Thread: Shaco

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  1. #1


    Is there simply a better champion in League of Legends? Ton's of damage, insane survivability, decent team disruption and a multitude of specs to go.

    In the mood for a challenge? Try Crit dmg Shaco and get 1700 backstabs
    Want to play like a douche? Pick AP and laugh when nobody buys wards to counter you
    Want to just kill everyone? Go Armor Pen/Jungle and two shot those carries.

    Yes, this is a thread to glorify the greatest League of Legends Champion. He easily has the best skins, best look and just the most annoying person to die too. Nothing like having a trinity force, backstabbing that annoying Karthus, pop Ghostblade and watch his life just get shredded. Shaco, you are the best champion in League <3

    I leave you with a joke: What's black and orange and covered in your residue?

  2. #2
    my Lee Sin would LOVE to have a word with your Shaco.

  3. #3
    Lol raping shaco as lee sin

  4. #4
    Bloodsail Admiral salate's Avatar
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    Is it only me, or someone who enters this thread will do it cuz of thoughts "Somebody misspelled Shako hat from Diablo?"
    step into everything will gief ya nothing, mon

  5. #5
    Play a control jungler like Trundle, Udyr or Skarner. Tell team to just farm safe unless they have vision of Shaco. Laugh at the sad bastard late game. Shaco's a pubstomper, not even remotely the best champion in the league.
    Signature by Tacy :]

  6. #6
    not being stupid and dieing to a level 2 shaco gank breaks shaco.

    if your first ganks fail you will fall behind Every single jungler, then your team is screwed because shaco in teamfights is near totally useless aswel.

    You cant gank when your behind and his clearing speed isnt exactly amazing either.

  7. #7
    Must be trolling, Shaco isn't even that good. Has good early game ganks, falls of very heavy late game because his damage and tanky-ness is just not that impressive when compared with others. Not even the best jungler.

  8. #8
    I always find shaco weak as hell played him like 10 games and never really had an amazing game with him i just seem to get nuked down in seconds sure he can gank ppl if they dont just turn around and 4 shot him (Early game)

  9. #9
    deny shacos fb attempt and he's useless

  10. #10
    Insane early performance and paranoia, though as an assassin he falls off towards lategame. What's worse, a lot of people struggle with their role in late game / teamfights making him even worse in this difficult role to fill. I like tankier junglers more, Lee Sin, Trundle and Skarner are pretty insane.
    True, but the difference is that in GTA3 you're only shooting (and robbing, murdering, having sex with, etc) pixels. In WOW you get the pleasure of dealing with some of the most despicable human behaviour you'll ever witness.

  11. #11
    I dont get the "shaco is useless in team fights", Is he as good an initiator as Skarner? No. As tanky as Udyr? No. He is just a different style of jungler. Try this:

    Wait on the outskirts of team fights, place a box or two in anticipation of where enemy may try to escape and wait for team fight to start. When fight starts Deceive in, look for enemy carry/squishy then lay down a box, use your auto crit from Deceive, and pop your clone. It is now a 4v5. OR...

    Teams dancing with each other waiting to initiate team fight? Start to split push to draw enemy apart/ get ignored and take down a turret. If they split, sending 1, easy kill. If they send 2, have team engage the rest while you use superior mobility/Deceive to rejoin team making it a 5v3.

    Got their inhib turret down but inhib is up? Have team feign a team fight while u backdoor and take down inhib so fast enemy team doesnt know whats happening.

    Anyone who calls late game shaco useless is simply not playing him in the way he is designed. He deals heavy/burst damage and can be extremely disruptive, throw the enemy off their game plan and watch them rage about how useless you are while you wipe the floor with them.

  12. #12
    Shaco is like Rammus during the whole laning phase: If you don't ward you have 2 options, either sit under your tower or die.
    But if you play it right and don't give Shaco any kills, he falls behind extremely badly compared to other junglers.
    But if you DO end up feeding a Shaco, you better have a 6 stack Cho'gath sitting on top of your carries or they won't live more than 5 seconds into a teamfight.

    So in other words, Shaco is a ganker that turns into one of the scariest assassins if he gets fed and can snipe your carries easily.
    If Shaco doesn't get fed, GJ you just made the game 4v5.

  13. #13
    So much hate. Shaco isn't a bruiser, he's not someone who's going to fight lee sin or cait 1v1 end game, there's no way. At the 45 minute mark I stop taking kills and I start passing kills to my carry (hopefully a cait or a yi or something). Shaco makes your early game pushing capabilities nill and if you're a squishy dps (take a veigar) you HAVE to buy more survivability items or I will two shot you without a problem.

    Shaco can't carry. Shaco can't initiate team fights. Shaco can two shot people all the time, preset up boxes for an escape route, have someone run into it, deceive like you're running away and two shot the next carry. Knowing his strengths and weakness's is key, and lol to the guy with lee sin. You would kill me easily 1v1, but why the hell would I fight anyone 1v1?

  14. #14
    I would say in 50% games as Alistar I come up against shaco on bottom lane (no I don't know what he's doing on bot either)

    Level headbutt first and deny him farm until he overextends from sheer frustration and i can feed him to my carry.

    I hear he is powerful early game.... but I haven't seen it.

  15. #15
    This is the first character I bought (he just seemed so damn cool), and my 4th day playing LoL total. I am not so great with him, but have managed to go 15/1/7 etc. with him. However, I have to exhaust myself mentally to even do decent with him, as opposed to when I pick Singed and just face roll people with minimal thinking or effort involved.

  16. #16
    Dreadlord Nosonia's Avatar
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    Shaco is very strong, does well in team fights if played right and can carry a game to victory easily.

    If you deny any jungler any ganks all game, they will all fail, so dont listen to people saying "just deny him ganks and he sucks"... All junglers require ganks to keep the gold up.. also, that's why you jungle, so you can gank.

    Shaco is a true assassin, he comes in, does his damage, and gets out, or he dies... Do this properly, and you can carry your team through many many wins.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Nosonia View Post
    If you deny any jungler any ganks all game, they will all fail, so dont listen to people saying "just deny him ganks and he sucks"... All junglers require ganks to keep the gold up.. also, that's why you jungle, so you can gank.
    not strictly true. you have the farmers such as udyr or shyvanna who can get a lot of CS and are quick at counter jungling to make up for poor ganks. then on the other hand you have the GP10 junglers such as maokai, malphite or even skarner who can do a bit of everything and still come ahead mid-late with no successful ganks.

  18. #18
    He's not that great anymore as you think. He's good for early game but in the end game, Forget it. Been there and struggled plenty time to counter/mixed items. He's garbage in teamfight, just pray u pull someone into bush solo with their stupidity. >.>

  19. #19
    Personally I find Shaco lackluster. He is basically ganking: The champion. Really really solid ganks with stealth, red, and fear, but once team fights start, the only use he has is picking off stragglers.

    Not to mention, he is really easy to counter jungle. Mess up his boxes (and don't die in the process), and presto, he is rightly screwed.

  20. #20
    Shaco has survivability .s? His only survival tool on a decent cooldown is also his offensive initiate. He is naturally squishy and he does have so much mobilty other than his Q (Agian, both escape tool and gap closer).

    If he scares the shit out of the enemy early and ganks sufficiently, so your team gets more farm, THEN we can talk about shaco being one of the good champs. Lategame he just picks up stragglers.

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