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  1. #1

    How to lose weight

    There are so many methods on the internet that help you lose weight but its so confusing at the same time. Some say eat lots of protein, some say lots of fibre but none really say how much exercise. Do i need to eat protein to lose weight?

    For someone that needs to lose alot weight whats the best way?

  2. #2

    thats the site i use for my weight lifting routines and such, also has alot of cardio tips aswell

  3. #3
    This answer is going to sound rude but it is not meant to.

    Gear Score is the Jonas Brothers of World of Warcraft

  4. #4
    a rather large part of it starts with diet. Starting with cutting back/cutting off soda's and alcohol would cut a good part of those extra carbs and sugars out

  5. #5
    there's always this.


  6. #6
    What's your height and weight? Don't do any of the fad diets. Moderate exercise of 30 minutes or more and eat healthy. You should at the very least eat your recommended daily intake of protein, if you're lifting weights for muscle youll need to take in more than that. The absolute hardest part of getting healthy is finding a diet and exercise program that you can stick to.

    The absolute bottom line and thing i keep telling myself is that it took more than three years to gain this weight, I shouldnt expect to lose it faster than that. And its more than judging a numerical figure, its about making a commitment to being a healthier person. Good luck in your weight loss endeavors. And PST me if you have any questions

  7. #7
    Cardio, cardio and more cardio. An hour a day, 5x a week. If you aren't sweating you aren't working hard enough. Build yourself up to this of course. Go easy until you can really push yourself. You want to try and get your heart rate up to around 150. Not consistently, but if you can hit that mark then you know you're working hard enough. Try to mix in some strength training at least 3 days a week if possible. Eat healthy. Try to eat small meals every few hours. Never stuff yourself until you can't move. Protein is important because it builds muscle and helps repair body tissues. So eat chicken or lean turkey etc. Stay away from sugars like soda, junk food, enriched flour, pastas etc. If you're going to eat bread go whole grain, 100% whole wheat etc. There's no tricks or crazy things you need to do. Discipline is the name of the game. You can have junk food of course, but the key word is moderation. But really just do a hell of a lot of cardio 5 days a week, eat healthy, stay the course and you WILL start getting results. I guarantee it.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by wilzax View Post
    there's always this.
    Clearly the healthiest of options.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sarcasm View Post
    It's not that drugs are for people who can't handle reality. Reality is for people who can't handle drugs.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by wilzax View Post
    there's always this.

    she keeps saying she feels the lords spirit. I think its hallucinations and hunger pangs.

    Here is what I did. Switched to skim milk. Cut out fast food and soda. Cut my portions about in half. And hit the gym about three times a week. Went from 200 lbs to about 175 in about two months. There is no way to just magically lose pounds, it takes hard work and determination. The best thing to do is to limit calories to match your lifestyle. The more active you are, the more you can eat without overeating.
    "Can you LOS people?"
    "Go stand behind that gnome and find out."

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmy valmer View Post
    There are so many methods on the internet that help you lose weight but its so confusing at the same time. Some say eat lots of protein, some say lots of fibre but none really say how much exercise. Do i need to eat protein to lose weight?

    For someone that needs to lose alot weight whats the best way?
    Stopping eating is always the quickest way to lose a shit load of weight. On the flip side, you might die.

  11. #11
    Don't eat junk food.
    Don't drink soda.

    So many people get caught up in hundreds of unnecessary fads and regimes. Eat good, exercise often, lose weight. Simple.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tigercat View Post
    Don't use facts, they unsettle peoples' prejudices, and once that happens the flames start.
    Quote Originally Posted by krethos View Post
    Its Science, just ask Albert Einstien, he invented Space

  12. #12
    High Overlord Beardlust's Avatar
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    I lost 30lbs (235lbs down to 205lbs) in about 3 months while doing light exercise and cutting out a lot of carbs/high fructose corn syrup.
    I had a hard time giving up fast food, but I found there's places like In'n'Out and Carl's Junior that offer burgers wrapped in lettuce and having no buns.
    If you keep your carb intake under 50g per day, and instead eat protien/fatty foods, your body will learn to burn fat instead of carbs.

    That's the theory anyways. I'm not sure if I'm explaining it right.

  13. #13
    idk what i did, when i lost my job i had nothing to do and played WoW all day everyday and ate terrible and lost 20 pounds....magic.

  14. #14
    eat less and move more.

    1700-2000 cal a day limit. you want to eat about 1g of protein per pound (of your body weight) everyday in order to help develop muscle. this is important because it will not just help you lose fat but it will change your body composition. the more muscle you have the more calories you burn at rest (sitting around doing nothing) and the easier it is to keep the weight off in the long run. it is very easy to get enough protein and keep your calories within your daily limit.

    30 min of high intensity cardio 5x a week (sprinting and body weight exercises like pushups, dips and situps done at high reps)

    progressive resistance training 3x a week doing heavy compound lifts (bench press, squats, deadlifts, overhead press, pullups)

    thats all there is to it.

    oh and get a gym membership obviously.
    Last edited by Rust in Peace; 2011-11-21 at 05:53 AM.

