotic boby?
    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
    Bobby Kotic? It's missing a b.
    It says '.Activision.com' underneath all of the redacted info too
  1. Garretdejiko's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by deenman View Post
    his name is Robert A. Kotick
    Lmao, you'd defend Actiblizz even if they use child blood to fuel the wow datacenters

    I'm just kidding btw
  1. Wekko's Avatar
    I'm 37 years old. I have a wife and kids. I know for a fact I haven't done anything wrong and you try to convince me that billions of people are in danger of getting cancelled "just because" is nothing more than fear mongering or guilty feelings on YOUR part. I know I haven't done anything wrong, but hey, keep telling yourself that the mob comes after NOBODY.

    - - - Updated - - -

    "hundreds of people"

    Billions of people exist on this Earth. If hundreds of DMs is your definition of cancel culture, then my friend, celebrities are probably cancelled EVERY DAY. Maybe you should check into the people who support his art, perhaps the artist caved when he shouldn't've. However, it is the artist's choice, not the mob's. You think it's the mobs, it is NEVER their choice.
  1. BoredReader22's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Bwonsamdi the Dead View Post
    It says '.Activision.com' underneath all of the redacted info too
    Call me dumb, but: And that means....what exactly? Yes, i know about the Epstein case, he was prosecuted for things like sex-trafficing. And from what i can find on Google, it seems the flight logs contain infos who at one point flew onboard his privat jet. Now lets ignore how easy it is to fake those pictures, which is why i would take any apperant document thats not provided by the court with a grain of salt. But lets say Kotik indeed flew with that jet once. Yes, certain people still can (and also "would" if it brings them any advantage / profit) construct some kind of "guilty by association" campaign out of that. But its till a bit of a different situation compared to Flynn, where its not about "association" but the person in question directly is made out to be the guilty one.

    I'm 37 years old. I have a wife and kids. I know for a fact I haven't done anything wrong and you try to convince me that billions of people are in danger of getting cancelled "just because" is nothing more than fear mongering or guilty feelings on YOUR part. I know I haven't done anything wrong, but hey, keep telling yourself that the mob comes after NOBODY.
    Wait a second, in your last post you said you achknowledge that you arent perfect and that you have made mistakes. How come now you "know for a fact" that you havent done anything wrong? Also i repeat: You THINK you havent done anything wrong. In this case, 2 consenting adults engage in mutual flirting. Tell me, if 2 adults flirting with each other already is enough to get people riled up about it, how can you be so sure there is nothing in your past that gets them riled uo? Remember, its not about what you think is good or bad behaviour, its about what THEY think it is. And appreantly, flirting with someone that flirts with you already is "bad" and has to be shunned.
    Oh, and no, "he abused his power / tried to weasel his way into her pants" is no argument. Like i said, we arent talking about some little kid getting pressured into someting / baited with promises, we talk about a grown woman who apperantly also flirted with him out of her own volition. Not to mention that would qualify any guy that f.e. buys a drink for a girl as a "creep" since he did so with ulterious motives....
  1. Wekko's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
    You and your type still don't get it do you... today it's a social media and cancel culture conviction of someone who we deem as sexually creepy, and then the culture shifts in unpredictable ways, but the precedent of mob justice and witch hunts is still there. Depending on which way the US goes politically, you could end up with the Trumplicans winning in 2024, and boom, suddenly being anti non-Christian or LGBTQ is the new cancel culture fad. Or in 2028, some "progressive" gets elected and suddenly the cancel culture fad is against anyone who protests to the idea of extreme socialism or slavery reparation direct payments. Actions set precedents...

    Hmmm... hadn't thought of that. If anything, if this had been a planned move and not a knee-jerk reaction, it would have made more sense to replace the original voice actor BEFORE Shadowlands, given that Kael'thas has lines in Shadowlands - it would have been less re-recording. I mean, if you planned to replace him all along, why have the old voice actor record Kael'thas' lines for Shadowlands?
    Here's the reality: if you behave in a way that bothers society, you're going to have a hard time existing in that society. No, we are not going to normalize creepy behavior so that creeps can exist with us. If they want to combat and defend their behavior, good riddance. If they want to justify their behavior, good riddance. There is no universal law that says "humans have to accept every human for who they are". Human society is set up by norms and standards and if you don't follow them, there is no guarantee that you can have a safe life in that society. None. If you think so, I'd love to see your philosophical argument as to why humans must accept all human behaviors in society.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I think a lot of people in this thread seem to think that if you didn't do anything criminally wrong, your employer has no right to sever ties with you. In no capacity has that standard ever existed in society or will it ever.
  1. Freedom's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Wekko View Post
    Here's the reality: if you behave in a way that bothers society, you're going to have a hard time existing in that society. No, we are not going to normalize creepy behavior so that creeps can exist with us. If they want to combat and defend their behavior, good riddance. If they want to justify their behavior, good riddance. There is no universal law that says "humans have to accept every human for who they are". Human society is set up by norms and standards and if you don't follow them, there is no guarantee that you can have a safe life in that society. None. If you think so, I'd love to see your philosophical argument as to why humans must accept all human behaviors in society.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I think a lot of people in this thread seem to think that if you didn't do anything criminally wrong, your employer has no right to sever ties with you. In no capacity has that standard ever existed in society or will it ever.
    First bolded - where does that logic seem familiar? Oh right, the likes of ISIS justifying their butchery, killing people and actions because it's their society's will. After all, the Yazidis were infidels, and all the LGBTQ people they killed were just "creeps". Just ask - everyone under their rule agreed!... on pain of death if they spoke out against their witch hunts and jihads. Or the white Christian nationalists who assaulted the Capitol on the 6th, because they believe the election was stolen.

    You should never empower any part of society to make massive power moves or it gets abused easily. It doesn't matter if it's executive power of a dictator, or that of a howling mob eager to destroy democracy and over 250 year's worth of work and progress... all because their Trump card failed.

    On that last part... You ever hear of civil rights legislation? Laws preventing employers from firing women because they get pregnant? No?

    Whatever, this isn't worth it.
  1. Garretdejiko's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by BoredReader22 View Post
    Call me dumb, but: And that means....what exactly? Yes, i know about the Epstein case, he was prosecuted for things like sex-trafficing. And from what i can find on Google, it seems the flight logs contain infos who at one point flew onboard his privat jet. Now lets ignore how easy it is to fake those pictures, which is why i would take any apperant document thats not provided by the court with a grain of salt. But lets say Kotik indeed flew with that jet once. Yes, certain people still can (and also "would" if it brings them any advantage / profit) construct some kind of "guilty by association" campaign out of that. But its till a bit of a different situation compared to Flynn, where its not about "association" but the person in question directly is made out to be the guilty one.
    No, let's not. That's how the Twitter court works. I didn't say Bobby used to diddle kids along with Epstein, but it took far far far less to cancel Quinton Flynn.

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