Unfortunately can't say I'm surprised, I can't believe they have taken this long to do it.
Unfortunately can't say I'm surprised, I can't believe they have taken this long to do it.
Okay lets stop this shit now, atheist dont mind religion, i personally have nothing against it. What pisses us off is the fact people use it to infringe on others rights. This is a bad example banning a video game, sure it sucks but what ever. The real problem is when they take away the right to vote etc. Now i dont care if your religious good for you, dont make think that gives you the right to tell me how to live, you can live by those rules i dont want to. Laws just be made logically to give maximum freedom while also fully protecting the countries citizens. It should not needless take rights away because a book says so.
To me personally a man in the sky guiding everyone's destiny is as real as dragons are and I pity those who are too hypocritical to believe one thing is possible and not the other. The number of people who believe it is irrelivent.
I have a great quote in mind (I don't personally condemn the idea of religion but this quote is good for proving the point above) "When a child has an imaginary friend they're cute, when an Adult has an imaginary friend they're insane, when a group of adults have the same imaginary friend its religion"
Last edited by mmocc7ae5c5557; 2012-08-22 at 01:43 PM.
I'm not sure what world you live in, because I see religion being criticized every day. This thread itself is doing just that.
Now if you wanted to argue that corrupt religious officials tend to want to be immune to criticism, I'd agree with you. The problem then is not the religion, it's the corruption. In the end it all boils down to the same thing. Power corrupts. Whatever force creates that power is irrelevant. I've seen more governments attempt immunity to criticism than most other types of generators of power. I would be amiss, however, to try and do away with them. Governments, Religions, Money, Technology. All give power, and all can be misused.
I don't think the majority are insulting any communties, however the majority are "insulting" religion itself. There's no nice way of putting it.
I listen to all these complaints about rudeness and intemperateness, and the opinion that I come to is that there is no polite way of asking somebody: have you considered the possibility that your entire life has been devoted to a delusion? But that's a good question to ask. Of course we should ask that question and of course it's going to offend people. Tough.
--Daniel Dennett
"In order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance." Paradox of tolerance
I'll just qoute ZenX on this one: "Not necessarily. For them they share different deities. For example, in Christianity there is the Trinity in which is respected and defined as the divine embodiment. However, to deem so in Islam would be considered a sacrilege and a sin"
They are different dieties, and I've known a few muslims who'd be VERY offended if you claimed that the Christian God is the same as the Muslim God (Granted they also found evolution very VERY offensive....)
Amazing sig, done by mighty Lokann
This is why we can't have nice things. You guys didn't even make it past the first page before this turned into a discussion on religion
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