Poll: Should circumcision be the person's own choice?

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  1. #41
    i had no idea it was illegal in Germany.

  2. #42
    Of course it should.

    But it shouldn't even be expected of a child because of religious reasons. A person shouldn't even be forced into religion from a young impressionable age either, but that's another discussion.

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Mongoose19 View Post
    Well ladies prefer circumcised sooo...
    Absolutely incorrect, you can't tell the difference when the penis is erect.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Mongoose19 View Post
    Well ladies prefer circumcised sooo...
    Yea cause that's not subjective at all right.

    The myth that it is a breeding ground for bacteria is the most common reason I see in support of it, which is bogus. Your dick is a breeding ground for bacteria whether you are cut or uncut, fortunately we have this stuff called soap and hot water so it's not an issue either way if you have a sense of personal hygiene. I'm happy my parent's left me intact and think it should be up to the person, not the parents.

  5. #45
    There is a DISTINCT difference between male and female circumcision. A Male being circumcised does not hurt him every time he has sex. If it happened to a female, they would not be able to have sex without a lot of pain, and because of this would most likely never climax. A man can climax either way.

    I am going to answer NO (not because I don't believe in free agency, but because I believe he would make this decision later on in his life) simply because circumcision becomes a lot more difficult to do and hurts more the older you are. Babies under 1 year have a 1 in 100 chance to get a Urinary Tract Infection if they are not circumcised. the chance decreases to 1 in 1,000 for circumcised babies under 1 year.

    I know personally people who are older that get UTIs and they are so SO painful. Some even chose to get circumcised in their later years because of it and wished it had been done when they were a baby. My wife and I made the decision after a LOT of thinking and studying about it. We were undecided until he was over a week old, and we finally circumcised him at 3 weeks old. He did not even cry during the procedure and we gave 3 doses of tylenol (1 dose every 4 hours) - he probably didn't even need that much but we figured better safe then sorry, and the next day he was still great. (Did make it harder to tell when he was about to pee when we change his diaper - the foreskin gave us plenty of warning signs that he was about to pee haha) I held his hand during the procedure and he did great.

    We did not circumcise due to religious reasons, social reasons, or anything like that. We chose to do it based on the experiences family members had regarding not being circumcised and belief that it would be better for him.

    Reasons Parents May Choose Not to Circumcise
    The following are reasons why parents may choose NOT to have their son circumcised:
    Fear of the risks. Complications are rare and usually minor but may include bleeding, infection, cutting the foreskin too short or too long, and improper healing.
    Belief that the foreskin is needed. Some people feel the foreskin is needed to protect the tip of the penis. Without it, the tip of the penis may become irritated and cause the opening of the penis to become too small. This can cause urination problems that may need to be surgically corrected.
    Belief it can affect sex. Some feel that circumcision makes the tip of the penis less sensitive, causing a decrease in sexual pleasure later in life.
    Belief that proper hygiene can lower health risks. Boys can be taught proper hygiene that can lower their chances of getting infections, cancer of the penis, and STIs.
    Last edited by Symphonic; 2012-12-04 at 09:03 PM.
    MY X/Y POKEMON FRIEND CODE: 1418-7279-9541 In Game Name: Michael__

  6. #46
    A person shouldn't even be forced into religion from a young impressionable age either, but that's another discussion.
    One we won't ever win, as much as I'd like it to happen.

  7. #47
    Circumcision should be the persons choice, male or female. I understand that female circumcision is technically more severe and reasons for it are worse (some say male circumcision is done for health), but that doesn't mean male circumcision shouldn't be a choice for whomever is getting cut and illegal for parents to do. If there are health reason to do it, they can do it as an adult, it is very unlikely in modern clean countries some kid is going to get sick and die just because they have foreskin.

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Arnorei View Post
    Ignoring the religions aspect and masturbation, it's actually healthy to be circumcized because there's some unhealthy bacteria that usually gather in that area. When a person is circumcized, said bacterias evolve much, much harder.
    Maybe... if you were some disgusting person that doesn't bathe... Maybe this would've been a health issue back during times when plumbing didn't exist?

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by peggleftw View Post
    doesn't mutilation mean with the intent to harm?

    tr.v. mu·ti·lat·ed, mu·ti·lat·ing, mu·ti·lates
    1. To deprive of a limb or an essential part; cripple.
    2. To disfigure by damaging irreparably: mutilate a statue. See Synonyms at batter1.
    3. To make imperfect by excising or altering parts.

    i guess point 2 falls under the category. maybe.
    All 3 points fall under the category.

    Circumcision is mutilation. It doesn't prevent infections any more than cleaning the penis once in a while, it carries risks of infections that negate any possible benefits that circumcision might bring, and all in all, the true reason it is still done is a tradition that was born in religion, and the money that it brings to hospitals because profit is how they roll in non-socialized healthcare systems like America.

