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  1. #121
    Quote Originally Posted by Clbull View Post
    When even the shareholders are dissatisfied with ABK's response, you know they fucked up big time.

    Blizzard lost over 20 million monthly active users or almost half of their player base over the past five years. Six million of these were lost in the last eighteen months during a global pandemic where people had nothing better to do than twiddle their thumbs and play video games whilst in lockdown. These losses gradually came from declines in product quality and from poor business & PR decisions.

    We won't truly know the economic impact of this sexual harassment and gender discrimination scandal until the Q3 2021 report comes out, since it surfaced after the Q2 period. But since it's produced a far more outraged response than Blitzchung and even drove several content creators to call it quits, I think the impact will be very substantial indeed.

    Unless Kotick changes course and takes customer, employee & shareholder feedback seriously, he's going to be ousted by shareholder revolt within the next year - mark my words.

    Blizzard will never return to being the prized cash cow they once were if Activision Blizzard keep on their current course, and I think that even Kotick realises this.

    You'd think that even a shrewd businessman like Kotick would realise that if Blizzard fall and government regulations catch up with predatory F2P/mobile game business models, ABK will only have Call of Duty remaining as a flagship franchise.
    You could basically /thread on this note.

  2. #122
    Titan Orby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trbn View Post
    so you can't answer simple question

    instead you decided to waste my time to read some of your delusions about how hiring is done
    I did answer your question, with multiple scenarios. As someone who has worked undertaking recruitment at my workplace, it isn't as simple as 'who do you choose man or woman?'. IF Blizzard ask for women then women are going to apply, the man in that position wouldn't even apply to begin with. So yes the woman would get chosen over the man because it was very obvious the man who applied lacked reading comprehension to understand that they needed women :P
    I love Warcraft, I dislike WoW

    Unsubbed since January 2021, now a Warcraft fan from a distance

  3. #123
    Increase board diversity and equity by adding a woman director

    So...sexual harassment issues at blizzard now means white males need not apply. Their is a LOT of talk about "diversity and inclusion" when this is a sexual assault case. What does "diversity and inclusion" and NOT hiring whites have to do with the issues at blizzard?
    I'm all about changing the leadership at blizzard...but going super woke over it isn't going to change anything or make a better game at all. If anything WoW is about to get even worse because they still aren't focused on the game at all. They are all about making sure that the staff isn't white.
    Putting a woman at the top simply because she is a woman. I can see exactly where this company is going.

  4. #124
    I love how some people here will try and claim 'go woke go broke' is the real issue, whilst ignoring the actual internal problems at Blizzard.

    Talk about head in sand. 'Nyaah diversity is ruining the company!' Yeah, you're right. Let's not have any minorities and women at Blizzard.

    Then the dudes will not be able to sexual harass anyone, and will just turn on each other in the end.

  5. #125
    Forced 'diversity' is communism

  6. #126
    Blizzard need to fix some things, but I'm not sure if this article is news. Do we know if SOC has a large amount of shares? Or did this activist group buy one share, call themselves a "shareholder", and write a letter? Would cost them about $80 last I checked. Can I buy one share and write a newsworthy article too?

  7. #127
    Quote Originally Posted by Daish View Post
    i have problems reading but this just looks like they are going to hire activists in an attempt to try and quiet the other activists down

    has this ever worked ever anywhere for any type of business?

    this is going to lead to all the talent bailing on Blizzard even if they haven't done anything wrong and the real death of World of Warcraft
    I think it's obvious that they just want to burn this company down. "equity" is Communist speak for "Hire via skin color, sexual orientation, gender, and political affiliation." Glad 9.0 was the last straw for me, 9.1 confirmed it, and this "equity" woke stuff that has nothing to do with hiring the best people...only shows that this company needs to just burn to the ground at this point.

  8. #128
    Quote Originally Posted by Daish View Post
    progressive/activist types will not allow you to have a "different opinion" you will be accused of sexism or being toxic and so on

    have you noticed how ugly all the female characters in shadowlands are
    i guess not 1 dev in the whole company thought there should of been nice looking characters added

    Fortnight a kids game has better looking characters then WoW

    Imagine being this hilariously sexist and wrong at the same time.
    Like seriously imagine thinking all women need to wear skin tight short shorts all day every day.

    oh wait its daish, makes sense, sexist and a biggot.

    like seriously, speaking even your FAN PAGE has people calling you out for being a sexist creep is funny.

    like dude, how many times have you been banned from wow for being actually racist but saying "No I didnt call him the N word, i called him the D word digger, cause hes a dwarf, its not racist!"

    and the BEST fucking part of all.
    Last edited by FelPlague; 2021-08-11 at 12:26 PM.

  9. #129
    Are we in the fucking 1950s again where everything is labelled 'communism' when conservatives disagree with the base principle?

  10. #130
    Quote Originally Posted by Tooshie View Post
    Why are people under the impression that making sure you're not going for the all white dude approach automatically means hiring less qualified people?

