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  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Reith View Post
    That's going to be the crux on which they don't do much else with ret. "We already removed Holy Wrath for you, asking for anything else is just too much."

    - - - Updated - - -

    And just think, ret used to have a talent to have 2 charges on a 25 second Freedom... :|
    Once upon a time it could be talented down to something like a 20s CD and it had a 12s duration. Oh, and it broke stuns.

  2. #62
    Get rid of that travesty that is the judgment mechanic. After coming back from a long break and trying to play that didn't make any sense to me at all.
    Anyone else think Jaime Lannister only has the Kingslayer title because he was just too lazy to kill the king on heroic mode?

  3. #63
    Proper paladin healing, a drop of this priest in plate playstyle...

  4. #64
    I'd be up for proper paladin healing - spam Holy Light all day, Flash of Light all night...

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by Sungamnori View Post
    So we have a taste of what's to come in 8.0 at a very general scale.

    I'm excited at the prospect of Lightforged Draenei... I might race-change my drwarf pally to this new sub-race.

    What all Paladin specific changes do you want to see in the next xpac?

    I wonder if we'll somehow get to imbue ourselves with the Wake of Ashes spell (and other artifact spells) as we discard our artifacts so that we can continue to use that ability?

    But the one thing I think I want most of all... is a 4th spec option for Shockadin. A holy damage ranged caster with high survivability (using a 1h/shield) so likely no or very little mobility. Just give it to us already. There have been Shockadins since Vanilla... make it official already.

    You think PALADINS will get development

    YOu think another spec is warrented?

    It's been 14 years and the still havnt even given Retribution Paladins more than an after thought of development.

    I'll tell you how Paladin feedback will go in beta

    hundreds of pages of feedback ignored and a failed design goes live that was "unforseen consequences" by the developers that was posted countless times during beta.

    Just like the last 14 years every single time

  6. #66
    The Patient
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    My may wish is to de-arms us. What I mean is that the Judgment window that boosts our finishers is not a paladin play style. Its more of an Arms playstyle.

    Judgment and Final / Templar's Verdict have a nice name interaction with them. Verdict is the finding of the paladin and then a judgment is issued. Perhaps make these interact in the opposite way.

    [EDIT] So I refined somewhat my idea on how Judgment will interact with TV and here is how I envision it:

    Judgment is now the bread and butter of the build. It is our hard hitter and through talents could apply various debuffs on the target. The general concept of the spec would be as follows:

    Mastery: Divine judgement - Increases the damage of Judgement on the target by 35% per stack of Verdict consumed. (More mastery increases the damage increase)

    Judgement: Judges the target dealing (250% of spell damage) holy damage. Can only be used on targets with Verdict on them. 8 sec cooldown.

    Templar's Verdict: A powerful weapon strike that deals [560% * ((max(0, min(Level - 10, 10)) * 11 + 290) / 400)] Holy damage. Applies Verdict to the target and reduces the cooldown of Judgement by 2 seconds.

    Divine Storm: Unleashes a whirl of divine energy, dealing 275% Holy damage to all nearby enemies. Applies Verdict to each target hit and reduces the cooldown of Judgement by 2 seconds.

    How the spec functions:
    Judgement can not be used unless a target has been hit by TV or DS. Once a target has received the Verdict debuff then Judgement can be used. The interaction with DS allows Judgement to be useful in AE situations and not only single target situations.

    Mastery increases Judgement damage as it currently does in game. If the talent Final Verdict is chosen, then Verdict can stack, allowing the player to decide whether they wish to delay use of Judgment until they have more than 1 stacks of Verdict, in which case they have a higher burst damage.

    Final Verdict (Talent):
    Templar's Verdict and Divine Storms damage is increased by 20% and Verdict can now stack up to 5 times. Judgement's cooldown is no longer reduced.

    Purpose of the talent is to allow the user to decide burst vs more consistent damage.

    Obviously the idea needs to be expanded however this is the main idea.
    Last edited by Firann; 2017-11-05 at 09:16 PM.

  7. #67
    The Patient Blackspiral's Avatar
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    Given Blizz's penchant for ignoring the majority of class feedback, I'm not going to hold my breath.


    What I want to see:


    Get rid of the Arms warrior copy and paste mechanic - Give us back ranged attacks like Exorcism and Hammer of Wrath - Baseline AOE like Consecration and Hammer of Righteousness - Wake of Ashes being baseline or at least a talent

    Give them the Prot Talent that turns Consecration into an AOE Heal. This seemed more like a Holy Spec Flavor talent to me, not Prot. More so that Holy is seen as jumping into the front line fray with allies fantasy.

