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  1. #1

    Sick of negativity against WoW!

    I don't understand people that can be so against changes. Does people really want the game to stand still forever and never evolve?
    So things changes, everything changes. I do enjoy every expansion because they are different, not every may had the best systems.
    But i like when the developers are going out of their comfort zone and try new things and new systems, and not just stay in the past.
    AftermathhUI: @ WoWinterface
    Dirty Twist: @ Soundcloud

  2. #2
    Change can be good.
    Cancer is also change, but not good.
    BFA is cancer.

  3. #3
    This looks promising *grabs popcorns*

  4. #4
    lol there weren't that many changes in BFA, it's just a poor man's Legion.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Aftermathhqt View Post
    I don't understand people that can be so against changes. Does people really want the game to stand still forever and never evolve?
    So things changes, everything changes. I do enjoy every expansion because they are different, not every may had the best systems.
    But i like when the developers are going out of their comfort zone and try new things and new systems, and not just stay in the past.
    I'm sick and tired of people trying to defend this expansion, when it basically is just a subtraction when compared to Legion or even when compared to WoD.

    Yes, people do want changes, but they don't want lazy a__ sh_t changes.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Aftermathhqt View Post
    I don't understand people that can be so against changes. Does people really want the game to stand still forever and never evolve?
    So things changes, everything changes. I do enjoy every expansion because they are different, not every may had the best systems.
    But i like when the developers are going out of their comfort zone and try new things and new systems, and not just stay in the past.
    I think the hang up is making changes just for the sake of making changes and not ones that make sense. Like :

    - Getting ride of the 40-50 point s kill tree. Now we have 6 talents. The trees were fine, even if they were cookie cutter. It made you feel like you actually earned something for leveling.
    - Changing the Enchanting / Jewel system.
    - Having 4 raid difficulties.
    - Welfare Gear
    - Facebook games (garrison shit)

    Their are ways you can improve the game without neutering it and dumbing it down with every decision they make. They also need to be fallible. If they realize a change is extremely poorly received, they need to revert it and not try to build upon it, like the Artifact Power system that is in place. Its hated yet they doubled down on it and will probably use it again next expac. They are incapable of admitting mistakes and fixing those mistakes.

  7. #7
    Bobby's not gonna get his money if people are happy and have fun. Just endless desperate grind will milk people dry of every last bloody cent.

  8. #8
    Then maybe Blizzard shouldn't have made a terrible expansion.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Aftermathhqt View Post
    I don't understand people that can be so against changes. Does people really want the game to stand still forever and never evolve?
    So things changes, everything changes. I do enjoy every expansion because they are different, not every may had the best systems.
    But i like when the developers are going out of their comfort zone and try new things and new systems, and not just stay in the past.
    nobody's against good changes..

  10. #10
    High Overlord MasterMirror's Avatar
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    I'm waiting for Classic.

    Not because of the game, because Vanilla was crap and everyone except nostalgifags and fanboys could agree with this, but because people who say that WoW is ruined because is no more like in the past will play it and get bored like they are now. What will be their excuse then?

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Aftermathhqt View Post
    I don't understand people that can be so against changes. Does people really want the game to stand still forever and never evolve?
    So things changes, everything changes. I do enjoy every expansion because they are different, not every may had the best systems.
    But i like when the developers are going out of their comfort zone and try new things and new systems, and not just stay in the past.
    I mean most of the complaints about BfA are in fact about how it's in many ways just like Legion and things either haven't changed/improved at all (like world quests) or they got worse for some reason (like artifacts).

    Yeah I also like it when things change and when everything feels fresh... but not everything that's fresh is also good.

  12. #12
    I especially don't understand the YT hate. Every new blizzard's video gets overwhelming amount of dislikes.
    If you hate something so much you go out of your way to make sure you dislike every video, maybe you should admit the game is no longer for you and move on.

    It's especially the entitled mentality of video gamers. Your yt dislikes won't make the game more like you've liked it before. You are just wasting your precious time on hate. Just stop.

  13. #13
    No I don't want the game to stand still. I want it to go backwards!

  14. #14
    Gosh, what an unproductive opinion

    It's great you like every expansion. At least, good for you.
    But next time you start a thread, at least give it a logical reasoning.

    They actually didn't get out of a comfort zone, they are building one They use patterns in development, which actually proves the opposite (compare the Artifact Weapons system with the Azerite one).

    "It's good to have changes" - I'd agree, if the changes were worth it. Nobody wants to "stand still forever and never evolve". People have some real feelings with the game. They simply get mad seeing the game going in the wrong direction. It's THAT simple.

