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  1. #101
    Stood in the Fire Mazzic518's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arcady View Post
    Anyone who wonders why some might follow a king who is headstrong and thousands of years younger is obviously neither Japanese nor British nor Swedish nor etc...

    Ask a Brit why they haven't put the royal's heads on pikes over London bridge yet? Or at least... served them with an eviction notice and maid service bill.

    The concept of royalty as something important rather than to be ridiculed is deeply ingrained in some cultures. And it won't matter how bad your royals are - they are -YOUR- royals. We Americans wrap ourselves in our flag, the Brits wrap themselves up in the royals. The greatest fear the Japanese had during WWII, was not getting wiped out to the last man woman and child - but that they would lose their royal family. And despite both of these nations now having royals that just show up at parades and give a royal-wave to the crowds - they are still in place and still a very core part of their self-identity.

    Now I'm just guessing the comment was about elves - but it fits for any immortal race too.

    If you think of elves as beings that live for eons - they're probably pretty thick in the head and stuck in their ways. The average elf would make your great-granny seem like a raving techie-liberal-lunatic. These people probably don't do well with change. So if somebody comes along and is a complete dolt, but has the right bloodline - that's the king. And they won't have no ifs ands or buts about it.

    It'd be a lot like when US forces showed up on the great plains, went to the tribes and said 'take us to your leader', and mah boyz took em to a pack of old grandma's. The Americans came back with 'no, your leaders, not a pack of useless old women. Bring us your leaders,' so we looked around and noticed their guns and thought... oh, they mean our war conucil... yeah, where's gramps at?

    The elves are likely to show up anywhere and be completely blind to the ability to see leaders that are not royals of the 'ancient bloodline' - no matter who you put in front of them, they'll just look back at you with 'ok stupid, we said leader' until you show up with a guy who's got a crown and a pedigree.

    Again, you could make the same or similar comment about most of the immortal races. And for any culture stuck in its own ways - its going to presume others act the same. Stormwind's king may be there in large part because elves and dwarves have no idea how to speak to a leader who is not a king. The draenei probably look at anybody missing tentacles and think 'freak', then proceed to lord over them with 'priestly advice from the prophet' while claiming to follow. And the humans of the various nations all look for monarchs in their cultures. The gnomes... here I realize I don't even know enough about them to say anything...

    WHOA Rational thought in a Blizzard Hate thread..... say it aint so

  2. #102
    Warchief Alayea's Avatar
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    Play the same time you start watching the raid preview. Makes it a better experience.

    Also, I was blown away by seeing the "TEMP" sign. I'd love to fight it as a boss.
    Alayea - Enhance/Resto (Main) Lithala - BM Gekkani - Holy/Shadow
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  3. #103
    didnt think the Heart of Fear raid would include a literal heart of fear

  4. #104
    Anyone else think this inst looks like a raith hive ship from stargate atlantis?

  5. #105

  6. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by kodnavnet View Post
    Anyone else think this inst looks like a raith hive ship from stargate atlantis?
    Glad I am not the only one who thought that.

  7. #107
    Quote Originally Posted by kodnavnet View Post
    Anyone else think this inst looks like a raith hive ship from stargate atlantis?
    So THAT was what I was thinking about!

  8. #108
    It's nice that blizzard has some plans for Varian in this expansion - other than him standing in Stormwind Keep and pontificating from time to time. However, I haven't even seen his rough edges. The guy isn't interesting or even a factor in the game. At least Garrosh leaves Orgrimmar from time to time.

  9. #109
    Zarhym and Bashiok should be fired. The caustic atmosphere of the Blizzard forums is due to those 2 trolls and their heavy-handed banning of anyone who makes the slightest criticisms against Blizzard. Zarhym actually is saying that if you don't hang out with Chris Metzen then your opinion is invalid. What a tool.

  10. #110
    Quote Originally Posted by stgeorge78 View Post
    Zarhym and Bashiok should be fired. The caustic atmosphere of the Blizzard forums is due to those 2 trolls and their heavy-handed banning of anyone who makes the slightest criticisms against Blizzard. Zarhym actually is saying that if you don't hang out with Chris Metzen then your opinion is invalid. What a tool.
    If you go to the blue tracker and read the post Zarhym is responding to in Theramore must not be destroyed, it reads completely tongue-in-cheek to me so don't know why he got so offended. And the follow up about alliance finding things change not good was reasonable and he went off on that one too. I think he was searching for a post he could use and the ones he chose weren't good examples of the point he was making.

  11. #111
    I cant wait to get in there and try it out!

  12. #112
    Field Marshal
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    Not your business!
    I think it may be because of the carrier. Mine is Tracfone so they may be looking at the service name, or if they label prepaid service separately. Mine gives the pre-paid error with the number.
    "Never let your education interfere with your learning." - Samuel Clemens

  13. #113

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