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  1. #1

    What is going on recently with Alliance and Bgs?

    First off, i would just like to say that this is not intended to be a whiney QQ post about how alliance suck and are full of kids bla bla bla. We have heard that all before, but recently i have started to notice a dramatic rise in the amount of losses that alliance rack up in bgs. Here is a short sample that i have collected over a week of doing a small amount of bgs queing up for randoms

    Warsong Gulch: Played 7 W-2 L-5
    Strand of the Ancients: Played 6 W-1 L-5
    Alterac Valley: Played 4 W-1 L-3
    Isle of Conquest: Played 4 W-1 L-3
    Twin Peaks: Played 2 W-2
    Gilneas: Played 1 L-1
    Eye of the Storm: Played 3 W-1 L-2

    Total: Played-27 W-8 L-19

    Although this is a small amount of bgs done. It does show that some bgs tend to be lost more by Alliance. In Wsg for example, i see that a lot more alliance people tend to stay in the middle and farm, which often equates to a loss.

    Does anybody have an explanation for these losses? or has done research? Maybe it is just my battlegroup?

  2. #2
    You must have been a lucky one that's been in a good battlegroup up to now. Mine has always been constant losses for alliance since cross server battlegroups started. For instance, I have almost 210k lifetime kills, yet am nowhere near to having Justicar, and I believe I still haven't reached 100 wins in wsg since achievements started tracking it years ago, even though all I pretty much do in wow is bg's.

  3. #3
    well as harsh as this may sound. The common item in each BG was you. Maybe you need to preform better. Remeber, you always remember when your losing, but if that was a 19 win streak you would not question anything

  4. #4
    The Lightbringer Uennie's Avatar
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    Uh, I lose my BGs 90% of the time and I'm Horde. It depends.

  5. #5
    This just in - doing random battlegrounds where it hooks you up with random people yields random results.

    More at 11.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Boxerlol View Post
    Although this is a small amount of bgs done. It does show that some bgs tend to be lost more by Alliance.
    A sample of that size is of zero statistical significance.

  7. #7
    It's not recent. It's just battlegroup dependant. Also I find the time of the week/day make a large difference as well. Early in the morning I find Alliance do pretty well, but on the weekend/evening it's a pretty loss filled series of games.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Archermit View Post
    well as harsh as this may sound. The common item in each BG was you. Maybe you need to preform better. Remeber, you always remember when your losing, but if that was a 19 win streak you would not question anything
    Yes, the OP is purely responsible for being teamed up with 9 - 39 other losers who don't go for goals, who aren't geared as well or who don't know how to PvP.

    RNG is RNG. The OP has just had a tough time winning. There would need to be a much larger sample of win:loss ratio in order to make any real judgement.

  9. #9
    There's lots of bad players on horde, and alliance. As are there lots of good players on each. Considering you can only get 10-40 people into a bg, you can't possibly say that all 10 of the people on your team are going to be terrible. There's no way that I can see that would cause one faction to lose more than the other apart from bad luck.

  10. #10
    I was under the assumption Battlegroups are restricted to just Arena and RBG's now - Not random Battlegrounds?
    Maybe I'm just misinformed but I'm on Bloodlust now and I'm getting people from Emberstorm constantly in randoms.

    I've played both Horde and Alliance equally and I've actually been farming to complete 25k HK's on my main over the past month.
    The farming has been on Alliance. In full PvE gear.
    (I was requested to drop my PvP spec until we get H-Madness down due to having to swap between Fury and Arms almost non-stop.)

    I'm noticing a fairly equal win to loss ratio and the only thing I've noticed makes a difference is if people actually listen to whoever is barking orders or not. In a random - Coordination appears to be far more important than a full set of PvP gear at this rate.
    Skill > Listening > Anything Else

    I think you've just had a very bad string of bad groups with players who are well, bad.
    I'd suggest grouping up with some friends and guildies as I've found it makes a world of difference.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Boxerlol View Post
    First off, i would just like to say that this is not intended to be a whiney QQ post about how alliance suck and are full of kids bla bla bla. We have heard that all before, but recently i have started to notice a dramatic rise in the amount of losses that alliance rack up in bgs. Here is a short sample that i have collected over a week of doing a small amount of bgs queing up for randoms

    Warsong Gulch: Played 7 W-2 L-5
    Strand of the Ancients: Played 6 W-1 L-5
    Alterac Valley: Played 4 W-1 L-3
    Isle of Conquest: Played 4 W-1 L-3
    Twin Peaks: Played 2 W-2
    Gilneas: Played 1 L-1
    Eye of the Storm: Played 3 W-1 L-2

    Total: Played-27 W-8 L-19

    Although this is a small amount of bgs done. It does show that some bgs tend to be lost more by Alliance. In Wsg for example, i see that a lot more alliance people tend to stay in the middle and farm, which often equates to a loss.

    Does anybody have an explanation for these losses? or has done research? Maybe it is just my battlegroup?
    Your sample size is much to small to really prove anything. You may have just had bad luck this week.

  12. #12
    As such a small sample it's nothing. I have around 700 WSG played, won around 380 or so, so it's quite close to 55% win.. This is the same for all battlegrounds (except Eots and AV) where the win ratio is between 40-60%. Now, In Eots the win ratio, for me at least, is less then 30%, so I could say Alliance sucks there. And in AV, my winning ratio is over 75%, so I could say we rock there. However, due to always losing Eots, my sample size is smaller (as I get annoyed and leave) and as such it could be different there.

  13. #13
    I've played ~15 hours of BG's as Horde over the last 2 days. I've won zero.

  14. #14
    I've played a lot of WSG lately, usually with myself as a flag carrier and a healer friend or another friend and haven't lost a WSG in a long time. Outside of that, my other BGs are about 50/50, which is what you'd expect really.

  15. #15
    Dreadlord yuca247's Avatar
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    This really proves nothing. I have both alliance and horde toons and in my experience the alliance wins more Bgs by far. That is only my experience though. For someone else, like you, it could be the complete opposite. Also, in my personal experience there have been some BGs that the alliance constantly win specially on call to arms weekends like AV. So everything is pretty much random.

  16. #16
    what Archermit and Bitlovin...

  17. #17
    AVs played: 397
    AVs won: 224

    WSG played: 587
    WSG won: 358

    Eye played: 329
    Eye won: 199

    Battle for G played: 361
    Battle for G won: 199

    ABs played: 448
    ABs won: 250

    Horde seems to win a bit more, but after a while, it will even out. Some weeks alot of new players do BGs, others everyone run around in full cataclysmic.

  18. #18
    Titan Tierbook's Avatar
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    idk ive had some good ones recently such as farming horde in thier base at AB or Gilneas

  19. #19
    Horde never wins AV.You sir are probably the WORST and I mean WORST player in WoW to loose AV as Alliance.

  20. #20

    As expected when people make these ridiculous ''OH Y DO WE LOSE ALL ZE TIEM!? :<:<'' threads - turns out they're almost 50/50 overall.

    All I can say is, the better the player, the bigger influence on games - bigger chances of winning. Here are my stats for a comparison - positive stats in every BG but AV;

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