1. #4001
    I'm looking for an AP jungler. I was looking at Diana as she seems quite interesting and I like the theme; is she difficult to play (I'm a fresh level 30) and is she a good pick or just situational? And what other AP junglers are there? Thanks in advance!

  2. #4002
    Quote Originally Posted by Icycoldd View Post
    Looking to add another champion to my ADC collection, I was thinking ezrael or twitch, is it true that ezrael's damage is bad this season?

    Here are the ADC's I own currently: Cait, Draven, Graves, MF, Trist, Varus, Vayne.
    Maybe Twitch? (and Ez obviously, new weird builds for him lately, worth trying out)

  3. #4003
    Quote Originally Posted by Samakuro View Post
    I'm looking for an AP jungler. I was looking at Diana as she seems quite interesting and I like the theme; is she difficult to play (I'm a fresh level 30) and is she a good pick or just situational? And what other AP junglers are there? Thanks in advance!
    Diana is a decent pick in the jungle, but her lack of a gapcloser pre-6 makes her less impactful with ganks. Her E is fine, but for you to get in range you have to run up to your opponent, which isn't likely going to happen unless your enemies are extremely overpushed. After 6 she is good though and you can have nice impact on a game. Just remember she is a carry jungler so without much dmg, she will not do much, as her CC is fairly limited.

    Amumu, Cho'Gath, Elise, Evelynn, Maokai, Zac, Malphite and Sejuani are other Ap junglers. Amumu can ganks decently pre-6, but have awesome ganks and teamfighting after 6. Cho'Gath have tons of interrupts, and is great vs. Katarina, MF and so on. Elise and Evelynn are both very gank focused. If you are new in the jungle i can say Elise is quite easy in early clearing. Maokai, have good ganks aswell, and acts as a tank for the team. Malphite and Sejuani are both very tanky, but Sejuani's early ganks are more impactful. Zac is a beastly disruptor in teamfights, and due to his E his ganks are great.

    Tanky Ap = Amumu, Cho'Gath, Maokai, Zac, Malphite and Sejuani
    Carry Ap = Diana, Elise, Evelynn

    Remember there are many ways to build a champion and because i put a champion in a category, it doesn't mean that is where it has to be. Amumu for example can be played with Ap (Spellvamp junge item, Rylais and so on).

  4. #4004
    Some people play Fiddlestick in jungle too

  5. #4005
    Quote Originally Posted by Ossiris View Post
    Some people play Fiddlestick in jungle too
    Yeah, and it's pretty good. It was possible to solo dragon with him around lv 6-8 before with blue buff, not sure about now. Still, with blue, he'll have perfect sustain, and his ganks are pretty good if you can pull them off.

  6. #4006
    I think trundle is in a pretty good spot. He wrecks Lee sin and most ad jungler pretty easily. Even if he doesnt get any kills early his ultimate can really gimp adc/tank in teamfights.

  7. #4007
    So apparently every top lane champion I like sucks. Who should I buy?
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  8. #4008
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  10. #4010
    Quote Originally Posted by Durmindo View Post
    How is Nautilus?
    He's an amazing jungler if you don't need high damage. With his W-Buff in one of the last patches, his jungle clear time decreased a lot, and your ganks are really scary if you learn how to hit Qs, especially after level 6 so you can start/follow up with an R. So really good jungler, only problem is his rather low damage output, because he only deals damage as long as the shield from W is up (which again, should have gotten better since the buff, but can drop quickly in a fight).

    ---------- Post added 2013-05-11 at 05:59 PM ----------

    My girlfriend is currently looking for a new champion (if possible toplane) and really likes the idea of Kennen (though she never played him, only saw him on streams etc.), but also wants something tanky (and, if not ranged, at least with a gapcloser). She's pretty new to the game, and as I haven't played Kennen much myself (only played him once during free week and his Q is a narrow skillshot =/ ), I'm not sure if he's a good champion for a beginner, especially since he can be rather squishy (though she's good at Zyra so skillshots might not be the biggest problem). So is Kennen suited for beginners? Any other bruisers that have a gapcloser (with a longer range than Darius', she tried him during free week and doesn't like the short range of his E), that is easy to pick up?

  11. #4011
    My girlfriend is currently looking for a new champion (if possible toplane) and really likes the idea of Kennen (though she never played him, only saw him on streams etc.), but also wants something tanky (and, if not ranged, at least with a gapcloser). She's pretty new to the game, and as I haven't played Kennen much myself (only played him once during free week and his Q is a narrow skillshot =/ ), I'm not sure if he's a good champion for a beginner, especially since he can be rather squishy (though she's good at Zyra so skillshots might not be the biggest problem). So is Kennen suited for beginners? Any other bruisers that have a gapcloser (with a longer range than Darius', she tried him during free week and doesn't like the short range of his E), that is easy to pick up?
    I like Kennen a lot although to utilise him fully I think takes a bit of practice to get used to using your stacks for stuns and he is squishy, but you can build him suprisingly tanky if you like, and the movement speed + the range of his w means he can get away fairly easy and harrass a lot of bruisers. I'm pretty nooby and I find Kennen pretty fun and not too hard to use so I think she'd like him, especially if she's fine with his q being a skillshot. I also like Khazix a lot top myself for something with burst, a gap closer and an ultimate that can be used to escape or chase, not sure if that's her style.. I use him both mid and top.

