1. #1

    sell the exalter grand pattern or craft the item and try selling the items?

    Just picked up the Exalted Grand Pallium pattern (shoulder with 6 properties), but not sure if I should just sell the pattern itself for 8 mil (current price about on the AH) or if I should buy the mats, craft the item and try to sell to make a larger profit in the long run?

    The item costs 87,516, with 28 essences, 5 tears and 8 tomes to craft. If I don't have the mats, the total is roughly 150k.

    Not sure what to do! On the edge of just selling the pattern, as I would assume I will just get junky items with horrible stat itemization.

  2. #2
    I'd recommend selling the pattern. The shoulders usually don't sell for that much really.

    The most profitable are the gloves, so maybe sell the shoulders plan and get the gloves plan instead? Or just save the gold you get from the shoulders plan

  3. #3
    I think all crafting, (except for gems of course) is crap. The real problem with crafting isn't the insane cost, but the lack of ilvl 63s. There are no crafting patterns that are 63, not even grand exalted. Sell the patterns to the fools that want to gamble on not max level loot.

  4. #4
    2000g per essence... If an item takes 100-150 essences, that's 200-300K gold spent each time plus the other mats, so 300-400K per item easy. If you trust that on average you'll make that every item you get, then sure, be a crafter. If you're fishing for those perfect items for yourself and have no shortage of gold, then yeah, craft.

    However, if you want to make gold, screw crafting.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Laurcus View Post
    I think all crafting, (except for gems of course) is crap. The real problem with crafting isn't the insane cost, but the lack of ilvl 63s. There are no crafting patterns that are 63, not even grand exalted. Sell the patterns to the fools that want to gamble on not max level loot.
    really they arent? i didn't know that all ik is that Grand exalted talons can be up to 1100 dps with 6 properties on it if u get very lucky for 40 essence a pop so really u just need to get lucky one time out of every 100 crafts to not be worse off than just buying the gear straight from ah for its rediculous prices(thats assuming its like 20m a good wep and usually its higher)

  6. #6
    I found some Legendary plans Sage's wisdom, put them up for 20 million and they didn't sell, dropped the price to 7.5 million and they sold rechecked the AH and they were up for 27 million lol.

  7. #7
    id say keep it and craft i personally like being able to craft an item or 2 after a farm run i do. Adds another way to get gear and i find it fun.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Sydänyö View Post
    2000g per essence... If an item takes 100-150 essences, that's 200-300K gold spent each time plus the other mats, so 300-400K per item easy. If you trust that on average you'll make that every item you get, then sure, be a crafter. If you're fishing for those perfect items for yourself and have no shortage of gold, then yeah, craft.

    However, if you want to make gold, screw crafting.
    its 28 essences, and I already broke it down to being 150k if I have to buy the mats myself. Regardless, I put it up on the AH.

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