    That's sexist mindset in itself.
    Because when you say you are going to hire based off of gender, race, creed, sexual preference (diversity) then you openly admit that you are going to hire via those factors. Diversity always means white males need not apply. Always has. 2021 and their are legit people out there that still don't realize what "diversity" "inclusion" and "equity" actually mean. lol
    "straight white men need not apply" 100%.
    They are going to hire not off of ability's or accomplishments...but off of the woke check boxes.
    I mean...they even say they want to hire a woman director....why? Skills? No. Because she's a woman. i.e "inclusion" "diversity" "equity"

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    what is wrong with Equity?

    - - - Updated - - -

    it was not because he supported pro-democracy protests, many people said these things on their own streams, their own channels, etc with no reprecussions, one of them even being paid to come to blizzcon and do the Q&A.

    it was because he hi-jacked their live stream to give his message.

    Would you be ok with a guy whos winning speech is about how trump is right and its all fake news and the earth is flat and this and that?

    Yeah one is real, the other is hilariously sad, but if you say "people have this right" you have to give everyone the right, cause if you shut down the trump supporter, the right will say you only did so cause hes right wing.

    its all or nothing, and a video game stream, people want video game chat, not political.

    Everything is wrong with "equity". I'll give you an example.

    I take the time to study for a test. I spend hours and hours for weeks prepping for it.
    Another classmate doesn't study at all and does no prepping at all.
    We take the test. I actually score a 100% and the other student scored a 50% and failed because he put NO EFFORT into it.
    But then "equity" kicks in...because it isn't fair that you did better and get to benefit from that hard work with a better job or position.
    So your grade goes down to a 75% and his grade moves up to a 75%. Equity.

  11. #131
    this movement has been corrupted by sjws it's fucking sad.

  12. #132
    Quote Originally Posted by Xires View Post
    Because when you say you are going to hire based off of gender, race, creed, sexual preference (diversity) then you openly admit that you are going to hire via those factors. Diversity always means white males need not apply. Always has. 2021 and their are legit people out there that still don't realize what "diversity" "inclusion" and "equity" actually mean. lol
    "straight white men need not apply" 100%.
    They are going to hire not off of ability's or accomplishments...but off of the woke check boxes.
    I mean...they even say they want to hire a woman director....why? Skills? No. Because she's a woman. i.e "inclusion" "diversity" "equity"

    - - - Updated - - -

    Everything is wrong with "equity". I'll give you an example.

    I take the time to study for a test. I spend hours and hours for weeks prepping for it.
    Another classmate doesn't study at all and does no prepping at all.
    We take the test. I actually score a 100% and the other student scored a 50% and failed because he put NO EFFORT into it.
    But then "equity" kicks in...because it isn't fair that you did better and get to benefit from that hard work with a better job or position.
    So your grade goes down to a 75% and his grade moves up to a 75%. Equity.
    Equity does not remove anything from anyone, it only adds. so your idea is already a failure.

  13. #133
    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    what is wrong with Equity?

    - - - Updated - - -

    it was not because he supported pro-democracy protests, many people said these things on their own streams, their own channels, etc with no reprecussions, one of them even being paid to come to blizzcon and do the Q&A.

    it was because he hi-jacked their live stream to give his message.

    Would you be ok with a guy whos winning speech is about how trump is right and its all fake news and the earth is flat and this and that?

    Yeah one is real, the other is hilariously sad, but if you say "people have this right" you have to give everyone the right, cause if you shut down the trump supporter, the right will say you only did so cause hes right wing.

    its all or nothing, and a video game stream, people want video game chat, not political.

    I've never met anyone that was "pro-flat earth". That is just left wing media trying to attack anybody and everybody that doesn't go along with whatever deadbeat globalist agenda that they are trying to push.
    I'd tell you the insanity going on over in the left and the Bernie,Biden,Clinton camp..but i'd likely be banned for pointing it out. Because in a left wing dictatorship...they will censor and ban everything they don't agree with.
    And one thing the left doesn't agree with is successful people.
    Equity is the left's way of trying to bring everybody down equally.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    Equity does not remove anything from anyone, it only adds. so your idea is already a failure.
    I just gave you an example of equity. It DOES remove inhabitions and punishes people who succeed while rewarding lazy people who need to be carried in life. You got angry because I called out your communist ideology of "the hard working and successful...being punished for being hard working and successful."
    You got angry...which is what zealots do when you question their ideology that is easily debunked and explained away as jealousy, failure, and thievery as you steal the wealth of other people who "did" and give it to those who "could care less and just want that check".

    No thanks to your ideology. And HELL NO to "equity". Equity is thievery and bring EVERYBODY down to the bottom...equally. Go ahead...get angry.

  14. #134
    Watching them infighting is interesting and still they don't address the players in all this. By that, I mean, we have the money and are falling away. Maybe they should address that as well as this. Seems like they can't multitask or something

  15. #135
    Claw back bonuses from executives found to have engaged in or enabled abusive behavior.
    This is on top of firing and prosecuting them, right?

  16. #136
    Hmmm, equity, quota for diversity in top management positions, clawing back bonuses. This stuff was clearly written someone able of rational discussion and not a derranged left wing activist.

    Meanwhile I'm still waiting for gender and lbgt+++? quotas in depth mines and on arctic fishing vessels. Wonder when that comes in the name of equity. Oh wait.

