1. #1961
    Quote Originally Posted by Tradewind View Post
    If it existed in a vacuum perhaps. TTH has been blasting SC for the past months, calling for people to stop funding them, even David Piner going off on a rant about the Javelin sale. This last article just "changes the method of delivery." Disguising it as a helpful consumer tip, rather than the arrogant cheese from previous articles. Ultimately their message all along has been "stop funding the game." They just gussied it up a bit and are pretending to be your friend now.

    for example:

    Why? Supposedly some marketing deal with TTH fell through and they've got their panties in a twist ever since.

    Yeah I see your point, the latest article I commented on seemed to be a friendly warning about the "buyer beware" aspect of pre-release supporting of games. The others had a hint of bitterness and jealousy ('though whether they're jealous of Chris Roberts for having fans throwing money at him, or jealous of folks who can afford to spend a few grand on a shiny internet space-ship isn't entirely clear).

  2. #1962
    The newest Letter from the Chairman is out. Basically it goes over the progress of this year and what is coming next year including the FPS mode Battle Arena...

  3. #1963
    goddammit Ender's Game.
    "You six-piece Chicken McNobody."
    Quote Originally Posted by RICH816 View Post
    You are a legend thats why.

  4. #1964
    When does this game come out?

  5. #1965
    Quote Originally Posted by lastwolf82 View Post
    When does this game come out?
    You mean the singleplayer campaign or the online component? The first episode of Squadron 42 is slated for this year (targeting the first half of the year, but we'll see). The multiplayer release won't undergo full scale release unti late 2016 at least.

  6. #1966
    Titan Tierbook's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastwolf82 View Post
    When does this game come out?
    no idea it doesn't have a date yet
    Quote Originally Posted by Connal View Post
    I'd never compare him to Hitler, Hitler was actually well educated, and by all accounts pretty intelligent.

  7. #1967

  8. #1968
    Over 9000! zealo's Avatar
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    Star Citizen’s backers downloaded 13.7 PETABYTES of data from Star Citizen’s CDN during 2014 up from just ONE Petabyte in 2013.
    Almost 14 petabytes of data, that is a lot.

  9. #1969
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    2015 will probably see double that in data distribution

  10. #1970
    I'd wager a large part of that is probably the patching bullshit and "unable to load metafile" nonsense I know I personally had to redownload the alpha like 4 times lol, that's almost 100GB
    "You six-piece Chicken McNobody."
    Quote Originally Posted by RICH816 View Post
    You are a legend thats why.

  11. #1971
    Just noticed this game, it looks awesome.

  12. #1972
    Mmm... peta-bites... nomnomnom...

  13. #1973
    10 for the writers, part two.

  14. #1974
    I must be doing something horribly wrong when playing, because I cannot believe that it would be THIS hard to actually hit things in the game. Or that the damage they do is almost nothing. I'm flying an Avenger that I've kept the gatling in the nose, but mounted M3A lasers in the wings.

    Is there some sort of "target lock" aim assist I'm completely missing out on? Because I can be leading what seems an optimal solution from 150m away and hit them maybe 10% of the time still. Or I can be straight up their ass at 400m and still not score a single hit when they aren't even evasive. The Gatling also seems absolutely worthless. I get 500 ammo in it, but it seems to take around 100 ammo to finish something off even after pelting it with the laser cannons a few times to drop shields. So my "dogfighting" consists of "tethered duels" where we swing back and forth in near-misses every 10 secs.

  15. #1975
    Quote Originally Posted by stellvia View Post
    I must be doing something horribly wrong when playing, because I cannot believe that it would be THIS hard to actually hit things in the game. Or that the damage they do is almost nothing. I'm flying an Avenger that I've kept the gatling in the nose, but mounted M3A lasers in the wings.

    Is there some sort of "target lock" aim assist I'm completely missing out on? Because I can be leading what seems an optimal solution from 150m away and hit them maybe 10% of the time still. Or I can be straight up their ass at 400m and still not score a single hit when they aren't even evasive. The Gatling also seems absolutely worthless. I get 500 ammo in it, but it seems to take around 100 ammo to finish something off even after pelting it with the laser cannons a few times to drop shields. So my "dogfighting" consists of "tethered duels" where we swing back and forth in near-misses every 10 secs.
    Are you using the lag pips or the target lead indicators? You can switch back and forth in the settings.

    Here's just a quick google of the lag pip method, which I find to be the best when using a joystick.

    Also, this is only the first iteration of the Avenger, and it was rushed out for 1.0, so there might actually be some problems with it and it's weapons.

    Finally, make sure the lasers you are using are the "Suckerpunch" ones. They only drain shields at the moment, and do no hull damage.

  16. #1976
    The Avenger is a police ship, meant for diabling vessels, not destroying them. It is also a civilian model; thus a lack of competent hull penetration capability without using missiles or other weapons. Save your gatling for when his shields are done (using the lasers).

    Target lead indicator is the best to go if your missing alot, but lag pipes have a much higher skillcap and will work wonders once your used to them.

  17. #1977
    I have no idea when UEC will be earnable in AC, so I actually bought a pair of M3A Laser Cannons from Voyager Direct and swapped those for the Suckerpunch Cannons. Not really willing to spend any more than that on a temporary solution.

    How do you tell when their shields drop btw? It's incredibly hard to hit with the cannons. They seem to literally go through enemies most of the time dealing no damage, even from 100m. Also -- how often does your ammo get replenished for ballistic weapons? Do you just get 1 extra clip per wave you complete or something? Because They seem to refill ammo randomly on wave start, but not always.

    As for the armament: They've currently gimped the nose turret by only giving it a Size3 gatling using Size1 (20mm) ammo, when it's really supposed to have 35mm ammo (Size3) and a larger main gun. It's incredibly durable atm, and fast though with a shield generator larger than on the hornet. If I have shields All Forward I can basically ram a Vanduul and survive with incidental structural damage.

    One trick I've been learning to be better at is: After taking damage, they will turn and boost away. If you match their turn and boost as well, you can generally lace them with a couple good cannon shots or linked gatling+cannon fire and pop them quickly. And I got a bit lucky with a Priest in that I got him hung up on debris after a turn, and burned him down with linked fire in about 7 seconds flat, which was nice.

    I might see if I can strip weapons off those week trial ships and try them out on the Avenger, but I'm imagining they are probably specially marked to not allow that. We'll see. (IE: Laser repeaters vs. cannons)
    Last edited by stellvia; 2015-01-17 at 04:46 PM.

  18. #1978
    Quote Originally Posted by stellvia View Post
    How do you tell when their shields drop btw?
    When you lock onto a target, you can see their shield levels in the targeting UI. When on of the sides of their shields collapse, you will get both an audio heads up telling you it is down, and the target UI will show a gaping hole in their shields.

    - - - Updated - - -

    After last week's technical fiasco, Bridger has uploaded a fixed version of 'Tales of Citizens #20'!

  19. #1979
    Good news everyone!

    The first episode of Squadron 42 is set to release this fall, and an alpha launch of the Persistent Universe before the end of the year!

    CR's segment at 39 minute mark.


  20. #1980
    The hype continues!
    "You six-piece Chicken McNobody."
    Quote Originally Posted by RICH816 View Post
    You are a legend thats why.

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