1. #4001
    try having people with amnesia in your team. our team is winning with a decent poke then 5-10 mins in, our nida says oh dinner time gtg. like f***in realy? you know your dinner is soon and yet you still queue for a match? if you know that your gonna have to leave a game to go eat then queue for bots, at least then if you leave one of the bot leaves aswelll instead of makin the rest of the match a perma 4v5
    someone else might have gotten it wrong.

  2. #4002
    Just lost a game because my support (I was playing twitch at bot) stole all my kills then dced at 15 minutes..


  3. #4003
    Can't help but think the matchmaking is massively bugged. Played some normals recently (plat 4) and in over 20 games I haven't had a full team of 30's. So very very awful.

  4. #4004
    My teams Draven gets a double 3 mins into the start of the game. Stays too long and gets ganked by Hec and dies. Janna started verbally abusing him all game, he started to just feed. Sej ganked and died once, Janna started on her, entire team started fighting. I stopped caring and just farmed until we lost.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  5. #4005
    Ok , playing aram.

    In the beginning at the brush fights, one of our teammate is gone, he said "brb killing some poros".

    Wow , most serious troll I have ever seen, then our team lose 4v5, feed enemy team 0-5 and got aced.
    Last edited by Vvhooya; 2013-06-11 at 03:44 AM.

    Will be missed ~

  6. #4006
    Leona is afk for 15 mins. I hold bot as MF 1v2. Kayle feeds Xin 0/5. LEona comes back, Kayle spends 10 mins bitching that she lost top cause Leona was afk. I say we aren't going to win the game, put up surrender(this was after we got aced 3 times in a row), team reports me for negative attitude.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  7. #4007
    well i just lost 5 ranked games in a row :/ /sadface

    road to diamond seems soo far away
    http://oce.op.gg/summoner/userName=dw+soul+roc in oceanic now Lol

    5172-1206-0622 pokemon FC Lets Battle!!

  8. #4008
    I just lost another game because of how stupid people are. But it was all my fault, I should've dodged it. I'm 2nd pick and I go lee sin mid. I let them know. They start flaming and telling me how bad I am and how lee can't be played mid. I try to convince them and all of them agree. Last pick takes ryze. He goes top after everyone tells him to. He dies 2 time to nasus and says that it's my fault for troll picking so he comes mid. From now on everything goes downhill. Not to mention thresh being 0/10 at the end of the game. Why are people so retarded?

  9. #4009
    We won..but....Being a good support is such a thankless job. I played Malph support for Trist vs Varus and Lulu. I zoned the hell out of Varus. He was 60 cs under Tristana by mid game. She was at 30+ he was less then 15 by like 10 mins or so. Hit 6, ulted and got a kill. My ults were perfect all game. Focused either on Fizz or Varus. Everyone was complimenting each other, no one said anything to me. Made me sad.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  10. #4010

  11. #4011
    10+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    sums up my last game

    cait was 0-19 with 54 cs which also didnt help in this case
    and hec and garen refused to intiate, i guess akali is the intiator on the team as they wouldnt go in unless i did


    why does this game hate me
    Last edited by bobsmith06; 2013-06-12 at 09:50 AM.

  12. #4012
    Just had a game where our Ashe was literally standing behind the tower being "defensive" (out of xp range I might add).
    Shyvana (who was clearly his friend) got mad at me for being "bad" even though I was the only one who had actually pushed an enemy tower down and helped with every dragon.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aydinx2
    People who don't buy the deluxe edition should be permanently banned. I'm sick of playing with poor people.

  13. #4013
    Just lost a game thanks to our retarded teemo. Apparently there is a bug where somes you'll get kicked from the game when using Zhonya's Hourglass. This idiot kept using it every team fight EVEN THOUGH HE FUCKING KNEW he'd get kicked from the game.... Also, our varus goes off chasing rengar in bushes when we could've just went 3 vs their inhib turret and then inhib.. instead he dies and team is forced back.

  14. #4014
    thath game when ur team mate intentionally feeds, your other team mate goes afk for that reason, and u still win the game 3vs5 , just had to mention that game XD

  15. #4015
    So........... I went ranked. Eh.

    Great scores in all 5 games, first one(vladi) was just an okay game on my side. Like I said, great scores but I can't carry. People didn't listen to me for objectives and got caught for stupid shit. >-<

    This is frustrating.

    It also felt like I was the only one buying wards in all of those games except on Lux game. Weird, really.

  16. #4016
    Started doing twisted treeline again, first match of the day Tryn and Jax premade and me as akali. Never been so happy that i lost. They started flaming in french after 21seconds... because i said it wasen't smart to iniate against Ryze, GP and Jayce but Jax did even before Tryn was out of the base. But i was the the barbienoob <_< this continued the full 30min eventhought I was the only one in our team to have a good score :/ It was fun but damn that language

  17. #4017
    I love getting teams whose motto is "we just aced them. Now everyone B".

    Well, with the nerf to Khazix spikes he can no longer snowball out of control like he was. Now I can no longer play him in solo q cause he now needs a competent team. Can't just snowball of minions and a couple kills then smash people no matter what my team does. Was fun while it lasted.
    Last edited by Pandragon; 2013-06-12 at 11:18 PM.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  18. #4018
    Scarab Lord Puck's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Why is almost every single Master Yi I get paired with either a complete noob or a afker?

    Seriously, I've had 4 Yi's today, two were bloody terrible and the other two disconnected halfway through.

    Also how come every Yi on the the enemy team totally destroys everyone?

    I hate that champion so much, his entire purpose for existing is to infuriate me.
    Last edited by Puck; 2013-06-13 at 07:15 PM.

  19. #4019
    Why do people die twice to their lane enemy, and then keep trying to fight him? Vayne gets owned by Tristana and keeps trying to fight her.

    Quote Originally Posted by Donnie View Post
    Why is almost every single Master Yi I get paired with either a complete noob or a afker?

    Seriously, I've had 4 Yi's today, two were bloody terrible and the other two disconnected halfway through.

    Also how come every Yi on the the enemy team totally destroys everyone?

    I hate that champion so much, his entire purpose for existing is to infuriate me.
    I know how you feel. Every Teemo I get on my team feeds. Every Teemo on the enemy team gets fed during lane phase. I have fought Teemo in lane 3 times. 1 as Darius, decimated him. 1 as Vlad, zoned him out, and 1 Xin, same result as Darius. I can't see why people feed him.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  20. #4020
    Literally yesterday I won 6 games in a row, went form bottom of silver 2 to qualifiers and thought hmm its late ill do it tomorrow!

    I have lost 7 games in a row, about to drop my rank because I've had 2 dc people on my team. Supports who have said I never supported before sorry. A top who picked a character that actually is countered by who was top on their team after I told them who to pick. And so on....

    I I've wanted to do is play ADC i hate topping and jungle but whenever i pick ADC my team sucks. It's a curse. I play well but my team feeds and does horrible and it brings me down.

    Any suggestions on who to play to get out of this runt and I can explode late game. I have every ADC but Varis

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