  17. #137
    Quote Originally Posted by Trbn View Post
    it just means white dude with same qualification as trans won't be hired because 'equity'

    A white dude will never have the same qualifications as a trans or a woman or anyone from a different culture. That's the whole dam point. Culture.

    So many people get triggered over diversity claiming qualifications like all that matters is a sheet of paper. Guess what. People from different backgrounds and faiths THINK differently and see things differently. Maybe this game we all complain about wouldn't be in the position it is in if all the decisions weren't made by a a very similar group of people who are all agreeing how star spangled awesome they are. If there was other ideas and viewpoints to engage an actual discussion about real improvements, the game and the company would be able to move forward instead of assuming that every idea they spew out it s nugget of pure awesome.

    Diversity is about bringing in new ideas, shaking up the status quo and preventing stagnation from the kind of mindset that comes from everyone agreeing all the time.

    You have a team of 9 men and a woman and the 9 guys think it is an awesome idea to add a quest where you tie up and tickle the farmers daughter. That one woman on the team, possible a victim of assault has 2 choices.
    Speak up and get silenced by the overwhelming majority.
    Stay quiet knowing that she is there as nothing more than a check in a box.

    TLDR, culture and background matter just as much, if not more, than whats written on some piece of paper. A white guy is not entitled to a job just because he has a similar education and crying about it shows just how fragile that privilege is. And before any pearls shatter under the sheer weight of clutching, this goes both ways. You aren't being erased. You are simply being asked to share.

  18. #138
    Quote Originally Posted by Binaris View Post
    A white dude will never have the same qualifications as a trans or a woman or anyone from a different culture. That's the whole dam point. Culture.

    So many people get triggered over diversity claiming qualifications like all that matters is a sheet of paper. Guess what. People from different backgrounds and faiths THINK differently and see things differently. Maybe this game we all complain about wouldn't be in the position it is in if all the decisions weren't made by a a very similar group of people who are all agreeing how star spangled awesome they are. If there was other ideas and viewpoints to engage an actual discussion about real improvements, the game and the company would be able to move forward instead of assuming that every idea they spew out it s nugget of pure awesome.

    Diversity is about bringing in new ideas, shaking up the status quo and preventing stagnation from the kind of mindset that comes from everyone agreeing all the time.

    You have a team of 9 men and a woman and the 9 guys think it is an awesome idea to add a quest where you tie up and tickle the farmers daughter. That one woman on the team, possible a victim of assault has 2 choices.
    Speak up and get silenced by the overwhelming majority.
    Stay quiet knowing that she is there as nothing more than a check in a box.

    TLDR, culture and background matter just as much, if not more, than whats written on some piece of paper. A white guy is not entitled to a job just because he has a similar education and crying about it shows just how fragile that privilege is. And before any pearls shatter under the sheer weight of clutching, this goes both ways. You aren't being erased. You are simply being asked to share.
    TIL all ppl of "x" think the same. Only way to get diversity of thought is by changing "x".

  19. #139
    Quote Originally Posted by Amerissis View Post
    This is on top of firing and prosecuting them, right?
    I think Kotick said that any Senior / Executive that has engaged in this behavior or impedes their investigation will be removed
    If they engaged in it, then it's up to the victims to sue them, i don't think the state sues in cases of sexual harassment
    As far as enabling is concerned, of course not, those people certainly have covered their ass in that aspect.

    Kotick certainly enabled this behavior, HR protecting the company over its employees surely would not have happened without his approval.
    Point is however, there won't be any hard evidence of him ordering that.

  20. #140
    Quote Originally Posted by Binaris View Post
    A white dude will never have the same qualifications as a trans or a woman or anyone from a different culture. That's the whole dam point. Culture.

    So many people get triggered over diversity claiming qualifications like all that matters is a sheet of paper. Guess what. People from different backgrounds and faiths THINK differently and see things differently. Maybe this game we all complain about wouldn't be in the position it is in if all the decisions weren't made by a a very similar group of people who are all agreeing how star spangled awesome they are. If there was other ideas and viewpoints to engage an actual discussion about real improvements, the game and the company would be able to move forward instead of assuming that every idea they spew out it s nugget of pure awesome.

    Diversity is about bringing in new ideas, shaking up the status quo and preventing stagnation from the kind of mindset that comes from everyone agreeing all the time.

    You have a team of 9 men and a woman and the 9 guys think it is an awesome idea to add a quest where you tie up and tickle the farmers daughter. That one woman on the team, possible a victim of assault has 2 choices.
    Speak up and get silenced by the overwhelming majority.
    Stay quiet knowing that she is there as nothing more than a check in a box.

    TLDR, culture and background matter just as much, if not more, than whats written on some piece of paper. A white guy is not entitled to a job just because he has a similar education and crying about it shows just how fragile that privilege is. And before any pearls shatter under the sheer weight of clutching, this goes both ways. You aren't being erased. You are simply being asked to share.
    It's a damn shame that well structured and good posts such as this will get ignored and the same broken record mantra about woke culture, sjw's and whatever will just continue.

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