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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    Bastion gets periods of very heavy fog, overcast periods with floaty white pollen and then very bright saturated weather with golden feather sort-of rain.
    Ardenweald gets star showers, Maldraxxus has soul storms, Revendreth has blood rain in most quarters and ember showers in the Ember Ward.

    I think the responses in this thread are pretty indicative of a lot of complaints in this game though. People will whine about weather not being a thing because they don't even pay attention to their surroundings enough to know its right there happening around them if it isn't a monsoon.
    I dont think people give a shit about weather in shitlands that no one will visit next year.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by SunspotAnims View Post
    To be fair BfA brought a graphical overhaul to all weather effects and they were applied pretty generously across Kul Tiras and Zandalar. Similarly, every zone in the Shadowands has one or more unique weather phenomena.

    They for sure haven't forgotten about weather, but sharding has probably screwed up its consistency.
    The way it works (affecting only the subzone you're in) is also a problem. I remember being in the Zandalar harbor bar:
    - 1 step out: burning sun
    - 1 step in: pouring rain
    - 1 step out: blinding sun, dinos singing in the jungle
    - 1 step in: thunder all around

  3. #43
    Added weather effects in Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

    Lol'ed. Cant say they dont listen to ANY kind of feedback.

  4. #44
    When Blizzard first added weather effects (I can't remember the exact patch) they were terrific. Added so much atmosphere to the game. I remember the sandstorms rolling in across Tanaris, the howling wind and how they blotted out the sky. But then the forums filled up with people crying about being unable to see, or moaning about how coming home from work to bad weather in the game was ruining their precious game time (this is also the reason why nights in the game are so weak, a ton of players moaned about how dark nights ruined their gaming experience). So Blizz being Blizz went overboard and nuked the weather when it should have implemented toggles and options to control weather intensity.

    As it's ever been, a huge chunk of the playerbase is a large part of why this game is so bad now.

  5. #45
    The new weather effects in BfA were great, I'd love to see them applied across the world. The reduction of the weather effects in the past, as well as the reduction of darkness at nights, as explained then, was done based on feedback from people who found their "experience distorted".

    This is similar to reducing visual effects for people with epilepsy, whereas, pardon my intolerance, but should you be playing video games if visual effects cause you problems? Most of WoW's problems both in gameplay and in the world comes from aiming to cater to everyone at the same time.

    I don't see why instead of reducing visual features flatly for everyone they don't have sliders where you can adjust the density of those effects to your liking. Could be an engine limitation adjusting those, I don't know, but either way I dislike anything that takes from the world instead of adding to it.

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