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  1. #1

    Dev Interviews, Pet Battle XP Hotfixes, 5.2 Class Reviews - Warrior and Monk, TCG Art

    More Activity From Community Managers, Give Blizzard Your Legendary Ideas!, Blue Posts, Lastzoul's Flying Dragon Monk Build

    Isle of Thunder Day 3 - 60% Unlocked (Stage 1)

    Patch 5.2 Dev Interviews
    Today we continue our interviews recap with an interview with Tom Chilton by Twizzcast!

    • Scaling down gear and character stats for old content is on the list of things that would be nice to do, it is just a matter of when there will be time to do it.
    • Plans for how the patches will end up are still flexible at the start of an expansion, but there is still a roadmap of what Blizzard would like to accomplish throughout the expansion.
    • There is usually a very light amount of planning for the next three expansions. This is limited to what they would be about, the theme, and some of the major features. Plans usually end up changing, so not a lot of time is spent on it.
    • Isle of the Thunder King and Lei Shen were already planned out a year ago. Blizzard started actively working on Patch 5.2 five months ago, fleshing out details and deciding what features will be included.
    • During the process of working on a patch things are often added that are not planned far ahead of time. For example, the Brawler's Guild was just an idea that came up while working on Patch 5.1.
    • Patch 5.2 made some changes intended to make it reasonable for players to catch up with others. The secondary effect is making it somewhat easier to maintain alts.

    No Flying for Leveling Alts in Pandaria
    Zarhym shared a few clarifications to his tweet yesterday.

    Pet Battle XP Hotfixes
    Due to the below bugs, leveling via Pet Battles was the fastest way to level for a short time after the patch was live.
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
    We're in the process of updating the hotfixes blog with the recent changes to Pet Battle XP, but wanted to provide a bit more insight into why the changes were made and how XP is calculated.

    • All buffs to player XP (heirlooms, enlightenment, guild bonus etc.) were bugged, these where hotfixed to work as expected.
    • General player XP from pet battles was tuned too high, these numbers have been balanced accordingly.
    • Player experience is granted based on a number of factors. These are player level, number of pet opponents, maximum pet opponent level and the level disparity between opponents pets and your pets.
    • Our philosophy is that player XP from pet battles should be, in general, somewhat slower than normal questing.

    Patch 5.2 Hotfixes: March 7
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)

    • Cleaning House: Players should now be able to obtain credit for defeating Fizzy Yellow Alemental and complete the quest.
    • Giant Dinosaur Bone: This quest is now a proper daily quest and can only completed once each day.
    • Plunder the Black Temple: Door to the Den of Mortal Delights should now open properly when the player reaches the appropriate step in the quest.
    • The Warren-Mother: Players should now be able to obtain credit for defeating Chaufa and complete the quest.
    • Where are My Reinforcements?: Players should now be able to receive completion credit after speaking with Ban Bearheart.

    • Ra'sha now scales their health based on the number of players they're engaged in combat with.
    • Zandalari Prospect now properly drop loot.

    Pet Battles
    • Experience gains from winning a Pet Battle have been reduced.
    • Heirlooms and experience buffs will now correctly increase the amount of experience gained from winning a Pet Battle.

    Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios
    • Ghost Iron Lockbox and Elementium Lockbox are no longer eligible for need rolls.
    • The appropriate number of tier tokens should now drop for 25-player normal and heroic difficulties.
    • Mogu'shan Vaults

    • Heart of Fear
      • Blade Lord Ta'yak and Wind Lord Mel'jarak as well as their minions are now affected by the Klaxxi Resonance debuff.

    • Throne of Thunder
      • The Mistweaver ability Revival will no longer dispel players who have any of the following effects:
        • Primordius: Clear Mind, Fully Mutated, Improved Synapses, and Thick Bones
        • Durumu: Dark Parasite
        • Jin'rokh the Breaker: Ionization
      • Crazed Storm-Caller should now be able to use the spell Storm Energy.
      • Roaming Fog should no longer cause Druids to drop out of shapeshift form.
      • Spirit Flayers now despawn when Stormbringer Draz'kil is defeated.
      • Spiritfire Beam will now only jump to targets less than 3 yards away.
      • Torment now has a duration of 10 seconds.

