1. #1

    Im i the only one missing this ? ( mistweavers ) - Statue range Effects

    what i really want is something that Either shows me the 20 yards. when i place it.. so i know if it reaches the places i want..
    maybe also make and Effect that shows the rest of the raid that this is the cirkel they need to be in if they want the healing..

    just like anything else that can heal in range of an cirkel.
    Iknow blizz would not say no to something like this ? but where do i post it.. ?
    there is no reason not to give us that tool ?

    sure i could l2p. but for the stress of moving the Statue more offen now.. this would help alot in raids..when moving it fast..

    let me know your thoughts about something like this ?

    over and out Sympen

  2. #2
    You should be placing it where there are always going to be people in range, not at the fringe end of it's range.

  3. #3
    Holy shiet i got no idea what you are asking for.

    Try rephrasing your sentences, and in the meantime check out curse.com's many numerous addons for WoW.

  4. #4
    Generally speaking, Blizzard does not allow addons to draw on the world anymore.... so you're not likely to find an addon that shows a circle around the statue indicating where its range would be.

    (The reason for this is that there was an addon that let you draw shapes on the world, and people used it to make an "improved" version of deadly boss mods that showed you exactly where to go to avoid raid mechanics, and to break that sort of functionality Blizzard had to break any addon's ability to draw on the world.)

    The closest you'll be able to find is a range indicator that indicates approximate ranges from your character. Either learn to get a feel for how far your statue reaches, or just do as Reglitch suggests and maek sure the statue is always placed near locations that your raid members are likely to be so that range isn't an issue.

  5. #5
    I think the OP is looking for something to help optimize the use of the statue. Yes you can put it near your ranged, but if a fight requires them to be spread out a bit (Wind Lord comes to mind) then it's tough for them to know if they are in range of it. I would suspect that it's possible to create a range finder add-on that is specific to our statue. Though I can't think of how it would handle two mistweaver statues at once.

    Ultimately I personally think we need to push for blizzard to add a "buff" that indicates you are in range and/or a visible aura around the statue that shows it's range. Is it absolutely needed? No. Would it be helpful to optimize our healing potential? Definitely.

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