  15. #15
    It's just the opposite here. BfA is a pale copy of Legion. Developers are 100% staying in their comfort zone. Your argument is not valid.

  16. #16
    'What's wrong with the new steak recipe, it's just uncooked and it has animal bite marks on it!'

  17. #17
    The negativity comes from love, not hate for the game.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Tonkaden View Post
    I think the hang up is making changes just for the sake of making changes and not ones that make sense. Like :

    - Getting ride of the 40-50 point s kill tree. Now we have 6 talents. The trees were fine, even if they were cookie cutter. It made you feel like you actually earned something for leveling.
    - Changing the Enchanting / Jewel system.
    - Having 4 raid difficulties.
    - Welfare Gear
    - Facebook games (garrison shit)

    Their are ways you can improve the game without neutering it and dumbing it down with every decision they make. They also need to be fallible. If they realize a change is extremely poorly received, they need to revert it and not try to build upon it, like the Artifact Power system that is in place. Its hated yet they doubled down on it and will probably use it again next expac. They are incapable of admitting mistakes and fixing those mistakes.
    Can I give my opinion on some of these points purely for an open debate and wanting to make this game great again?

    So the good ol trusty "vanilla" talents. For optimal yes there is cookie cutter, but doesn't that make it less fun because now you have 0 options?
    On the other hand I feel you are also right because back in the day you felt rewarded for leveling every level it was "oh sweet now I have 5% crit! and now I can move on to the next talent!"
    Now we have every 15 levels of "um i guess ill just take this i dont really care" feeling, its more options but at the same time it is also "cookie cutter" according to websites which obviously going to happen.

    Jewels/Enchanting - ALL professions: they did at one point mean something, i remember choosing to be a specialized weaponsmith and now none of them have much impact or want or need or comparison to any raid gear so its what is the point? Jewels and Enchants should give you a slight edge pumping stats - i hate legion and bfa professions and progressions of them

    4 raid difficulties: LFG/LFR oh man, this was there to help low population servers and supposed to help people find groups easier. Sometimes classes of DPS were not invited because they "sucked" vs another class, remember BC? who would you take Lock vs Mage? Invite mage, mage make a table please, okay thanks kick the mage bring the lock in. Oh you are a pally? you heal main tank - druid? you are a healer. LFG/LFR did take away the social aspect of.. "hey that one tank on our server is on get him in hes good" It took that away from servers thus not social.

    Garrisons.. MAN at blizzcon this was cheered hardcore. PEOPLE WERE SUPER excited for Garrisons it looked so badass the announcements, really looked forward to it! These however took away exploring the world.. and just didnt live up to peoples expectations. But, the idea was good it was there you had your own little fort your own things you can do and you could invite your buddies into there have little parties etc I always think the backbone of it is there, and if Blizzard wanted to they could re-introduce it and improve on it

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Fistfighter View Post
    I especially don't understand the YT hate. Every new blizzard's video gets overwhelming amount of dislikes.
    If you hate something so much you go out of your way to make sure you dislike every video, maybe you should admit the game is no longer for you and move on.

    It's especially the entitled mentality of video gamers. Your yt dislikes won't make the game more like you've liked it before. You are just wasting your precious time on hate. Just stop.
    Yes they can. The users aren't disliking their videos "because fuck you", but they're disliking them, because they dislike the content of this video and the current state of the game. Liking/Disliking a video is an intended way (by YouTube) to rate a video dude.

    All of their last videos were complete shit: The Allied Races video was shit, because people expected the Zandalari to be available at launch already (as was announced during Blizzcon) and most people seem to actually dislike this Allied Races(=You have to grind rep to unlock a race that you want to play, which in the past wasn't necessary) system overall; then we have the pig store mount video... I mean this speaks for itself; and the surival guides were just shit. People were expecting that 8.1 would fix most of the issues with BfA, especially classes and azerite(which was also explicitly said by Blizz that they'd address class issues in 8.1) and they hoped for more content, since BfA by itself was already pretty lackluster (at least when you're just playing 1 faction or 1 character, which most people do).

    And yes player feedback does have an impact most of the time, not only at Blizzard, but everywhere in the game industry.

    Everyone has a right to give feedback on something. It's none of your business what someone does with his/her life.

  20. #20
    That's not why people are upset. If anything, the lack of changes are what bugs people more.

    If you're sick of negativity towards WoW, then hold WoW to a higher standard. Don't blame players for being unhappy with a shit game state.

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