1. #1

    [MoP] What is the control class?

    Hey all,

    I basically took a break from WoW for the duration of Cata, and I'm looking to come back for MoP for (relatively casual) pvp. I played a rogue forever because I love the control playstyle (like TBC ShS rogues, and what it sounds like rogues are right now, though I don't have one at 85 yet). But, it looks like Rogue control is taking a serious hit come MoP. 3 min vanish CD, 3 min Blind, choosing prep or mobility. All together it sounds like my favorite part of the rogue playstyle is dying.

    Since I didn't play Cata, I'm way far behind and trying to catch up on all the new abilities that were added, the new talent trees, and I'm trying to do the same for the MoP beta info, but it is a lot to absorb without any first hand experience.

    So, who will be the "control" class in PVP in MoP? I've heard frost mages are losing some control, but I'm not familiar enough with the class to really know what they are losing.

    Hunters had some serious control, will they still in MoP?

    What about warlocks? I see they are getting a massive redesign. I played a lock in the past, but I'm not sure I like having to pick between Death Coil and Howl of Terror... The new 8 second dispel cd looks nice for locks, though, as healers will be much less likely to dispel a fear.

    Has some other class been given new control abilities that I'm not aware of?

    I understand "beta is beta" but it looks like all the new abilities have been added, so we can at least know what abilities each class has going for them.

    For the record, I'm not asking who is going to be good. I'm asking who has the tools to annoy the hell out of my opponent. If it turns out the class is horribly underpowered I don't care, I'm trying to figure out what class fits my support/cc/annoyance playstyle the best so I can have it ready for MoP launch.


  2. #2
    Rogue/Mage most likely as they are the Favour of the decade classes.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Mfer View Post
    Rogue/Mage most likely as they are the Favour of the decade classes.
    That's why warlocks have been kings this entire expansion and the previous ones. And it's looking that way for MoP. Instant spammable fear. Yep.
    this game sucks

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by rektlol View Post
    That's why warlocks have been kings this entire expansion and the previous ones. And it's looking that way for MoP. Instant spammable fear. Yep.
    Kings of the highest echelons of PvP, maybe. But considering the skill cap needed as a warlock (and omitting the fact that warlocks are merely good at controlling the field and sustaining moderate DPS, which compliments teams extremely well, making them "solid"; what warlocks have in control and maneuverability they lack in survivability and burst) compared to all other classes, it's really hard to make any judgment calls here until the OP gives us an estimate of his skill...

    Oh, and warlocks are dead.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Ziharkk View Post
    Kings of the highest echelons of PvP, maybe. But considering the skill cap needed as a warlock (and omitting the fact that warlocks are merely good at controlling the field and sustaining moderate DPS, which compliments teams extremely well, making them "solid") compared to all other classes, it's really hard to make any judgment calls here until the OP gives us an estimate of his skill...

    Oh, and warlocks are dead.
    Highest echelons of PvP are the only ones that count. I suppose this is why mages are considered 'so op' to the general mouth breathing masses.
    this game sucks

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by rektlol View Post
    Highest echelons of PvP are the only ones that count. I suppose this is why mages are considered 'so op' to the general mouth breathing masses.
    I consider PvE to be astronomically more important than PvP, but meh... Anyways, to indulge your offtopic remark, mages are overpowered insofar as they have a level of control nearing the warlock's, but requiring far and away less execution and skill. The difference between a bad mage and a good mage is still obvious, but the difference between a bad warlock and a good warlock is drastic.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Ziharkk View Post
    I consider PvE to be astronomically more important than PvP, but meh... Anyways, to indulge your offtopic remark, mages are overpowered insofar as they have a level of control nearing the warlock's, but requiring far and away less execution and skill. The difference between a bad mage and a good mage is still obvious, but the difference between a bad warlock and a good warlock is drastic.
    Firstly this is a PvP forum. Mages are "op" in the low echelons of PvP because the masses are retarded.

    Mages do have a level of control near warlocks. Warlocks is still better, however.

    I'm gonna stop you right there with regards to less execution. A warlock can honestly just sit there and cast dots on everyone and not die with a resto shaman healing them. A warlock doesn't have to cover his sheeps so they don't get dispelled. A mage doesn't have instant 8 second unavoidable CC on all targets (Ring of frost is not instant). You can't just "spam ice lance" as a mage like you can "spam UA" as a lock. Also it's easy to stop mages damage. The good ones still deal good damage whilst being trained.

    The difference between a bad lock and a good lock is minimal, as they have the simplest of jobs. As a mage you have to set up kills, get CC off and call the targets. But, if you're a human mage with double trinkets then yes you can pretty much just 'spam ice lance'
    this game sucks

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Ziharkk View Post
    I consider PvE to be astronomically more important than PvP, but meh... Anyways, to indulge your offtopic remark, mages are overpowered insofar as they have a level of control nearing the warlock's, but requiring far and away less execution and skill. The difference between a bad mage and a good mage is still obvious, but the difference between a bad warlock and a good warlock is drastic.
    All he's saying is that the highest form of PVP is what counts. So even if Locks have a higher skillcap than mages (we're not debating that though) it doesn't change the fact that their class is favored in the type of PVP that counts, 3s.

    Which is sort of off topic but so was the comment he was talking about, about rogues and mages being "OP."

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Ziharkk View Post
    I consider PvE to be astronomically more important than PvP, but meh... Anyways, to indulge your offtopic remark, mages are overpowered insofar as they have a level of control nearing the warlock's, but requiring far and away less execution and skill. The difference between a bad mage and a good mage is obvious, but the difference between a bad warlock and a good warlock is drastic.
    The bold stuff is wrong... Mages actually have a high skillcap. they need to know when to burst, when to peel, manage cds and do it properly. Warlocks have to worry about dotting everything, fearing the right target and their own position (more then other classes because of Portal).

    About which class will be the control class... Rogues look ridiculous. No cd on Redirect, DT interrupt... Mages will probably be op because they've always been but I'm pretty sure Warlocks will be the God class of this expansion... Sick cc, dmg and survivability.
    Last edited by mmocc956f22cc4; 2012-04-22 at 10:06 AM.

  10. #10
    Locks, mages, hunters, rogues, druids all looking very strong control wise for MoP.

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