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  1. #1

    Can I pick LoL now?

    Hello there,

    For a few weeks now I've had my desk partner at work nagging me to start playing LoL and, to be frank, I'd like to try but I'm "afraid" it'll be too much "pain" to go through. I say this because I guess the game must have a learning curve due to it's strategic nature, but since it's F2P and the only person I know is that colleague, I don't really want to try and learn and spend 90% of the time in matches with people going "omg noob fag l2p go die". Are my fears justified or is it possible to pick the game up and still enjoy it while learning, without getting "lol noob tard"-bombed every 30 seconds?

    This is something that happens a lot in popular games, specially "free" ones, and hence the question.


  2. #2
    League of Legends has about as much learning curve as.... Uh, something with no learning curve.

    It's easy to play and even easier to master, especially if you have a few friends helping you. Within 50 games you'll be at the point where the biggest thing you have to learn is simply all the different abilities the 100+ heroes all have.

  3. #3
    Thanks to the leveling system of League of Legends, you'll only be matched with people around your level. Normally the people who Smurf (High level person who makes a low level account) are pretty understanding that people at low levels aren't going to know how to play though. This is from my experience anyways.
    Quote Originally Posted by Speaknoevil View Post
    This is good, be a man about it.
    Have a cigar in your mouth and a shot of brandy in your hand and tell her to get out of the guild and get into a kitchen.
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  4. #4
    Pandaren Monk Agent Mercury's Avatar
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    If you don't run into all smurfs (high skill players making new accounts) you should have plenty of time to learn

  5. #5
    Very easy to pick up on depending on the champion. If anyone does hassle you in game just ignore them and report them. And yes, LoL is VERY fun

  6. #6
    You can play against bots or even play against your friend 1v1. The ignore button also works well.

  7. #7
    To add to that, yeah, you'll want to ignore people fairly often, if them saying things bothers you. The game has a rather large playerbase so naturally you'll run into a lot of shitheads.

  8. #8
    And is there some guide or tutorial you would advise me to read or is the in-game tips enough to get a hang of things?

    I suppose basic game mechanics should probably be explained, but I mean the more "detailed" stuff (using WoW as an example: you can learn the game by just playing but if you want to be remotely serious you probably need to go read on the webz to pick an optimized spec and reforging strategy).

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by JimPaladin View Post
    To add to that, yeah, you'll want to ignore people fairly often, if them saying things bothers you. The game has a rather large playerbase so naturally you'll run into a lot of shitheads.
    Pretty much, It's to be expected since your playing with people around your level most people are understanding if not, Simply ignore them and report them.

    @OP: If you like i'd be willing to help you learn and add you to my friends list, Mind you im Australian so times im on may be difficult for you.

    As for guides i personally use Mobafire.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Grimord View Post
    And is there some guide or tutorial you would advise me to read or is the in-game tips enough to get a hang of things?

    I suppose basic game mechanics should probably be explained, but I mean the more "detailed" stuff (using WoW as an example: you can learn the game by just playing but if you want to be remotely serious you probably need to go read on the webz to pick an optimized spec and reforging strategy).
    You should play the tutorial level (it'll ask you if you want to try it when you first log in to your account)

    Other than that, when it comes to Mobas (even League of Legends) the best way to learn is just to play, learn a hero, learn the items, learn which items you like best on the hero, etc etc...

  11. #11
    High Overlord
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    I tend to look at guides / videos for ideas on how to play a champion.

    Watching high level streamers will tell you what is expected at the highest level.

    lolpro has very easy to find guides (since they only have 1-2 per champ) and even guides other aspects of the game. it actually has 19 gameplay guides.

  12. #12
    The Lightbringer Axethor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grimord View Post
    And is there some guide or tutorial you would advise me to read or is the in-game tips enough to get a hang of things?

    I suppose basic game mechanics should probably be explained, but I mean the more "detailed" stuff (using WoW as an example: you can learn the game by just playing but if you want to be remotely serious you probably need to go read on the webz to pick an optimized spec and reforging strategy).
    When it comes to learning about the game and certain champs, I suggest going to or for guides. Mobafire is okay, but most of it's guides are absolute shit. Once your able to find the good ones on Mobafire you don't really need a guide anymore.

