I keep continue to read about what people like and dislike about MoP. Pricing, what they're giving us to do to kill time with, etc. I just wanted to paint the same picture we all see under a different light.

There are all types of way to enjoy the game. Not just Pve (raids and dungeons) and pvp(arena, Bgs, ad world Pvp) anymore. I actually think its awesome on blizzards part to actually take notice of the hardcore and casual scenes that have strayed away from what the game originally was.

Raids and Dungeons:

They have always been around. Now, they have given us the choice of our personal level of difficultly. With a hopeful promise that the higher end difficulties staying true to what they have to offer within a challenge (outside of appropriate tuning) if challenge modes work well for the dungeons, we could see in the future them being implemented to raids. So feedback on them is great for a future with the idea. The scene has always been around but the line between hardcore and casual has become harder to see.


The war always wages on! Pvp is a great test of knowledge of the game. But it also creates controversy with class balance. It's hard to create a model that works for both Pvp and Pve without coming to multiple cross roads. But that's the nature of this game. Playing the op comp, flavor of the month, class imbalance... In all reality it adds playability to the game. If anything, Pvp can be one of the bigger contributors to why many have alts. What's going to get Glad, what's more fun to play, what class had the coolest gear (omg paladins!). With the addition of Rbgs it has given Pvp more interest. Again, there are the hardcore and casual skill levels both with different dedications to the game type.

But those aren't the only 2 anymore. And this is where I think Blizzard has come to acknowledge. We have serious collectors out there. Alts, mounts, pets, transmog sets, achievements, gold, lore... I mean this list goes on! With the addition of some new features, blizzard has begun to touch just about every aspect tw game has currently.

Pet Battles:

What better way to show off your massive pet collection than to play with them? I really think this gives life to those that spent countless hours farming, thousands of gold buying, and time hunting down rare pets. with the added pet battles we have another reason to collect other than upping our count. Again, this appeases both hardcore and casuals with the ability to hunt down and even sell off rare pets.


There are people out there who legitimately farm all those stacks of Ore and herbs you see advertised or listed on the AH. Not everyone bots. Now we can have our own personal farming ground.

Black Market Auction House:

There is a lot of controversy on this. What's going to be finalized for it is still unclear. But I think a lot of it potential is getting blow Out of proportion. The gear, mounts, items are all a very small chance. You can't take the beta as the gossipal. They are testing percentages and rates to make sure it's good when it goes live. But really, this is aimed for those who farm gold at a hardcore level. The economics of wow can't be over looked and Blizzard is pointing that out. There are people who make gold as hardcore as the Top guilds in the world for progression or the top Pvp players competing for Glad status each season. Blizzard is giving them a way to use that love and enjoyment of the game to be spent. it's not for everyone, but neither is the Gladiator title or a Realm First status. But you can't overlook the discipline and dedication it takes to make as much gold as some can.

And there's more! So much more. Wow will be able to give everyone a reasonably fair chance to shine in a particular facet of the game. I really think all this is a great step in the right direction.