Azerothian Civilation and Conquest is simple (in a way) game where you create a country/faction on a parallel Azeroth (all the same races and landmarks, lore/story from WoW and Warcraft does not exist in it though or only exists to an extent). You will have stats which are increased and decreased through a daily decision called an Issue, the Issue will have multiple solutions and give you multiple outcomes (some good some bad). You can ally with 4 other factions, or choose to try and take it out solo, or ally with aonly a few factions. Be peaceful, be warmongering, be economical, be a crude dictator, be a noble democracy, it's all up to you.

Instructions of How to Join
1.Pick a Race, each race will have a small stat perk and reduction to them, there are 25 races to pick from
2.Pick a Starting Location
3.Fill out the rest of your starting app (down below)
4.Post it on this page

1.You start with 50 of every stat (give or take on some depending on what race and governmental type you choose)
2.Dont try getting all your stats very high, it will backfire on you and your country will be left in the dust. Pick some stats you want to try and focus on and stick with them mainly.
3.You may break alliances, but there are penalties for that (see the alliances section for that)
4.No political/religious type debates here, this is a game.
5.You do not have to play a country to your mindset. You may be a pro-republic, conservative in real life and in this game you may be Totalitarian Dictator.
6.A lot of this game is a mind, political type game. Most of it is decision making and not to much tactical strategies (though that is used at times to)
7.Only 25 players will be allowed but the game may start anywhere between 10-25 players.
8.Once the game has started, no more people may join, however you may apply to be on a wait list.
9.If you are in-active for more than 30 days (without giving me a notice like, hey im going on vacation for 2 months) then the number 1 person on the wait list takes control of your country. If you are going a vacation, you are allowed to let somebody on the waitlist control your country while you are away, or you may let an ally player control your contry. (during this time however you are not allowed to unally.)
10.To win you must be the last surviving faction, or alliance. (this can be done through many different ways, not just conquering)

The Stats
Stats matter, and at the same time dont matter. What I mean is some of your stats will get very low, but some will get very high, and so what your stats do is allow you to solve issues and get higher stats. Stats also allow you to take control of land, and survive invasions, and be able to invade (not necessarily a war type invasion, could be an invasion of diplomats) other areas. No stats are the best, just some work really well together others dont. Stats can go into the negatives, be aware of that.

Stat List -
Economy - Your country's money, if there is any 'best stat' it's this.
Technology - How advanced is your country.
Happiness - How happy your citizens are with your country.
Military - How strong is your military.
Magical Intellect - How good your country is at magic.
Control - How much control you have over your country.
Civil Rights - How free your citizens are.
Political Freedoms - How much power your citizens have.
Defenses - How well is your country's defenses on town's and cities.
Diplomacy - How well your country is at compromising and working with other countries and factions.
Governmental Power- How much power your government has.
Resources - How much resources does your country have control of.
Environment - How well is your countries environment.
Population - How many people live in your country, if there had to be a second best stat this is it.

Daily Issues
Issues are how you get higher stats, and actually play the game. An issue will present a problem your country has, everybody will have the same issue (so realistic I know), and it will have multiple choices for you to pick from (anywhere from 2-5ish, possibly more), you can pick one of the choices I give you or you may dismiss the issue and ignore it and nothing will happen that day for you.

Each action will have a positive, or negative effect, and many times can have both a positive and negative effect, that will affect your stats. You will not see the effect until the next day after you locked in your choice (your choice is locked in and official by 12:00 am CT the next day, this will be run on Central Time). When submitting you choice, bold the text and type in the following Daily Issue Choice: (either your choice of 1-5 of the multiple choices, or say issue dismissed). The next day I will submit the results for each choice of the issue, some choices may have multiple results for one choice, how.

Well say you picked to invade a Kobold camp through military force, if your military stat was below 50, you failed to suceed on the invasion and lost 5 military stats, if yours was say 51-75 you lost 5 military stats but gained a new section expanding your country, if you have over 75 you gain the new section without losing any military stats. However this will not always happen and sometimes there is one set result for each choice.

Also, no choice is the best choice, there is just the best choice for your country personally. If your country is a dictatorship for example, you may want to silence the people instead of letting them protest, yet that would not be a good choice for a democracy. Also no governmental type is superior in this game.

Player Issues
If a player controls a region or regional section very close to you, you may ask to recieve a player issue (you may only recieve one player issue per week), this will allow you to do things such as, request to trade (if they are an ally, increasing resources of once country, and economy of the other depending on if they want to import or outport. Importing increases resources and lowers economy, outporting increases economy and lowers resources.), give a gift, request supplies, invade, or put defenses on the borders (protects you if invaded). Preforming a player issue also means you are not allowed to do the daily issue of the day.

