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  1. #1
    Blademaster Enabrann's Avatar
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    Boycott Shadowlands? Is Classic being Ruined on purpose?

    I have a question for you...

    Why did Blizzard release 1.12 Alterac Valley, KNOWING that was the version that players hated?

    Why then, did they release the "Korrak's Revenge Alterac Valley Event" a.k.a "The version players actually wanted" over on Battle for Azeroth?

    That comes across as pretty cynical...

    Classic gets the bad AV, Retail gets the Good AV, it feels like Classic is the Red-headed stepchild, and Blizzard is showing favoritism to Retail.

    And before anyone tries to defend BFA, in one year Blizzard sent out 2 separate Surveys asking people why they didn't like Battle for Azeroth.

    They didn't even do that for Warlords of Draenor...I think that says everything about this "expansion".

    A lot of people, including myself, believe Classic is being sabotaged on purpose for 2 main reasons.

    Firstly, saving Face.

    The current President of Blizzard, J. Allen Brack, famously said "You think you do but you don't" when it came to Classic servers.

    And when Classic released, it broke Twitch records, and had record numbers of Subscribers returning.

    It even won PC Game of the Year at the Golden Joystick awards...that's right, a 2004 game is the best game in sad and pathetic has the gaming industry gotten?

    And Mr. Brack thought that don't want this game. That's embarrassing, especially if you're the President of the company.

    Ion Hazzikostas made Battle for Azeroth...which did not win "PC Game of the Year" in either 2018 or, the 15 year old version of the game won that, but your brand-spanking new expansion...didn't.

    Ion Hazzikostas was also put in charge of Classic Wow.

    Now imagine if people would rather play a 15-year old version of your game, than the current product. That would be embarrassing for the guy in charge of the game.

    And if, hypothetically, Classic ended up failing, then at least Ion Hazzikostas could save face, and make the excuse that World of Warcraft is an old and worn out franchise, and that it's not his fault for its poor performance.

    So when Ion Hazzkostas put layering into the game, loot trading, 16 debuff slots, 1.12 Alterac Valley, and baked the 7.3.5 Legion client into Classic...I have this suspicion that there was an ulterior motive.

    He put in these features to ruin the game on purpose.

    Layering created overpopulated servers, which had to be remedied with Server transfers.

    However because they weren't faction locked, it led to Faction imbalances, and you have servers like Flamelash (EU) that literally only have Horde.

    But why didn't they put in Faction-locked transfers?

    Surely this company that has been running this game for 15 years, and is run by the best talent in the gaming industry, could have foreseen this problem.

    How can industry Veterans make such rookie mistakes?

    On top of that 16 debuff slots, and 1.12 Talents basically nerfed the content.

    So when <APES> got World First Molten Core and Onyxia within 5 days of the game launching, it made the game look like a joke.

    Why didn't they start with 1.1 Talents? Was it too hard for a Multi-Billion dollar corporation to do that?

    One obvious mistake after another that the players told them would happen MONTHS in advance; forum post after forum post, but they...they didn't know?

    They had all this community feedback, 15 years of experience, and they made this game for Christ's sake...but they make all these oopsies?

    It just doesn't add up.

    On top of that, rushing out Phase 2 before the majority of the player-base was even level 60, turned one of the most anticipated Phases of Classic into a complete Nightmare, was a great move by the "geniuses" in charge.

    People were trying to level, only to get corpse-camped over and over, and just quit the game because it was unplayable.

    Why didn't they wait for a sizable portion of players to actually get to 60, and then actually have a legitimate chance at fighting back in Wpvp, and not become Canon fodder?

    Classic has only been out for 4 months now...and the guy in charge has already made a dog's breakfast out of it.

    How can a Multi-Billion dollar corporation have so much trouble rebooting a 15-year old game?

    The 2019 servers can't even handle Wpvp or World Bosses! Complete lag fests. 15 Years AFTER this game was launched.

    While a bunch of Russians living in their mom's basement can actually make a MORE stable server.

    It just doesn't add up.