    • Season 13 one-handed weapons, excluding the Spellblade and Gavel had their cost reduced from 2250 to 1750 Honor or Conquest points respectively.
    • Players taking periodic damage while in PvP should no longer stand up while eating or drinking.
    • Big Zokk Torquewrench is going on a short leave of absence to take care of unfinished business.


    • Mistlurker Helm, Mistborne Hood, Mountainscaler Hide Helm, and Mountainscaler Satin Hood should display the item information correctly and appear when worn.
    • Overgrown Lillypad now works when on the Isle of Thunder.
    • Thunder Caressed Waistguard now gives a bonus to Expertise instead of Parry.

    Sunsong Ranch
    • The way to obtain Work Order quests on the Sunsong Ranch farm has changed. The quests will be given while harvesting crops, or by interacting with the drop-off crate.
    • Fixed an issue where players could be placed into the incorrect phase after abandoning the quest, "Inherit the Earth".
    • Fixed an issue where Occupied Soil would sometimes not update correctly or become non-interactive after clearing the associated Squatting Virmen.

    Patch 5.2 Class Reviews - Warrior and Monk
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)
    We don’t alter classes lightly, and every change comes only after a great deal of player feedback, developer thought and careful analysis. We also know that while class changes can help keep things fresh, they can also mean that there’s a need to re-learn things about your character that you thought you already knew. We want to make this process clearer, more understandable, and easier to adapt to as we move into patch 5.2, so I’ll be working with World of Warcraft Lead Systems Designer Greg “Ghostcrawler” Street to write a short blog series that will provide an overview of the important changes coming to each class.

    Many of the 5.2 patch notes fall into two main categories: balance tuning and talent adjustments. Unless we called out a specific reason otherwise, you can assume that the various +10% or -10% adjustments you’ll see in the patch notes were made to keep all of the specs where we want them in 5.2. In some cases these are changes to reflect the different environment in 5.2 with new gear and set bonuses. In other cases, we are correcting issues we found in patch 5.1.

    In terms of talent adjustments, while we’re still happy overall with the Mists of Pandaria talent overhaul, we do recognize that there were some talents that weren’t tuned as well as they could be or just weren’t attractive. That’s not to say that all talents should be all things to all players all the time; some talents are situationally quite attractive, and we’re happy with those. On the other hand, others just never see much use and we would rather provide players real options for each talent tier.

    There were a few main goals to accomplish with Warriors:

    • As with all the classes, we wanted to make the less popular talents more attractive.
    • Despite a few nerfs, we felt that Arms was still too dominant in PvP and needed additional changes.
    • Because we changed Taste for Blood for Arms, this meant we also had to tweak that spec’s PvE rotation a little. We took the opportunity to improve the values of Haste and Mastery for Arms.
    • We wanted to remove Deadly Calm, because it was just adding to action bar bloat without adding much to gameplay.

    Warrior talent diversity wasn’t too bad overall. It’s true that some talents have proven to be quite situational, but we still see them being used in those situations. We made some small buffs to Bladestorm, including preventing it from being countered by relatively short-cooldown disarms. We also buffed Storm Bolt outright and made Enraged Regeneration a little cheaper. Second Wind has garnered a lot of attention from the community, and it gets a lot of the blame for Warriors being so hard to kill in PvP. We’re still not entirely sure if Second Wind or Defensive Stance was more of the culprit there (more on this below). We tried some initial nerfs to Second Wind, but we were ultimately happier keeping the talent intact. It’s very popular in both PvE and PvP and if it continues to overshadow the other two talents, we’ll figure out what the best move is then.

    Coming out of Cataclysm, we felt like we had reduced Warrior mobility too much in the name of balance, and in the process had removed what was always an iconic feature of the Warrior class. While we felt it necessary to adjust Warrior burst, survivability and control, we didn’t want to totally crush their mobility. To address burst, we re-designed Taste for Blood. Initially, we didn’t think that Taste for Blood would have significant PvP implications because it was so hard and unpredictable to build up stacks. Nevertheless, when it did happen, it felt like it couldn’t be countered. It was also so random that it wasn't the most compelling mechanic in the Arms PvE arsenal, so it didn’t feel like it was worth preserving. Instead, we redesigned Taste for Blood to no longer buff Heroic Strike. That alone was a useful burst damage adjustment, since Heroic Strike is off the global cooldown which allowed it to be stacked with other attacks, such as Overpower. We also removed Glyph of Death from Above damage buff to Heroic Leap, because it felt gratuitous; it’s still a good Glyph.