    Raise are blasted Stamina so we are closer to other Tanks - Make it so we aren't SOL if we don't have some kind of Defensive up and a big hit comes in - Bring back Crusader Strike for Prot. Having no Single Target attack besides judgement and Shield threw me off at first. It would be nice for filler when you don't necessarily want to spam more AOE or if you are off tanking and don't need to use a defensive or SOR yet.

    Mobility. Good god Mobility. I could actually move nicely in WOD, made farming older content and current content bearable. Now I feel like I'm sinking in quicksand every time I move.

  8. #68
    I'm fairly happy with Prot. There are some balance niggles, but in terms of mechanics and playstyle I'm happy enough.

    Ret is trash to me now, I absolutely hate it. It can only get better.

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by Smrtby View Post
    I'm fairly happy with Prot. There are some balance niggles, but in terms of mechanics and playstyle I'm happy enough.

    Ret is trash to me now, I absolutely hate it. It can only get better.

    There's a lot that could be done, so it'll be interesting. Ideally Wake of Ashes doesn't become a 100 talent, although that tier (and the "healing" tier) actually make sense now. Things like Blade of Justice don't make sense since we're moving away from Ashbringer - so maybe Exorcism comes back to replace it? For a quick list of other thoughs:

    • Remove Greater Blessings since they're... well, not very great.
    • Add some complexity back to the rotation. Seals, Inquision, anything.
    • I like the new idea of class auras, but maybe it should come down to the spec? Giving 10% armor as Ret seems... odd.
    • Can we get that old Final Verdict animation back, since we're moving away from Ashbringer? Or any type of cool, hammer-based abilities that we really want back?

  10. #70
    Pandaren Monk Demsi's Avatar
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    I want it all and i want it now

  11. #71
    i havent enjoyed ret since 3.3.5
    that could change maybe?

  12. #72
    For Azeroth!
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    My Nightborne paladin hope was crushed (but they also didn't have lore behind it), but Zandalari (Prelates) would be amazing too.

    Class balance will come, not gonna take blizzcon test builds for granted.

  13. #73
    I hope Blizzard will let Holy Paladins use shields again.

  14. #74
    Epic! Ryuji's Avatar
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    So we'll be able to transmog Val'anyr when Ulduar timewalking comes out. I already have a set in mind.

    Link to hammer for reference/refresh memory:

    and the announcement itself(also on WoWhead):
    Quote Originally Posted by Sakpoth View Post
    I find it unreasonable to ask for other than obvious reasons, when the reason obviously is the obvious reason.

    Song that's currently stuck in my head: pretty much anything from Dance With the Dead

  15. #75
    Im really shocked no one here has mentioned Ret Passive, have they removed it allready? Or are people actually happy with this stupid unnecessary thing?

    My hopes for 8.0:


    -Virtues Blade
    -Shield of Vengance
    -Judgement debuff


    -Hammer of Wrath
    -Divine Protection
    -Some speed buff from the past, like Pursuit of Justice or Long arm of thw Law

    Revisit our Talents so that we dont have so many dead options, perhaps make Cons and ES baseline.

    As well as either itterate on Crusade to make the competiton in that tier more possible.

    And please, for the love of god, give us the option to Dps from a range to reduce downtime... Having only Judgement (at 30 yards) is so annoying...

    Madness will consume you!!!

  16. #76
    Scarab Lord Wries's Avatar
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    For holy. In terms of abilities and "rotation" I hope they don't touch much. Maybe re-evaluate if the "close range" aspect is worth it, but otherwise it seems to me they made a good spec.

    Ret.. Imho they could try something new. The Holy power system makes it feel like an unfinished holy rogue. The combo points are there but the abilities around them are not. And the animation revamp was a regression in ret's case. Toss it all in the bin and start over.

    Prot I haven't played much.

  17. #77
    I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere yet, but in the Blizzcon demo, Divine Steed's recharge time was increased from 45 seconds to 60 seconds. We'll be even slower.

  18. #78
    My hope is that we don't get any new races, like night elves, suramar elves or void elves as paladins... :P

    The 2 followers are enough.

  19. #79
    Bloodsail Admiral ovm33's Avatar
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    Maybe I was the only one who ever loved it...
    I sat alone in the dark one night, tuning in by remote.
    I found a preacher who spoke of the light, but there was Brimstone in his throat.
    He'd show me the way, according to him, in return for my personal check.
    I flipped my channel back to CNN and lit another cigarette.

  20. #80
    nerf it to the ground baby!

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