1. #1

    Macro To Remove Bars Going Red When CC'd

    /run hooksecurefunc('ActionButton_OnUpdate', function(self) self.cooldown:SetLossOfControlCooldown(0, 0) end)

  2. #2
    amg thank you. I turned off everything the options menu lets you disable, but the most annoying part of this losecontrol feature can't be simply toggled. Blizzard logic.

  3. #3
    Is this permanent or do you have to do it every time you login to the game? (Cant test it now, thats why im asking)

  4. #4
    Probably everytime you log in. Kind of like some of the scripts that let you see pet quality before the latest patch. I bet someone could create a simple addon that just loads that command (if it does not already exist).

    Funny, I go from having LoseControl installed to "KillBlizzardUI" installed.

  5. #5

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