    The learning curve is first learning your champ, then learning how to play against others. Not every champ will be super right-click to win like Yi, but they won't be as hard as control the floating ball Orianna. It'll take a while to learn everything, hell even I'm still learning and I've been playing since beta. Just play the game and read guides until you get the hang of things.

  13. #13
    pretty much what everyone else said! dont be afraid to try the game out.. even if you are worried you can always go against AI which are pretty easy matches themselves. give it a try!

  14. #14
    Now that they made it so you have to turn on the ALL chat (a chat both teams can see) you dont have to worry about other teams calling you a noob or trolling you as much either.
    Heroes get remembered.... but legends never die!

  15. #15
    You WILL be bombed with insults pal. That was me and LoL for the first year. I hated the game because of that. Then Dominion (Arathi Basin) came out, I learned the ropes in that mode since dying isn't a big deal, moved to Standard Games (Summoners Rift) and knew how much punishment my characters could take and stopped being such a big feeder.

  16. #16
    The two biggest pieces of advice I can give you is don't be greedy and don't face check bushes.

  17. #17
    Bloodsail Admiral _Fire_'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by korsic View Post
    The two biggest pieces of advice I can give you is don't be greedy and don't face check bushes.
    Unless you are Darius of course!
    OT: Do not start PvP at the beginning play atleast 10 games vs bots just to get the feel for things with your friend. I did this and it really helped me out. Also do not worry about other players. Ignore them if you have to, but also listen to what they say, this can also help you improve your game.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by korsic View Post
    The two biggest pieces of advice I can give you is don't be greedy and don't face check bushes.
    And think about your enemy in lane, if hes moving the left he might be pushing you to the right so his friend can jump round and get you, do not trust ze enemies...But ye I don't mind making a new account and giving you a hand, I also have a level 30 on eu west and nordic...could play american too cause my ping isn't too shabby.
    Quote Originally Posted by Burnt View Post
    You can trust me. I just flop around like a fish until I decide what I want to believe, then I tell people they are wrong for thinking some other way. It works for me.
    Words of wisdom if I have ever heard any.

  19. #19
    Herald of the Titans
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    looks like many people have already stated it but if you want to try and learn the ins and outs of it you can simply play a solo custom game where it pits you and 4 bots against a 5 bot team.

    have you ever played warcraft 3? the hero system is similar to that. i personally just got hooked on this game a couple weeks ago but i find it to be an absolute blast, especially when drinking with friends.

  20. #20
    actually lol is pretty easy to play but way dificult to master. i've been playing since beta too. ive played with all champions except draven (the fotm).
    easy tips and things you should consider untill you think you've reached the appropiate skill to calculate if its worth or not.


    greed is bad unless you're darius/morde with a score of 15/0/x

    master click is a fun champ to begin with.

    sona is an ez mode support requiring only targetting for her ult

    when you reach somethin like lvl 15 or something fell free to try more skillshot champs.

    if you wanna make someone qeue dodge becasue someone pick'd the champion you want pick ashe with health and revive and say "can someone teach me how to play" this works from 85 to 96% of the time.

    armor or magic pen for red runes.

    warwick, olaf, vilbear, shaco are good champions for the fine art of junlging.

    if you're tanky buy that turtle shell that gives you money/5s

    upgrade it to randuins omen in late game and use its active in every teamfight

    mages want rabbadon's deathcap

    against healt-beefy tanks buy a deathfire grasp if you're mage.

    build things like health, mana regen and spellvamp with veigar in early game. if you last hit with his q you'll have all the ap you need during early game

    most phisical dps will want infinity edge and or bloodthirster in ther build

    players like nasus, gangplank, vayne, ezreal will be quite op if you buy sheen and then upgrade to trinity force

    vladimir loves spellvamp

    demacia champions but poppy will startle you when they ult...they shout DEEEEMAAAAACIAAAAAAAAAAAA.

    akali is a flippin ninja

    shen is a flippin ninja too

    kennen is a flippin ninja also

    if theres a garen in the opposite time and is mia (missed in action) AVOID BUSHES

    there's always more than one logical build for almost every champion

    some unlogical builds works better for some champions than rational ones (ap tristana for example)

    champions like mordekasier can be built totally mage carrry tank or hybrid
    Last edited by albatross1; 2012-06-12 at 03:12 AM.

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