View Poll Results: Pick on for the rest of your life...

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  • Star Wars!!!!!!!!!

    157 63.31%
  • Harry Potter

    79 31.85%
  • The Handsome Stranger

    12 4.84%
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  1. #41
    Merely a Setback Adam Jensen's Avatar
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    The original SW are classics but Lucas fucked it all up with the prequals, so I'm going with Potter.
    Putin khuliyo

  2. #42
    I have watched both series, and really got much more immersed in the Harry Potter universe than the Star Wars universe. So albeit both being awesome, I vote for Harry Potter.

  3. #43
    Herald of the Titans Eorayn's Avatar
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    To me Harry Potter is by miles a superior series.
    Star Wars had three good movies, and three quite bad.
    Harry Potter had 8 exceptionally good movies.

    Overall, Harry Potter is just better than Star Wars. Better characters, better action, magical-like storytelling.

  4. #44
    I love both, but I went with star wars just because... well... it's star wars.

    Lotr beats both though.

  5. #45
    Star Wars for me, the later Harry Potter movies were great ofcourse, but Star Wars was just better for me.

  6. #46
    Ugh that's such a hard choice for me ... But in the End I had to go with Star Wars.

    Star Wars = 3 'INCREDIBLE' movies and 3 Pieces of Shit. MASSIVE influence on Nerd Culture. John Williams.AWESOME Spin Off Games; KOTOR, Jedi Knight 2 : Jedi Outcast, SWTOR, Battlefront 1&2 ETC.

    Harry Potter = 8 'Great' Movies. 8 Shitty Games. Influence extremely mainstream. The Potter section of Universal Studios which is HOLYWTFBBQ WIN.

    Reading that you might think SW has an easy win, but it's still a very difficult choice. Really what gives Star Wars the win is the Video Games. Games like KOTOR and JK2:JO just give Star Wars that edge that Harry Potter can't take back in any department. Perhaps in future years we'll see the 'Harry Potter Universe' expanded and we might get some Video Games (RPG's?) set before or after the Novels, but as for now, Star Wars controls that Edge and the HP Movie Based games were fucking abominations.

  7. #47
    Immortal Zelk's Avatar
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    6 or so awesome movies vs 2 awesome movies? Harry Potter is an easy choice for me. SW episodes 1,2,3 and 6 are all pretty crappy imo, whereas Harry Potter has been always been fun. Not to mention that the books are quite good. Honestly, Star Wars is cool and everything, but I think it's before my time.

  8. #48
    Starwars, Harry potty was a shit move, in my eyes.

  9. #49
    Heh, youngin's

    Star Wars for certain. Harry Potter wan't bad, but it wasn't that great either. I find it very over rated.

    Maybe if I were younger when HP came out I would have a better appreciation for it. It was just very childish to me. Star Wars isn't necessarily a shining light of maturity, but HP is even more heavily aimed to young children, IMO.
    Quote Originally Posted by xxAkirhaxx View Post
    Blizzard is a conglomerate that through lower sub numbers has raised revenue. They're not stupid, they're just not catering to you.
    Yes yes, I know, the sky just bonked you on the head, casuals are taking over the government, and some baddie just got a raid drop... I think you'll live.

  10. #50
    The Lightbringer Daws001's Avatar
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    Harry Potter.

    I like them both but the last few times I've tried to watch the original SW trilogy, I've either fallen asleep or just lost interest. I didn't like the first two prequels but I did enjoy Revenge of the Sith. Aside from the first HP film, I've loved them all and I was a freak about the books. Went to midnight releases and devoured a few of them in less than two days.

  11. #51
    Star wars has 3 good movies and a bunch of good games/books for the expanded universe

    Harry Potter had 4 goodish books and 3 decent books same with the movies

    Star Wars for me yet I hate the new prequels

  12. #52
    As a general rule, most people older than 20 will vote Star Wars. Most people under 20 will vote Harry. Just a matter of what you grew up with. As for me, I put Harry as Star Wars was a little before my time (Although I do remember seeing episode 3 in theaters.)

  13. #53
    Star Wars has three awesome movies, one decent one, a bunch of good games, and probably hundreds of books and comics.

    Harry Potter has 7 good books, and 8 bad movies. I don't think I could read the books very many times before getting bored of them though.

    Star Wars wins, easily.

  14. #54
    I chose Star Wars due to the fact Iam old enough to have seen the first trilogy in the theatres and they were quite the mind blowing experience. The thing is, a lot of people who are under the same spell of the Potter franchise, have no clue just how insane the original Star Wars was, or just how big.

    I remember as a child going to my local Sears for a Star Wars action figure and the place was packed with kids around the Star Wars toys. There was this small Darth Vader animatronic in a glass case which was poorly done, but it talked in that voice, and moved a little, I remember thinking somehow they captured him.

    Potter could very well be this generations Star Wars, but it will never come close to what Star Wars did to pop culture, and you could even say there could be no Potter without Star Wars.

  15. #55
    Star Wars:A New Hope(ep04) > all of harry potter movies, put together

  16. #56
    haven't watched much of star wars, so I'm biased. >.<
    Quote Originally Posted by Aucald View Post
    Having the authority to do a thing doesn't make it just, moral, or even correct.

  17. #57
    Star wars if you don't count the prequels

    Also, wizard fantasy doesn't usually do it for me.

  18. #58
    star wars, but best of all is lord of the rings

  19. #59
    All six of the Star Wars movies are absolutely awful, but the rest of the Star Wars universe can be amazing. Couldn't get into Harry Potter, and I hate wizards, so yeah.

  20. #60
    Star Wars... I love all six movies, with episode III being my favorite (yeah i know its a prequel -___-) i like harry potter, but nowhere near the amount I like star wars.

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