    The second main PvP adjustment was to Warrior stun talents: Shockwave and Warbringer. The Warbringer stun now shares diminishing returns with non-proc stuns, but we attempted to compensate by giving it a snare as well. Meanwhile, Shockwave has a longer base cooldown, but will have a shorter cooldown if it hits multiple targets. We feel this rewards tactical and positional gameplay while still preserving an on-demand stun if it’s needed.

    The third PvP nerf was to make it less attractive to sit in Defensive Stance all the time in PvP. Defensive Stance should be there when you’re getting trained, but its overly generous 25% damage reduction coupled with Arms not requiring Rage for so many attacks made Battle Stance un-competitive. We reduced the damage reduction for non-tanks and now ask Arms to use more Rage in their rotation to give Battle Stance a clearer role.

    The change to Taste for Blood does have some PvE ramifications, but it also helps make the rotation less random overall. (Warriors who love unpredictable procs can try out Fury, which is intended to be more random.) We changed Sudden Death to activate from Mastery procs as well as auto attacks, and we improved the value of Haste for all warriors (though admittedly, this does not contribute to Protection’s active mitigation).

    Finally, we concluded that Deadly Calm wasn’t providing compelling gameplay. Deadly Calm was an interesting button in Cataclysm, particularly when paired with set bonuses, but it didn’t mesh well with more active Rage management in Mists of Pandaria. Warriors already have a lot of damage cooldowns, and Deadly Calm was often macroed—even by skilled Warriors. Speaking of cooldowns, we also reduced both the effect and cooldown of Recklessness to give Warriors more frequent access to a damage cooldown while further reducing PvP burst.

    It was time for Monks to get their first post-expansion revision. These were the goals:

    • As with all the classes, we made adjustments to make under-used talents more compelling.
    • Correct PvP under-tuning, particularly with Windwalkers.
    • Bring Windwalkers up to par in both PvE and PvP.
    • Offer Mistweavers a unique healer play style.

    We saved the Monk changes for last. While a lot will be different for Monks in 5.2, this kind of evolution is to be expected after an entirely new class is introduced and put through its paces in a live environment. Still, while there are a lot of tweaks, there’s not much in the way of major overhauls and you won’t have to re-learn how to play your Monk.

    We altered the way the whole level 30 set of talents works. Rather than being limited by resources, they’ll now fit into rotations on a cooldown basis. Previously, Chi Wave, Zen Sphere, and Chi Burst were too situational or simply used as fillers when no other abilities were available. Now that they are free but limited by cooldown, Monks can use them frequently as part of their core rotations without having to worry about other attacks dropping from the rotation.

    We felt like Windwalkers didn’t have a signature ability to differentiate them from the other Monk specs, nor did they have a good tool to use when a cleave would be optimal, so we gave them Storm, Earth, and Fire (based on the Pandaren ability from Warcraft III). We also changed the Windwalker Mastery from Combo Breaker to Bottled Fury, which increases the damage bonus provided by Tigereye Brew. This accomplishes the dual purpose of freeing up some global cooldowns (allowing Windwalkers to be more resource limited, and less GCD limited) and to provide some on-demand burst. The old Mastery, Combo Breaker, has become a passive ability granted early on in the leveling process. While we were concerned with burst damage at the beginning of the last season, we don’t want Windwalkers to have completely anemic burst either.

    We didn’t want to recreate the balance problem we had when we introduced Death Knights during Wrath of the Lich King, but we ended up being too conservative. The result is that Monks haven’t been as well represented in PvP as we’d like. While we toned down the control of several other classes, we felt like we needed to give Monks some substantial buffs to make them more viable in PvP. To increase survivability, we added a new level 30 ability to Brewmasters and Windwalkers: Nimble Brew. Nimble Brew clears roots, stuns, and fear effects, reduces the duration of future such effects for a few seconds, and can be activated while stunned. We also created the powerful new Ring of Peace talent, and baked the old Deadly Reach talent it replaces directly into Paralysis.

