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  1. #41
    Game is good, really good. It wont replace wow for the hardcore players simply because wow instances + raids are better but GW 2 has way superior (it actually obliterates wow on this section) leveling atm and its pvp - while lacking compared to wow's fluidity - is way superior when it comes to environment + large scale battles + objectives.

    You can play the 2 games side by side imo GW 2 is an excellent game and for 60 euros and the time it will offer you while being subscription free is a bargain. if it had proper instanced pve + raiding it would wipe the floor with wow atm but lacks on this department but only on this one

    Forums are very positive btw if you think that's negativity you haven't seen diablo/aion/swtor launches etc :P And rightfully so we are talking about an extremely good game here. Try it i guarantee you will love it.

    Its not a wow replacement if you are a raider. Do not approach it as one
    Last edited by MarizzaDraenor; 2012-09-08 at 08:17 PM.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Keldrath View Post
    It's an excellent game. AAA, and worth every penny.
    Worth every penny and I'll probably spend a least $15 a month in the gem store. It's given me that gushy new MMO feeling that only EQ (my first) and WoW gave me.

  3. #43
    Elemental Lord clevin's Avatar
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    Look, any game that sells a lot initially will have, numerically, a lot of detractors even if the vast majority love it. Consider this....

    1 million people buy and play a game initially. 99% like it. 1% dislike it. That means there are 10,000 people who don't like it. If 1% of those come to MMO-C, that's 100 people posting about how they don't like the game. But it's still 1% of 1%. It's 0.01% of the initial purchasers.

    My point is that it's easy for an infinitesimal percentage of people to seem like an overwhelming number in the context of the forums.

  4. #44
    So far, I've been enjoying it. But you are the only one who can decide whether you'll like it. I wouldn't take forum posts very seriously. Read some professional reviews that analyze both pros and cons and watch a few videos.

  5. #45
    Titan draykorinee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Underwolf View Post
    So far, I've been enjoying it. But you are the only one who can decide whether you'll like it. I wouldn't take forum posts very seriously. Read some professional reviews that analyze both pros and cons and watch a few videos.
    I wouldnt believe any of those game reviews either nor would I watch any videos I would just buy the game and try it, nothing can prepare you for what the game can offer.

  6. #46
    I'll be honest it's a game i could play for a long time and not get bored. I see alot of people complaining i got feeling those people never got to max level and aren't trying to do 100% map complete. Doing WvW while 80 in 80 gear is amazing and doing explorable modes is a real challege some times but not always the last exp mode dungeons aren't even completed yet that i know of. I see alot of people looking for a game to completely new and awesome but i'm sorry to tell you that will never happen, maybe it's time you stopped playing mmos if you can't even hit 80 because it's to much of a grind. I took a year off playing mmos did other stuff like travel the U.S. to see some online friends i've had for years and did alot of RL exploring =)

  7. #47
    As a person who has played GW2 casually since pre-release, I think it's definitely a great game worth buying. I'm not a fanboy, I barely played GW at all and didn't get into GW2 until the headstart stuff. MMOs in general are a great value for your money because you get a ton of gameplay out of a relatively small investment. Even if you never hit 80 or get hardcore about it, it's a lot of fun. In fact, the best thing about GW2 is that it really rewards casual gameplay, you don't need to grind to the max to start enjoying it.

  8. #48
    For me it's a decent game, not more.
    I never actually WANT to play it, i play it because i don't have anything better to do. It was massively overhyped, for sure.

  9. #49
    I am Murloc! crakerjack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by melodramocracy View Post
    It's not all you see, it's simply all you decide to focus on. With all the information available on the game, I hardly see how asking in this manner is going to do anything constructive.

    If you like what you see, and like the gameplay (of which you can see hours of streaming, etc), why would you give a shit about the opinions of folks on this site? That's like saying you don't want to buy a Camaro because you read bad things about them on a Mustang forum.

    ---------- Post added 2012-09-08 at 03:53 PM ----------

    If this is your measurement for "good", then why are you playing the game in your sig?
    My signature has something to do w/ GW2? My worst fear, GW2 is now a complete rip off of orc shamans from WoW!
    Most likely the wisest Enhancement Shaman.