You may join an alliance with up to 5 different players, in an alliance you are allowed to trade, give, and request resources and money. You can also work together to win as an alliance. To start an Alliance one person must request another player to join them, and that starts an alliance group (you may name the alliance group), alliance groups win together. It is also suggested players with similar governmental styles ally together because citizens can become unhappy and protest if they are allied with a dictatorship when they are part of a democracy for example.

When you form/join an alliance each player joining loses 10 points to all their stats, for each person that joins the other players also lose 5 of their stats. To join an already formed alliance you must first request to be in the alliance, and then the majority of the alliance (over 50%) must agree to allow the player into the alliance.

If you choose to leave an alliance you will lose 15 points to all of your stats, also if you are kicked out of an alliance you lose 15 points to all of your stats.

To kick a member out of the alliance, the majority of the players in the alliance must vote to do so, and then each player in the alliance loses 5 points to all their stats.

So join, leave, and kick people out of alliances with caution, and do not start the game by allying 5 people together, otherwise all those players will be at a significant disadvantage, allow people into the alliance over time.

Alliance Issues
Alliance Issues are weekly for each Alliance, it will present an issue like daily issues, and each player votes on what they think the alliance to do. The choice with the most votes is what the outcome will be and results will work very similar to daily issues, except every person in the alliance is affected by it (a lot of times what happens will be less centered around stats, or at least decreases to them). If there is a tie, then the issue will be treated as if it were dismissed.

Your country will be dominated by a certian race, each race has a small perk and negative effect to it (one has none of both), pick wisely. Also once a race is taken no other player may use it.

Humans (No perks or negative effects)
Dwarves (+5 Defenses, -5 Magical Intellect)
Night Elves (+5 Environment, -5 Political Freedoms)
Gnomes (+5 Technology, -5 Environment)
Draenai (+5 Diplomacy, -5 Resources)
Worgen (+5 Military, -5 Diplomacy)
Orcs (+5 Control, -5 Political Freedoms)
Forsaken/Free-Willed Undead (+5 Governmental Power, -5 Civil Rights)
Tauren (+5 Civil Rights, -5 Population)
Trolls (+5 Population, -5 Economy)
Blood/High Elves (+5 Magical Intellect, -5 Control)
Goblins (+5 Economoy, -5 Environment)
Pandaren (+5 Happiness, -5 Military)
Ogres (+5 Military, -5 Technology)
Murlocs (+5 Population, -5 Control)
Etheraels (+5 Resources, -5 Political Freedoms)
Naga (+5 Magical Intellect, -5 Diplomacy)
Gnolls (+5 Military, -5 Magical Intellect)
Centaur (+5 Environment, -5 Happiness)
Kobolds (+5 [strike]candles[/strike] Resources, -5 Defenses)
Arakoaa (+5 Civil Rights, -5 Resources)
Furbolg (+5 Environment, -5 Technology)
Tol'vir (+5 Diplomacy, -5 Governmental Power)
Satyrs (+5 Control, -5 Happiness)
Harpy (+5 Resources, -5 Control)

Regions, and Regional Sections
There will be many ways to take over regions through the different Issues, you start with one Regional Section (parts of a region). Controlling an entire region gives you a perk, and each region is divided into regional sections. Cities will be covered in the next section, you also start the game with 1 regional section.

Kalimador Regions (+25 to all stats for controlling all of it)
Coastal Region (+5 Environment for controlling all of it)
Regional Sections - Azuremyst Isle, Bloodmyst Isle, Teldrassil, Darkshore, Moonglade

Northern Region (+6 Resources for controlling all of it)
Regional Sections - Eastern Ashenvale, Western Ashenvale, Felwood, Hyjal, Winterspring, Azshara

Barren Region (+7 Military for controlling all of it)
Regional Sections - Durotar, Northern Barrens, Southern Barrens, Dustwallow Marsh, Mulgore, Desolace, Echo Isles

Southern Region (+7 Population for controlling all of it)
Regional Sections - Feralas, Thousand Needles, Ahn'Qiraj: The Fallen Kingdom, Un'goro Crater, Sithilis, Tanaris, Uldum

Eastern Kingdom Regions (+29 to all stats for controlling all of it )

Quel'Thalas Region (+3 Magical Intellect for controlling all of it)
Regional Sections - Isle of Quel'Danas, Eversong Woods, Ghostlands

Lordaeron Region (+10 Defenses for controlling all of it)
Regional Sections - Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands, Eastern Plaguelands, Western Plaguelands, Hillsbrad Foothills, Hinterlands, Silverpine Forest, Tirisfal Glades, Gilneas, Tol Barad