    Early on, we said that Mistweavers would have the option to be melee healers, dealing damage and healing their allies at the same time. We haven’t quite delivered on that, but in patch 5.2 we’re making an effort to allow “fist-weaving” to be a more viable play style. The actual healing provided by Fistweaving was okay, but Fistweaving damage was so low that it wasn’t worth it for Mistweavers to move to melee to try it out. With the 5.2 buffs, it should be. These changes prompted a few others to make sure that casting heals like a traditional healer and causing melee damage to heal were separate rotations, without allowing Monks to cherry pick the best moves from each, which caused balance problems in testing. The goal is for Fistweaving to be similar to Atonement healing for Discipline Priests. The Monk will sacrifice some DPS and healing compared to a dedicated healer or damage dealer, but it will be possible to contribute a good amount of each, which is sometimes quite valuable.

    Brewmasters are seeing the fewest changes, and they’ve proven to be very capable tanks, though they do require a fair amount of skill to play. The level 30 talent changes will help spice up their rotation.

    Phasing and Large Group World PvP
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
    Devs believe that what is happening here is not actually a result of realm coalescing.

    It looks like this probably has something to do with another tech we have in place to reduce a player’s AOI (Area of Interest) in crowded areas.

    This can have many consequences, for example, you’ve probably already noticed that when you fly by some terrain at high speed you will often see objects and characters appear and disappear very fast, this dynamic loading usually works great, and allows for better and more fluid gameplay. The thing is, loading too many things at once can drastically decrease the performance due to the intensive and sudden workload spike that it can cause on the CPU/GPU level but also on the connection level due to internet bandwidth typically being limited.

    Devs will look into this more carefully on the programming side of things. They’ll try to find out if there are any spells, items or anything unexpected that might be hogging too much memory and cause dynamic loading to be prematurely activated.

    Ultimately, we think that these massive world PvP events are a great and fun way to play the game, we want to make sure that the experience is as good as it possibly can be, and that things like dynamic loading aren’t impacting these events, at the same time we need to certify that server performance remains unaffected as well.

    OpenRaid Pet Battle Competition
    OpenRaid is holding a Pet Battle competition tonight with some TCG Loot prizes. If you are interested in pet battles and have max level pets, be sure to take a look!

    TCG Art
    Blizzard updated the Trading Card Game art gallery to feature ten new pieces.

    Last edited by chaud; 2013-03-09 at 09:24 AM.

  2. #2
    not the pet battle fix

  3. #3
    Data Monster Simca's Avatar
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    Interesting Revival nerf - I guess it is the best way to handle it without nerfing the ability, but it begs the question of "why does the ability even exist?" if needs to be removed from most PvE encounters.

    Quote Originally Posted by arthureld View Post
    The problem wasn't that revival was overpowered here, but that all of these effects are things you really need to think about before dispelling. Fully mutated, for example, is a massive damage *buff* to the player, so dispelling it most of the time is a bad idea. Revival is a big heal + group dispel which means that it was completely useless on many fights as a heal since if you used it, you removed beneficial debuffs from players or triggered bad things with the dispel. The similar thing would likely have been needed for sinestra.
    Ah, they should probably just implement a minor Glyph for removing the dispel then.
    Last edited by Simca; 2013-03-09 at 10:24 AM.
    Global Moderator | Forum Guidelines

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Simca View Post
    Interesting Revival nerf - I guess it is the best way to handle it without nerfing the ability, but it begs the question of "why does the ability even exist?" if needs to be removed from most PvE encounters.
    The problem wasn't that revival was overpowered here, but that all of these effects are things you really need to think about before dispelling. Fully mutated, for example, is a massive damage *buff* to the player, so dispelling it most of the time is a bad idea. Revival is a big heal + group dispel which means that it was completely useless on many fights as a heal since if you used it, you removed beneficial debuffs from players or triggered bad things with the dispel. The similar thing would likely have been needed for sinestra.