  10. #50
    Scarab Lord Karizee's Avatar
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    The people that are saying there's no endgame have not posted screenshots of their Achievements page showing they've completed the dungeons, nor have they posted videos showing how they did it, nor screenshots of their Titles.

    They are simply game-bashing.

    Quite a few of them were banned for using foul language in chat, inappropriate names or advertising exploits.

    The millions of people that are loving the game are playing it with very infrequent visits to forums to find answers to questions they may have.

    The game is great. Most fun I've had in an MMO in a long long time.
    Valar morghulis

  11. #51
    Herald of the Titans Darksoldierr's Avatar
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    I still cant believe Angry Joe gave 10 out of 10. It is a good game, but far from a perfect score.
    Time is on our side
    Brutal Gladiator Enhancement Shaman *rawr*

  12. #52
    jaw dropping visuals, some dodgy mechanic and fun gameplay.

    worth it for no sub.

  13. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by lopk View Post
    The good thing about GW2: You can come back anytime. Right now I'm really not feeling the game, but in a few months I can come back free of charge. Super cool.

    The bad thing about GW2: I'm already not feeling the game. It's just like any other mmorpg. It does what other mmorpgs do. It does them well, mind you, but as for redefining the genre it's hard to say that. Dynamic events were pretty cool...until you realized they're pretty much gauntlets at best (e.g. bandits attacking a farm, which in all honesty is just a bunch of npcs spawning at a farm).
    Exactly, its get boring very quickly because its very basic (Really, incredibly basic). Like you said, dynamic events are just triggers which have been in games for decades. The rest is just mob killing - and the abilities are very few and far between.

    OP; Imo save your money. There are better games out there for cheaper that will net you a longer playability and more enjoyment.

  14. #54
    The reason there's 99 pages in a negative thread, and not easy to spot pages praising the game, is because people enjoying the game are busy playing it, rather than sitting on MMO to praise it. It's a good game, it's DIFFERENT from WoW, not necessarily better or worse, it depends on what you like. It has it's flaws and bugs, but please, which launch doesnt have flaws?

    In my eyes, it's a no-sub-based mmo, where I could in theory take a break from it if there's little to do, not thinking about a sub, one day where more friends, more content is released etc. I could just log back on and play it again, that's what makes the purchase 100% worth it regardless.

  15. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by crakerjack View Post
    My signature has something to do w/ GW2? My worst fear, GW2 is now a complete rip off of orc shamans from WoW!
    You're not very bright are you..

    Last edited by Fencers; 2012-09-08 at 10:14 PM.

  16. #56
    Titan vindicatorx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orby View Post
    P.S. On a side note maybe I should have gave the title of this thread a more positive title, seems very hypercritical of me to talk about negativity on a forum when I named in negatively :P
    No, what you should have done is used the search function and find one of the other dozen threads that ask the same question, looked there and made a judgement, and not made another repeat thread like you did.

  17. #57
    It's a good game but it feels more like a single player rpg game I can play with people, however I have not tried the PvP yet.

    Honestly it feels like if you took WoW and Elder Scrolls then mashed their combat systems together and added tons of Mario 64/Banjo Kazooie esque gameplay. It's definitely fun and worth your money, but it isn't going to be a game that you will replace WoW with or anything. It will be like most single player games, play through the game until you are bored then move on. Which is honestly fine considering no sub fee.

  18. #58
    Titan draykorinee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vindicatorx View Post
    No, what you should have done is used the search function and find one of the other dozen threads that ask the same question, looked there and made a judgement, and not made another repeat thread like you did.
    oooooh biting but true!

  19. #59
    I really can't believe all this hate.

    The game is amazing, one step ahead of everything in the genre. It's not a revolution like said, but you can bet it's an evolution.
    If you take the recent MMO launches you can easily see that GW2 is just.. superior. I'd say that no game ever had me so pumped like this since 2004.
    English is not my first language, feel free to point out any mistake so i can keep learning.

  20. #60
    Bro, if you got nothin to play, throw down 60 bucks and grab it, it's not bad. You know, like Dragon Age 2, COD, Street Fighter X Tekken and whatever else is competing against it right now.

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