  15. #15
    t-nation DOT com/free_online_article/sports_body_training_performance/the_carb_cycling_codex
    I cant post links yet

    plug your numbers in. buy the foods the match your goals. lift weights( pick a program and stick to it) and do some cardio.
    " Lift heavy, run fast, and stretch hard"

    using this method I have been able to diet down to 174 at 7% body fat and bulk up to 230 at 13% . It works very well. don't under eat, dont over train. just take a moderate, fun approach that you will stick with. If you jump in it with 5 days of sprinting and near max deadlifting your body is going to give up on you. PM me if you want support or have any questions. People get paralyzed with all the info out there and end up doing nothing. Take something and run with it.
    Last edited by orourkei; 2011-11-21 at 05:55 AM.

  16. #16
    High Overlord Denzion's Avatar
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    The simple answer is to eat less calories per day.

    I have lost 45 lbs since April 1st.

    I still get McDonalds breakfasts 5 days/week.

    I go to random fast food places for lunch.

    I come home and eat light things like cheese & crackers for dinner.

    Total calorie intake for the day is usually around 1800 or about 600 per meal. No snacking, no caloric drinks.

  17. #17
    I suggest visiting the website

    It has plenty of forums with individuals in the same boat as you, and has built in site tools such as calculators to determine your daily calorie usage and what you should consume daily to lose a healthy amount of weight.

  18. #18
    Pretty much what everyone else says except... you don't NEED a gym, you've got the whole world around you, and a million things around your home for you to use, you just need to be creative. lots of people find the gym intimidating, and thats fine, just try to make it fun, and or easy enough to stick to so that you don't blow it, don't bite off more than you can chew (so to speak) so you don't get overwhelmed and then give up.

  19. #19
    Depends on how you wana do it lots of exercise mainly cardio is good but lots of veggies and less soda/booze now if u wna lose weight fast not healthy but u can work out a little cut all carbs and eat veggies, fish once in awhile with cardio. I lost almost 50 pounds in a month doing that

  20. #20
    Wall of text inc. So much misinformation in this thread I'm ready to slay some bitches.

    I was 300lbs in December of last year. I weighed myself a few days ago and the scale read 221lbs.

    I do 15 minutes of cardio a day, depending on which workout I'm doing.

    I eat 1g protein per pound of lean body mass. For me this equals about 170g protein a day.

    No artificial sugar. Get your sugars from bananas and apples. Black coffee all day every day! That's how I fight cravings.. I love the stuff. No soda (or pop if you're Canadian!), no fast food. Prepare all your meals.. they taste way better, cost less than half the price, and they're 50 million times more healthy for you.

    I train heavy. Heavy weight, low reps, as many sets as I can to failure and I cheat the negative after I fail the positive (you always have more energy on the negative than positive). Long rest periods on push days (the muscles you use to push things away from you) very brief rest periods on pull days (the muscles you use to pull things towards you). I superset pull days. Supersets are excellent for musclegroups that don't drain your whole body of energy and they incorporate really effective cardio into your weight training.. killing two birds with one stone.

    I lift weights 3 days a week + 5 mins cardio before and 10 mins after, I do 15 mins cardio 3 days a week and take Sunday off.

    Eat right. The weight loss war is won in the kitchen, the battle in the gym. Protein is victory. Carbs are NOT the enemy. If you cut out all your carbs, you'll have no energy for your workout. Yes, your body will be forced to burn fat but you'll have no energy to get a good pump and you'll end up losing fat and losing muscle instead of gaining muscle and letting the muscle burn the fat. The result of this is being "skinnyfat". Where you look like shit.. but according those retarded internet BMI calculators YOU'RE NOT OVERWEIGHT! OMG! yeah those are so bullshit.

    Get under 16% bodyfat while being able to bench press 1.5x your weight, deadlift 2x your weight, and squat somewhere in between the two of those. That's a good benchmark for a healthy body. Yeah, you won't have ripped cut abs at 16% bodyfat.. but you'll be able to move a hell of a lot more weight than someone with 6% bodyfat, and if you're asking on mmo champ how to lose weight.. I can only imagine you're not trying to cut from 12% down to 8% or something pro bodybuilding like that.

    Good luck. There are tons of resources on the internet. I've tried tons of "diets" and frankly they all work about the same. 6 small meals a day is just as good for me as fasting for 20 hours and then eating a whole day's worth of food in 4 hours (the warrior diet lol). Do what's EASIEST FOR YOU. If you find yourself starving constantly when doing the standard 6 portioned meals a day all set out days ahead of time in tupperware containers.. then try intermittent fasting. Or 3 square meals a day.. that works too.. just don't spread them out too much or too little or you'll get hungry and gorge yourself.

    Do not follow other people's instructions verbatim. Other people are not you. Portion your calendar day's worth of food, and eat it whenever you want during your calendar day. Don't overeat, and don't starve yourself.

    If you don't bench press, squat or deadlift.. start doing it. Those are the "big three". Best exercises for losing weight, best exercises for building muscle. Chin ups and pull ups are amazing too.. but they're hard and very few people can do them well enough. If you're fat I say avoid those because you'll be so demoralized until you can do a couple.
    Last edited by Ambrossius; 2011-11-21 at 07:19 AM.

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