    Well ladies prefer circumcised sooo...
    If you're trying to pick up a girl who will only go with you to bed if you have a cut penis, you're doing it wrong
    Last edited by Knight Gil; 2012-12-04 at 09:06 PM.

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by BeerWolf View Post
    Maybe... if you were some disgusting person that doesn't bathe... Maybe this would've been a health issue back during times when plumbing didn't exist?
    To play devils advocate to his point. Phimosis, which is quite common in boys up until late puberty (Roughly 30%), would make it difficult to wash under there. It's still not a particularly valid point however.

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Symphonic View Post
    Reasons Parents May Choose Not to Circumcise
    I don't want my son to have a mutilated penis.
    Why is this so damn hard to say?

  12. #52
    Immortal Fahrenheit's Avatar
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    Frankly, I don't care.

    That being said, I'm glad my parents had me circumcised when I was a new born. If for no other reason than chicks for the most part (in the US) like it and expect it. Plus, it's just a little bit easier to keep the funky man smell off your junk in the summer when it's hot.
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  13. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by Knight Gil View Post
    All 3 points fall under the category.Circumcision is mutilation. It doesn't prevent infections any more than cleaning the penis once in a while, it carries risks of infections that negate any possible benefits that circumcision might bring, and all in all, the true reason it is still done is a tradition that was born in religion, and the money that it brings to hospitals because profit is how they roll in non-socialized healthcare systems like America.
    i dont think it meets point 1, its not an limb or essential part. but it gets the 2 and 3. so i guess you can call it mutilation, i already said i was wrong in that post, thats why i edited in the definition.

  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by Lassira View Post
    I don't want my son to have a mutilated penis.
    Why is this so damn hard to say?
    I don't feel mutilated.
    MY X/Y POKEMON FRIEND CODE: 1418-7279-9541 In Game Name: Michael__

  15. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Symphonic View Post
    I don't feel mutilated.
    And battered wives don't feel abused.

  16. #56
    The Insane Underverse's Avatar
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    Circumcision is dumb and the health benefits are null if you know how to take a shower.

    Also, it being a "breeding ground" for bacteria is actually a good thing. In case people didn't know, the vagina has a massive number of bacteria and yeast in it that help to keep "bad" microorganisms from establishing themselves in the sensitive parts. Same goes for males. Our skin is covered in bacteria 100% of the time.

    Edit: the foreskin was also an evolutionary advantage, which is why it exists. Removing it is kind of like taking out your appendix (which we now know to be very helpful in reestablishing gut bacteria after antibiotics/colonoscopies, etc, acting as a reservoir). It isn't essential but it's helpful.
    Last edited by Underverse; 2012-12-04 at 09:08 PM.

  17. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by Lassira View Post
    Absolutely incorrect, you can't tell the difference when the penis is erect.
    Sorry but did you ever saw 2 penises errecting? They do not look the same. They don't look that far diffrent from eachother, but where do you think that skin goes to? do you think it just magically dissapears and the actually neck of the penis is just as smooth as one of an circumsized one?
    Its just that i cannot link penises on mmo champion or i would've ;<

    That said!,

    I'm expecting a boy and he was originally going to be circumsized because my fiance found it important because of relegion.
    I was never really against it but i just randomly wanted to look it up anyway. But in Christianity (wich is my releigion) doesen't actually make you do it.
    People seem to have gotten the wrong message over and over. It isn't nessecary so after i attempted to tell my boyfriend who always believed otherwise
    well we got into a huge fight But after some time he actually went to research a lot of things and he agreed with me. In religion people usually believe what they're told
    as its brought up to them from their childhood and not like research it on their own. ( some may) Though i don't think many teens and kids will actually bother
    Last edited by mmoce3c3da46cf; 2012-12-04 at 09:10 PM.

  18. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by A Day to Remember View Post
    I cant see why anyone would want to be uncircumcised, its more comfortable for yourself and your partner (as out generation it is the "norm" to be circumcised
    it is a "norm" in a very select western countries.

  19. #59
    Titan vindicatorx's Avatar
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    I generally don't get why this topic comes up as often as it does I have never sat there and thought about being circumcised if I wasn't already. I was circumcised at birth because my parents who both have worked in the medical field their entire adult lives felt it was a good idea. My family is not religious at all and I don't get why so many of you really give a shit about it. If I had not been circumcised at birth would I have it done now? Hell no I can only imagine how unpleasant that experience would be.

  20. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by zorkuus View Post
    it is a "norm" in a very select western countries.
    USA, Israel(if you even want to consider this ...place a western country.)

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