  12. #4012
    I'm an ADC freak and I'm looking for something unusual, for fun; any ideas or recommendations? (I mean AD Ahri etc.)

  13. #4013
    You have Sonna, she can work as an adc due to her passive, not only that of course.

    I don't think TF works as good as it did before as an adc but it never really worked that properly, not with a normal adc build though, you'd have to go Corki kind of build, trinity, etc.

    Thresh is good as an adc.

    Soraka is surprisingly not bad with an adc build because of all of her other abilities like the heals + armor, the rest of the abilities are pretty useless except for the silence, even so, I'd say she wouldn't be doing much damage, it'd be something like a tanky adc or something, a bruiser I guess.

    You could always go Ryze ad with mana items, wouldn't be ideal to go with a normal adc build since that wouldn't work as well or properly, I don't know.

    Nidalee also says hi!!! She can be compared to Quinn in terms of being an adc carry, I say build her like you would on Quinn and leave cougar for only when you'd be kind of safe using like, just like Quinn!

    I feel sorry to mention this but AD Malzahar. >-> Might be utter shit though.


    Kennen works really well as an adc carry except he's dependent on items with AS due to his W.

    Janna! Yeah, Janna. I know her auto attack range can be lame sometimes but she can burst some people really well, basically, 1v1 Janna is pretty amazing as an adc due to the whole kit she has, she'll be utterly destroyed and do no damage in team fights though.

    I remember someone going ad brand in a game once. Oh god why. Don't do this one please.

    And that's it. If you want to use a normal adc build some of the champions above might not work with that kind of build, they might if you go different paths though and it depends on their kit too.

    Also, go try it on aram or domi. Going anywhere else with those champions to do those builds might get you in trouble because meta(right?).

  14. #4014
    Just don't buy champions with AD scaling on abilities as AD champions. TF is good example, he might look like he is sort of AD champion or can be played as one, but truth is that he is pretty subpar and offers pretty much nothing. His AD ratios make however perfect sense for AP builds, first his W works with basic attack, it would hurt him if he did not get his basic attack damage on it, that's why he got 100% AD ratio on it, not to boost AD builds on him. attack speed on E is pretty much the same story as Dianna's passive, to make auto attacks part of his kit.

    IF you want something devious, try Zyra or Lulu. Zyra for she is one of the casters that have spells working rather over time, and boasts quite nice autoattack, Lulu because she has natural autoattack enhancer and her long, but powerful cooldowns don't interfere.

  15. #4015
    Quote Originally Posted by Majad View Post
    I remember someone going ad brand in a game once. Oh god why. Don't do this one please.
    I saw an Annie & Brand bot lane on stream. I think it was Krepo duo queuing with Edward. Both built AP though, if I remember correctly.
    It worked surpringsly well.

  16. #4016
    Quote Originally Posted by Scaeva View Post
    I saw an Annie & Brand bot lane on stream. I think it was Krepo duo queuing with Edward. Both built AP though, if I remember correctly.
    It worked surpringsly well.
    Well, AP is different. AD Brand isn't that great but it can be as great as AD Ahri but meh.

  17. #4017
    Unsure what to get next. I have quite some solid champions now, although i might be interested in fiddlesticks.
    Was originally going to get some arp quints for my xin and noct jungle, but i find nautilus and sejuani way more fun so i decided to skip that.
    Runewise i have:
    AD/MPen/Armor marks
    Armor/Scaling Health seals
    Scaling MR glyphs
    AD/AP/GP5/MS quints

    I am generally unsure what to get runewise. I dont play ADC a lot, in fact i loathe having to, but i like playing any of the other four roles with quite the varying champions. Any good suggestion for runes that might be useful, or should i just save up for now and decide when i feel theres something i need?

  18. #4018
    The only thing I can say for sure is Flat Magic Resist glyphs. Very useful for laning, ESPECIALLY against heavy magic damage dealers.
    Scaling MR is usually only for junglers or tops who are vs. an AD champion.

    Other than that, probably just attack speed reds for a couple junglers.

  19. #4019
    Oh, my bad, seems i forgot to list the attackspeed marks, got those too :P

  20. #4020
    How is Talon guys? New to this game and been looking at assasin/fighter champs recently and he looks interesting.

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