  5. #5
    "the zones weren't designed to let you pop in and out trivially wherever you need."

    fucking wat.
    Quote Originally Posted by Primohastat View Post
    That toxicity is normal in WoW. Even classic. And it comes from this what so called elitism, spreading everywhere. Average player say that classic is piss easy and every aspect can be done with minimal effort. But right after that, the same player ignites with rage when someone wants to apply that minimal effort

  6. #6
    Mechagnome Kobomino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IKT View Post
    "the zones weren't designed to let you pop in and out trivially wherever you need."

    fucking wat.
    This is probably because of quest chains and phases at the start.

  7. #7
    'Scaling down gear and character stats for old content is on the list of things that would be nice to do, it is just a matter of when there will be time to do it.'

    So is soloing old raids going away?

  8. #8
    Why aren't you tracking EU progress?

    Image of progress on EU as of right now:
    Last edited by neanoa; 2013-03-09 at 10:15 AM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by neanoa View Post
    Why aren't you tracking EU progress?
    Not all EU realms are moving at the same rate.
    Last edited by chaud; 2013-03-09 at 10:18 AM.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Coffeh View Post
    'Scaling down gear and character stats for old content is on the list of things that would be nice to do, it is just a matter of when there will be time to do it.'

    So is soloing old raids going away?
    I would hope they would offer it similar to a challenge mode so you could experience it in its prime if you'd like but still solo it should that be your preference

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by chaud View Post
    Not all EU realms are moving at the same rate.
    Updated my previous post with image of current status on my EU server.

    But could the problem with different stages be related to different "language servers"? Say, french, russian, spanish etc. Note that mine was taken from english servers.
    Last edited by neanoa; 2013-03-09 at 10:30 AM.

  12. #12
    10+ Year Old Account
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    On the road to my inevitable death.
    Quote Originally Posted by IKT View Post
    "the zones weren't designed to let you pop in and out trivially wherever you need."

    fucking wat.
    OMG! You mean I have to fight mobs or plan my way around them?! WTF man!

    I should be able to fly over them all like they are not there.

  13. #13
    Despite a few nerfs, we felt that Arms was still too dominant in PvP and needed additional changes.
    No harm done here blizz, you can nerf all you like, its your game.

    Ofcourse all fellow warriors players could stop paying for your irrational -compared to other classes- nurfs. As I did with my sub 5 days before your "new" 5,2 patch.
    Feels good to have prerogatives, doesnt it ?

  14. #14
    Good-bye free pet battle exp, we hardly knew ye.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by SodiumChloride View Post
    OMG! You mean I have to fight mobs or plan my way around them?! WTF man!

    I should be able to fly over them all like they are not there.
    Yea, God forbid flying be used for alts once you get a main to level 50. Not a smart blizzard move to keep flying less useful.

  16. #16
    Just get rid of the flying mounts honestly. If they had a fucking pair that's exactly what they'd do. Like the more they embrace these stupid regressive notions the faster the game cna tank and the sooner we can get past their hard on with how the game was in the past.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Primus View Post
    No harm done here blizz, you can nerf all you like, its your game.

    Ofcourse all fellow warriors players could stop paying for your irrational -compared to other classes- nurfs. As I did with my sub 5 days before your "new" 5,2 patch.
    Feels good to have prerogatives, doesnt it ?
    They are not as bad as you think they are

  18. #18
    The Patient
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Oh, good. I'll no longer feel a need to /kick people in Raid Finder who rolled Need on a lockbox.

  19. #19
    Bringing monks up to par, good job with that one....I don't think the definition of "up to par" is "to the ground baby"

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by SodiumChloride View Post
    OMG! You mean I have to fight mobs or plan my way around them?! WTF man!

    I should be able to fly over them all like they are not there.
    Yes, would they prefer I do quests or ignore entire continents of quests and just dungeon my ass up to 90 killing the same shitbosses 50 times in a row? Your choice.
    Quote Originally Posted by Primohastat View Post
    That toxicity is normal in WoW. Even classic. And it comes from this what so called elitism, spreading everywhere. Average player say that classic is piss easy and every aspect can be done with minimal effort. But right after that, the same player ignites with rage when someone wants to apply that minimal effort

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