    Secondly. Classic is being Ruined to strong-arm Classic players into buying Shadowlands.

    The Classic content is being rushed at a Pace of around 2 months per Phase.

    With 6 phases, Classic will be done in a year from launch. Originally Classic lasted 2 years...not 1.

    What a coincidence...Next year Blizzard is launching their next expansion.

    If you Classic players are done with your (rushed) adventure, why not buy Shadowlands?

    We promise it will be better than the last expansion....promise!

    Classic Wow originally made World of Warcraft and Blizzard into household names.

    It shattered the MMO industry, and was the undisputed King for a Decade.

    The Game has withstood the test of time, and 15 years later people still want to play it.

    But it is being run into the ground.

    Activision-Blizzard can't release a good game even if literally handed a finished product like Classic.

    They seem to be sabotaging Classic in favor of Retail,

    Cutting off the nose to spite the face.

    Because Classic's success is an embarrassment to certain higher-ups.

    It is in their interest for Classic to fail.

    Now Ion Hazzikostas thinks Shadowlands will salvage his reputation...

    Re-hashing World quests, Rep grinds, some new Artfiact/Azerite/Anima power grind, Mission tables, won't save the game.

    Shadowlands is looking like BFA 2.0

    I think Classic players will become disappointment at the mishandling of Classic that they will refuse to buy Shadowlands.

    Remember, we all left in Warlords of Draenor, and BFA...if another Blizzard product fails, we'll leave again.

    I genuinely think if Blizzard keeps going down this route of sabotage, they will burn their customers, who in turn will Boycott their products.

    Or maybe Blizzard will do another Blitzchung PR Blunder...and to be honest...I'm looking forward to it.

    "You think you do, but you don't", "Do you guys not have phones", The Blitzchung Drama, The Nostalrius's entertaining.

    But I hope Blizzard Entertainment refers to the Entertainment Blizzard offers, and not the Entertainment derived from watching this company Implode.
    Last edited by Enabrann; 2020-01-05 at 04:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Shadowlands will be the first WoW xpac I do not buy ..

  3. #3
    The level of delusion with every paragraph, far too much.

  4. #4
    >Blizzard is showing favoritism to Retail

    As they should. Classic is a niche product for a niche audience, and in the grand scheme of things simply doesn't matter, aside from being an absolutely horrible game that has no legs to stand on in todays gaming scene.

  5. #5
    Will classic devotees ever stop crying over everything? You wanted an old and faulty game, you got it.

  6. #6
    10+ Year Old Account
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    It seems the "you think you do, but you don't" was right. All I'm seeing here is "WAH WAH WAH".

  7. #7
    Oh my god.

    You're one of those people who will just complain no matter what happens.

    Someone could give you 100 pounds of gold for free, and you would complain that its heavy.

    Like, shut the fuck up. Be happy they did Classic at all, after years of them saying they didn't want to. They knew they made a mistake with how popular it is. And MOST of the voices I've seen, are VERY VERY happy with Classic. They picked a good, fair patch with decent bug fixes in place and with how popular it has been, its obviously making 99% of the player base happy. Other than folks like you. Who again, will literally complain no matter what.

  8. #8
    Lmao, how can someone even come up with this shit is beyond me.

  9. #9
    In medevial times OP would have been drowned in the river by his parents so he wouldn't be a burden on society.

  10. #10
    Bloodsail Admiral Ryuda's Avatar
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    I think I have some extra tinfoil lying around, if OP would like a hat.
    so Warlords of Draenor is /'woɹː.loɹːdz ʌv 'ɖɹæːn.oɹː/.
    I've always loved how in an attempt to make pronunciation through text easier to understand people have created a seemingly alien cypher for which few people without a degree related to language would ever been able to understand.

  11. #11
    I am Murloc! KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
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    This is like the 3rd time you've posted a thread about this topic.

  12. #12
    Blademaster Enabrann's Avatar
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    99% are happy...(X) Doubt

    People have been leaving in droves not because Classic is a bad game, but Blizzard literally took all the worst parts of the game, cobbled it together, put some glue on, and call it "The Original experience".

