1. #1

    Best solo class at lvl 90?

    Hello, been getting a bit tired of my Mage after playing him since vanilla and I'm looking for a new class to reroll going into mists. Being that I prefer casually dueling, world pvp, and playing lone wolf in BGs I'm looking for a class that is pretty self sufficient good on their own (reason I played a Mage). I havent played the beta but assuming things balance out again at lvl 90, what class(es) douse everyone think will be good for playing solo in the coming expansion?

    Edit: don't think I worded that correctly, by soloing I was refering to PvPing without a team mate(s), like dueling, world PvP, or farming kills in Battlegrounds. Not soloing old raids =]
    Last edited by thpthpthp; 2012-09-04 at 07:17 AM.

  2. #2
    Paladins have always been great for Soloing and DK's and Hunters

  3. #3
    As of right now, you'd be smart rolling any hybrid dps class. That includes: rets, feral, balance, elemental, enhancement and shadow.
    Quote Originally Posted by High Overlord Saurfang
    "I am he who watches they. I am the fist of retribution. That which does quell the recalcitrant. Dare you defy the Warchief? Dare you face my merciless judgement?"
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  4. #4
    Immortal Raugnaut's Avatar
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    Warriors will be great for certain fights, while impossible for others.

    DKs, as usual, are in a good place.

    Druids are decent.

    Paladins are in a better place then they have been last expansion, due to more HP gain, talents, and WoG having no CD.

    Hunters are in a decent place due to the couple of self-healing buffs they recieved..

    Shamans are about the same.

    Rogues are quite better then they been in the past, due to Leeching Poison.

    Warlocks are also quite good.

    Priests are about the same as they have always been.

    Finally, mages. Compared to the past, they have a little bit more self healing with the lvl 90 talents, along with some decent options in some other tiers.

    Come 90, though, all classes should be able to solo pretty much all lvl 80 10 man stuff, with the normal top soloing classes doing Cata 10 man, and Wrath 25 man things.

    Anything at level 70, that doesnt have punishing mechanics, will be easily soloable. Youll be able to kill most lvl 70 bosses within 20 seconds.
    Quote Originally Posted by Moounter View Post
    I think your problem is a lack of intellect.

  5. #5
    DKs as usual, except for fights where you don't want pets. Since Bloodworms are baseline now and you can't spec out of it - it screws few encounters, with Kaelthas as first one (damn MC :?).. Though some of them may still be doable in frost for example, it's a strong soloer (so far my favorite)

    Warlocks with ton of self healing and new meta glyph provide strong soloers, both pet and petless. From what I've seen they are very versalite and can suit many encounters, they can both do Kael (petless build) as well as Reliquary (pet build).

    Monks - from what I've seen they are too really strong, good selfheals, good mobility, good survivality. Don't have pet spec though so IMHO Reliquary of Souls will be out of their reach.

    Hunters - still works like it does now..

    Just from the top of my mind and classes I have (At least limited) knowledge.
    Quote Originally Posted by Archaeon View Post
    In tbc everyone wished they were playing vanilla. In cataclysm everyone will wish they were playing wotlk.
    ^------True story!!

  6. #6
    playing solo, pretty mutch every class
    doing old content : dk>paly>drud>wl (rest of my chars will probably never see 90 or waaay down the road :P)

  7. #7
    DKs will be on the top,paladins are very good especially after so much buffs to WoG plus you can spec into gangsta shield,locks/hunters are next and they can be in front of dks/palas on some fights.Idk about monk but it can be very good because we saw what happened with dks when they was released.

  8. #8
    Fluffy Kitten Yvaelle's Avatar
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    Blood DK's and Ret Paladins have always been the best for soloing, and probably always will be. It's their combination of plate armor, high dps, and high (and instant) self-healing.
    Youtube ~ Yvaelle ~ Twitter

  9. #9
    Warrior with second wind is sweat to solo some of the first raid of Wotlk

  10. #10
    It's hard to tell which spec will be best in general for soloing after the stat inflation of t14, especially considering raids from wrath onwards get progressively more gimmicky. You can never go wrong with a DK though, with hunter close second.

  11. #11
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Death Knights have always and will always be the best [presumably]. The Throne of the Four Winds was soloed at 85, and Blackwing Descent and the Firelands have been done at 90 by Death Knights. All that remains is the second half of Dragon Soul and Cho'gall and Sinestra in BoT.

    Hunters are the second best because of their pets and ranged abilities.

    Warlocks come third.

    Paladins are probably fourth (they're really overrated on this thread). Warriors have gotten decent at soloing, but I wouldn't try one on anything past WotLK raids.

  12. #12
    Best solo class for pvp huh... I'd say ...

    druid, stealth healing provides you with survival tools an ability to pick your fight in world pvp because of stealth.
    Ret paladin/warrior they have good survivability

    Rogue for stalking and griefing/corpse camping someone and picking your fights (fighting lesser geared foes) but still wouldn't recommend it.

    avoid WW monk, boomkin and ele shamans (totem stomping own shamans if the person dueling has half a brain) also avoid healer they kinda need dps people to kill for them you know.

    I think warlock would fit you, they are very good for duels if you master them. although I'd say duel a bunch of classes and pick one you think look cool/nice imo

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