Khaz Modan Region (+7 Technology for controlling all of it)
Regional Sections - Badlands, Dun Morogh, Loch Modan, Gnomergan, Twilight Highlands, Searing Gorge, Wetlands

Azeroth Region (+9 Diplomacy for controlling all of it)
Regional Sections - Blasted Lands, Burning Steppes, Deadwind Pass, Duskwood, Elwynn Forest, Redridge Mountains, Stanglethorn Vale, Swamp of Sorrows, Westfall

Outlands Regions (+16 to all stats for controlling all of it)
Entry Region (+4 Control for controlling all of it)
Regional Sections - Eastern Hellfire Peninsula, Western Hellfire Peninsula, Eastern Zangarmarsh, Western Zangarmarsh

Nagrand Region (+4 Happiness for controlling all of it)
Regional Sections - Northeastern Nagrand, Northwestern Nagrand, Southeastern Nagrand, Southwestern Nagrand

Southern Region (+4 Governmental Power for controlling all of it)
Regional Sections - Northern Terrokar Forest, Southern Terrokar Forest, Western Shadowmoon Valley, Eastern Shadowmoon Valley

Northern Region (+4 Magical Intellect for controlling all of it)
Regional Sections - Southern Blades Edge, Northern Blades Edge, Western Netherstorm, Eastern Netherstorm

Northrend regions
Entry Region (+4 Military)
Regional Sections - Borean Tundra, Howling Fjord, Eastern Dragonblight, Western Dragonblight

Troll Region (+4 Population)
Regional Sections - Western Grizzly Hills, Eastern Grizzly Hills, Northern Zul'drak, Southern Zul'Drak

Mountainous Region (+4 Defenses)
Regional Sections - Northern Storm Peaks, Southern Storm Peaks, Northern Icecrown, Western Icecrown

Economic Region (+4 Economy)
Regional Sections - Northern Scholozar Basin, Southern Scholozar Basin, Wintergrasp, Crystalsong Forest

City Section
To control a City, Dungeon, or Point of Interest you must control the regional section it is in. Such as to control Stormwind you must be controlling Elwynn Forest, etc.

Kalimador Points of Interest

Darkspear Hold (+1 Population)
The Exodar (+1 Technology)
Orgrimmar (+1 Control, and a Connection to Thunderbluff, Tirisfal Glades, Stranglethorn Vale, Borean Tundra, Twilight Highlands, Uldum, Hyjal, and Blasted Lands)
Thunderbluff (+1 Resources and a Connection to Orgrimmar)
Darnassus (+1 Environment, and a connection to Stormwind City)
Bilgewater Harbor (+1 Military)
Theramore (+1 Diplomacy, Connection to Menethil Harbor)
Ratchet (+1 Economy, and a Connection to Booty Bay)
Caverns of Time (+1 Happiness)
Nordrassil (+1 Environment)
Warsong Gulch (+1 Resources)

Eastern Kingdoms Poitnts of Interest

Gnomergan (+1 Technology)
Ironforge (+1 Defenses, Connection to Stormwind City)
Stormwind City (+1 Military, Connection to Ironforge, Darnassus, Borean Tundra, Twilight Highlands, Uldum, Hyjal, and Blasted Landsl)
Goldshire (+1 Happiness)
Silvermoon City (+1 Magical Intellect, Connection to Undercity)
Gilneas City (+1 Defenses)
Menethil Harbor (Connection to Howling Fjord, and Dustwallow Marsh)
Arathi Basin (+1 Resources)
Booty Bay (+1 Economy, and Connection to Ratchet)
Lakeshire (+1 Bridge Building)
Alterac Valley (+1 Resources)
Dark Portal (+1 Magical Intellect, Connection to Hellfire Peninsula)
Karazahn (+1 Happiness)
Buradin Hold (+1 Resources)

Outland Points of Interest

Dark Portal (+1 Magical Intellect, Connection to Blasted Lands)
Shattrath (+1 Diplomacy, Connection to Stormwind and Quel'Danas)
Tempest Keep (+1 Technology)
Black Temple (+1 Magical Intellect)
Eye of the Storm (+1 Resources) (located in netherstorm)

Northrend Points of Interest

Wyrmrest Accord (+3 Military) (must control eastern and western dragonblight)
Icecrown Citadel (+3 Control) (must control northern and southern icecrown)
Ulduar (+3 Happiness) (must control northern and southern storm peaks)
Dalaran (+1 Intellect)
Vault of Archavon (+1 Resources)

Form to Sign Up

Faction/Country Name:
Leader Name:
Starting Regional Section:
National Beast:
Governmental Structure:

---------- Post added 2012-01-09 at 10:53 PM ----------

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