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  1. #1
    Stood in the Fire Krimzin's Avatar
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    Do you chase that Meta Rainbow?

    Are you the type of player who always plays whatever the top spec is, regardless of whether you like it or not. Is being in the top DPS a huge concern to you? I play pretty much all dps classes and bounce between multiple in any given expansion. I still always have my favorites and usually at least one is the current meta. In BFA, I played a Havok DH. It had solid damage but holy hell was is boring to play. A drunk one arm leprechaun could be top dps with a Havok DH, but I just couldn't play for long, kept nodding off . I kept going back to Fury and WW monk.

    Will all that said and since they are changing top specs so fast on almost a daily basis, how are you choosing a main?
    Just because I'm a gamer doesn't mean I drive a Honda.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Krimzin View Post
    Are you the type of player who always plays whatever the top spec is, regardless of whether you like it or not. Is being in the top DPS a huge concern to you? I play pretty much all dps classes and bounce between multiple in any given expansion. I still always have my favorites and usually at least one is the current meta. In BFA, I played a Havok DH. It had solid damage but holy hell was is boring to play. A drunk one arm leprechaun could be top dps with a Havok DH, but I just couldn't play for long, kept nodding off . I kept going back to Fury and WW monk.

    Will all that said and since they are changing top specs so fast on almost a daily basis, how are you choosing a main?
    It depends mostly on what content your aiming to do. Right now the same class and same spec on beta is doing roughly 20-40% more overall dmg between the same class and same spec.

    You simply pick what is best if your going for CE or Glad and change around it as the game changes. Some people will change classes to be the "best" but even among CE raiders this is rare. As for pvp... I hear its more common but the info I have on that is second hand.

  3. #3
    Nah I'm the kind of player that haven't ever changed spec or class for the past 10 years, I never cared for the meta. The only thing that could make me change is either Tinkers or they delete Warlocks.
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  4. #4
    Titan Grimbold21's Avatar
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    I don't care for metas, only for the state of the class or specs I play (BFA enhancement sends its greetings)

  5. #5
    Nope. But performance goes hand in hand with my enjoyment though. I'm perfectly happy with mage and it would take quite a lot for me to move from it. Then again I also hate arcane with a passion so even if it's top dps I won't touch it unless ofc the difference is too big to ignore.

    Same reason why I don't grind regardless. I like gaining power but mindless grinding is something I won't do and I managed perfectly fine in BFA even if people claimed the grind was mandatory.
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  6. #6
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Hell no, life's too short and the meta changes according to the moon phase, it's whack

  7. #7
    The Lightbringer Sanguinerd's Avatar
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    I still consider it a RPG not some competitive bullshit esports game so no, I don't care for the meta or fotm w/e you want to call it.
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  8. #8
    I don't really care about the charts. Thinking about going boomkin with MoonMoon talent even if it's not "viable". Fun trumps numbers in my opinion.

  9. #9
    Yes I follow the meta quite fanatically, but I play whats considered the worst and I make my own groups.

    So I healed mythic raids as a resto shaman and did mythic + with it as well. Then I played a lot of feral, enhancement, windwalker and survival.

    Loved every minute of it.

  10. #10
    Gotta chase that neon rainbow.

  11. #11
    If I don't have to. Currently I do play in a mythic raiding guild so I kinda have to go for what's best. Though I'm playing a retribution paladin so it's not that big. However, with covenants I don't really know. I hope I'll be able to play what I like, even if it's not the best. We'll see. I'd never roll another class though.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iem View Post
    Man even if Blizzard gave players bars of gold, they would complain that they were too heavy.

  12. #12
    I play the best spec of my class, which is WL. But I don't switch classes. I tried that in the past and it does not make me happy.

  13. #13
    The "meta" in WoW is just people copying what people see the top players doing.

    No reason to chase that.
    Play what you love and do it well.

    The game isn't tuned to be hard enough to stop you.
    Owner of ONEAzerothTV
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  14. #14
    My hunter has been my main since cata, so regardless of how hunters are performing i will always play him first. I do level up several other classes over the course of an expansion to see how they play, but its never based on numbers or whats currently popular.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Krimzin View Post
    how are you choosing a main?
    After a couple of years of private servers by the time I came to retail (late cata) I already knew Druid is my main, and since I personally find tanking/DPSing boring my main spec is Resto, and I was mostly feral in open-world since I couldn't do enough damage as Resto. But in BFA I was resto even on open-world thanks to the essences and stuff.

    And in shadowlands too, I will be resto druid with either feral or balance off-spec.

    I was rarely competitive, but I guess I was lucky too since from what I remember, resto was always good in both PVP and PVE.
    Alts are something I change from expansion to expansion, but I mostly use alts to farm old content, so it's not that important.

  16. #16
    I don't think many people switch classes/specs to go after meta. Not even Mythic guilds and top end players. Unless your spec is utterly unplayable which happens next to never.
    The top end has 2-3 main classes/specs anyway most of the time.

    And in my years playing wow i also never had someone who swtiched a class just because that class sims better. Specs? Yes. Classes. Can't recall even one.

  17. #17
    For the past 2 expansions, yes, and I'll continue doing so until I find a spec that's fun enough to play even if it's weak. That hasn't happened since they reworked WW going into Legion. They also don't buff/nerf specs anywhere near frequently or significantly enough for it to be difficult to do, certainly not on an "almost daily" basis.
    Laughing Skull-EU

  18. #18
    Dreadlord Krothar's Avatar
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    Played Enhance shaman since BC so no, I chase something different.

  19. #19
    Whatever feels good. This expac I found boomkin the most fun to play, so I play that mostly. For warrior I always play arms, just never liked fury, despite usually better numbers (at least from my experience). My DK is always a tank, I know not all healers like having a DK tank, especially in higher keys, but it is the spec I enjoy the most. I always heal on my paladin, I could do it on my druid or priest, but I have always liked paladin healing, not sure how they rank tbh. I need to like the feel of a spec. When it lines up with a spec that is also one of the top performing ones, then great, but it isn't the be all and end all for me.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gelannerai View Post

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  20. #20
    Nope I just play what I like, which since the end of MOP has been nothing sadly. All the good Specs died in WOD no more good Disc Priest, Paladins sucked after MOP, Enhance Shammy was not as fun anymore, DK's and Rogues were dead after Wrath for me, Cata was the last time I enjoyed my Druid. The classes are all just kind of Blah now and I cant really seem to find one that stands out like they did in Wrath-MOP.

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