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  1. #21
    Bite her taint... when she asks why you did it... just say you were please her like she plays support...badly... she should understand

  2. #22
    Herald of the Titans Nirawen's Avatar
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    Sounds like you've already tried pretty hard to be nice about it, i'd just not play with her until she changes her gameplay.
    Her hall is called Eljudnir,
    her dish is Hunger,
    her knife is Famine,
    her slave is Lazy,
    and Slothful is her woman servant.

  3. #23
    Sounds like she's not very confident, at least I'm quickly on the defensive about things I'm not confident about. If that makes sense. I used to be one of those people who could never be wrong - so take it from someone who's got the inside scoop.

    I know it sounds weird, and I'm most likely wasting my time typing this, but maybe it's worth a try talking to her one on one, somehow, and just tell her exactly what the problem is. Yes sure, you dislike her, doesn't mean you can't have a civilized but serious talk with her. Tell her it's a problem she acts the way she does. The point is to try get past her self defence, because there's nothing you can say or do that'll work unless you get her to let her guard down and genuinely listen to you. Being rude or spiteful won't get you anywhere what so ever though, seriously, just talk factually and like I said, it's possible to be polite even if you're being frank and confronting her with the fact she's acting like a cunt. Because she is. Sometimes telling someone that (not literally, maybe) wakes them up a bit. Trying to get at them by other means just makes them put up even more defences and act even more like arses.

    Alternatively you can't be arsed / don't find it worth it to try confront her with it all, in which case, fuck knows! Surely will be other advice in the thread. Maybe I'm just a pathetic softie but I usually think it's worth trying to make people realize their mistakes, at worst you fail and nothing changes, at best maybe she'll change her ways and who knows you might end up enjoying playing with her and her/your friends.

    In b4 hate!
    I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like more than half of you more than you deserve.

  4. #24
    It kind of depends on how you want to play the entire game yourself, if you wanna joke around and just have fun, play with her, if you wanna win and maybe get higher up in the ole Elo, either show her a stream/video of support players, or stop playing with her

  5. #25
    Tell her that no, she can definitely still improve, just like everybody else. Tell her the facts, namely that it's disadvantageous for the support role to take CS, and to push the lane without warding excessively.
    If she doesn't listen, screw her. Self-entitled people who believe they are always without fault are not worth your time! [Unless you plan on using Lemon-nades against them... then maybe.]

  6. #26
    Then don´t play AD carry, you won´t get annoyed by her stealing the ADs farm if you are all the way up in top lane.

  7. #27
    Epic! Ihsatakar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdowhatIwant View Post
    1) I do not like her, I despise her. You failed reading comprehension in school if you think I like her in any way.
    The title of your thread says "friend"

    On topic, explain to her why it's bad. Explain why the AD needs CS, why the support builds gp5, the job of the support, etc. If she still doesn't listen go full asshole on her. Fire with fire. Shape up or ship out. It's the only method she'll understand at that point.

    You wouldn't stand for this if she was a he, would you?

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by jd14256 View Post
    It kind of depends on how you want to play the entire game yourself, if you wanna joke around and just have fun, play with her, if you wanna win and maybe get higher up in the ole Elo, either show her a stream/video of support players, or stop playing with her
    I can tell you from personal experience that playing with people who are far worse than you is not about "climbing up the ladder". The frustrating thing is them losing their lane all the time, while always blaming OP champions, enemy junglers and whatnot.
    No matter how good you play, your enemies are almost always strong enough to defeat you because they got fed by your friends.

    Me and my brother have played with a bunch of our friends from Uni. Usually, one of them is slightly worse than us, one is worse than us and two people are plain horrible.
    In total we have about 20 games shared between us with these 5-man premades. Of those, my brother was able to win 2, I didn't win any.

    The problem with these people is that they do not intend to improve at all, they just play for the sake of playing. Unfortunately, this means that you won't get to have much fun with them, since you as a better player attract better enemies and thus at least 60% of your games will end with you surrendering after 20mins.

    TL;DR: Playing with friends is usually only fun if your skills are somewhat comparable. Big skill differences result in an incredibly high lose-ratio, which is very counterproductive for fun. [Getting dominated in 4/5 games is simply not really any "fun".]

  9. #29
    She just seems like an arrogant twat. Get rid of her.

  10. #30
    Pandaren Monk Kurdiern's Avatar
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    Tell your buddies "Bro's b4 hoes" and find out just what your friendship truly is.

  11. #31
    Play poorly yourself, then if she starts bitching about it, you can just bitch back harder

  12. #32
    "/all OMG noob support gg bitch farm qq gank fuck bg noob team"

  13. #33
    Or just man up and don't play with her/friends? Just because she has tits doesn't allow her to be shit with a shit attitude. If it was a guy, would it be the same? Nope.

    If you're not enjoying it then simply stop playing in games she is. If you refuse to do that due to whatever stupid reason, then stop bitching.

    Letting some bitch walk over you and ruin yours games because she has a vagina is just weak, fuck her off.

  14. #34
    Herald of the Titans Nirawen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by esoterickk View Post
    Letting some bitch walk over you and ruin yours games because she has a vagina is just weak, fuck her off.
    Watch out, we've got a badass over here.
    Her hall is called Eljudnir,
    her dish is Hunger,
    her knife is Famine,
    her slave is Lazy,
    and Slothful is her woman servant.

  15. #35
    It sucks when you aren't at the same skill level of friends in a game. Then you get the horrible choice of continuing to play at their level or ditching friends to find more appropriate game partners.

    Quote Originally Posted by IdowhatIwant View Post
    (lol female rage). She's always right,
    As a married man I can verify that this is what female rage looks like.

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Nirawen View Post
    Watch out, we've got a badass over here.
    Oh, how witty and original.

    But no, I'm just tired of seeing people in situations like this yet aren't willing to do anything about it because she has a vagina. She is being a complete bitch about it all, treating them like shit and ruining their gaming experience due to her own stubbornness, despite being talked to politely and trying to explain it to her. Why does she deserve any special treatment? Again, if it was a male they wouldn't put up with all this.

    It's because she's a girl they'll deal with it - that makes no sense to me. Simple solution; take action.

  17. #37
    You don't have to be so sexist geez, just don't play with her simple as that. She is obviously just stubborn and isn't going to listen to what you say.

  18. #38
    How I would handle it, honestly:

    If it was a girl that I liked and had a chance of being with, I'd put up with. If it was a normal female friend, I'd just stop playing with her, but still be friendly.

  19. #39
    You could ask your friends if they want to play with you without her sometime, or just make sure that if she has to be in the team, then someone else who is friends with her shares the lane.

  20. #40
    Tell your friends what the problem is, get them to help you to help her. If she doesn't straighten up, then tell them to choose; you or her.

    Honestly, people will be offended for anything. Even if they're wrong, they do bad things or if you try to help them, they will get mad at you, so I'm not surprised to hear about this mega-jerk.

    The only way to deal with such people is to make harsh decisions, not pussyfooting around the issue.
    Last edited by NotValidAnymore; 2012-05-22 at 01:21 AM.

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