    Watch some of these "WPVP" fights on youtube, they are so laggy and bad...small indie company Blizzard doesn't have the money for servers...

  13. #13
    Yes, blizzard are purposfully sabotaging something that requires less upkeep so people will MAYBE play something that requires more upkeep.

  14. #14
    Subs dont make Blizzard much money. Its all about Box sales and the whales buying from the store. So it would make sense for them to try and get Classic only players to be intersted in Retail. Main reason they are reworking all the Leveling in Shadowlands. People getting overwelmed if they missed a few expos means they never come back(most of my friends).

    I dont think they are trying to destroy classic but I agree they could have done a better job with some of it. The NO CHANGES is actually hurting the game since we started with the 1.12 client.
    I honestly Wish it would have been a remaster. Slight class changes to make everyone a little more viable with graphical overhaul to Legion level graphics, with a Toggle to go back and forth like the Halo remasters.

  15. #15
    Scarab Lord Polybius's Avatar
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    I don't get this post, it goes on trying to link two things unrelated to each other. You knew what you were getting for Classic (1.12), and faction locks were never part of the Vanilla experience they tried to replicate. You get the 'bad AV' because it's part of the old 1.12 client they mirrored; they're not going to rebalance numbers on a patch-by-patch basis.

    As for Shadowlands, it's a typical expansion with typical features. Yes, that includes World Quests/Dailies and grinds (because those totally never existed, right?). It looks dull and not worth the pre-purchase imo, but it has nothing to do with Classic bar the fact they're trying to 'go back to basics.'

  16. #16
    Did you per chance ingest tinfoil? It really seems like you did.

    None of what you wrote is anything more than baseless accusations.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Tommi View Post
    It seems the "you think you do, but you don't" was right. All I'm seeing here is "WAH WAH WAH".
    How does that compare from anything else talked about on these forums? I can't really tell the difference between all the crying for everything else.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Enabrann View Post
    99% are happy...(X) Doubt

    People have been leaving in droves not because Classic is a bad game, but Blizzard literally took all the worst parts of the game, cobbled it together, put some glue on, and call it "The Original experience".

    Watch some of these "WPVP" fights on youtube, they are so laggy and bad...small indie company Blizzard doesn't have the money for servers...
    They are laggy because they were also laggy back in vanilla.
    when you have 40v40 it requires sending million of packets a second, cause every single person needs to send multiple packets per second to every other person.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Felrane View Post
    Subs dont make Blizzard much money. Its all about Box sales and the whales buying from the store. So it would make sense for them to try and get Classic only players to be intersted in Retail. Main reason they are reworking all the Leveling in Shadowlands. People getting overwelmed if they missed a few expos means they never come back(most of my friends).

    I dont think they are trying to destroy classic but I agree they could have done a better job with some of it. The NO CHANGES is actually hurting the game since we started with the 1.12 client.
    I honestly Wish it would have been a remaster. Slight class changes to make everyone a little more viable with graphical overhaul to Legion level graphics, with a Toggle to go back and forth like the Halo remasters.
    Then its not vanilla, its something else, and people will complain over that, just as OP is "The reason its failing is cause its not vanilal its some made up thing!"

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Enabrann View Post
    99% are happy...(X) Doubt

    People have been leaving in droves not because Classic is a bad game, but Blizzard literally took all the worst parts of the game, cobbled it together, put some glue on, and call it "The Original experience".

    Watch some of these "WPVP" fights on youtube, they are so laggy and bad...small indie company Blizzard doesn't have the money for servers...
    And you dense tards knew it would be like that, how is it a fucking surprise.

    Watch some of these "WPVP" fights on youtube, they are so laggy and bad...small indie company Blizzard doesn't have the money for servers...
    "Let's throw more servers at the problem, surely it couldn't be due to how the network infrastructure of the actual game is, no way man!"

    You people

  20. #20
    The Lightbringer DesoPL's Avatar
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    Ah shit here we goin again. A lame boycott.

    No it will not work, and deal with it.

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