1. #1

    Affliction t15 4p not working?

    I did some testing and looks like our 4p as affliction doesn't work for Drain Soul. It also makes our dots from MG deal 52% damage instead of 52.5%.

    I created this topic with a screenshot in it: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/8728323738

    Any other people did some testing?

  2. #2
    You're misinterpreting what the bonus is meant to do. MG does two things:

    "Binds the target in twilight, causing x Shadow damage over 4 sec.

    Every 1 sec, when Malefic Grasp deals damage, it causes all of your other periodic Affliction damage effects to instantly deal 50% of their normal periodic damage."

    The bolded bit is what gets the damage buff. Likewise for drain soul, it's the drain soul damage, not the extra ticks of other dots, that get the damage buff.

    Edit: or maybe I'm misinterpreting - what I said is what I initially assumed, but you said the set bonus is actually making your mg do 52% ticks instead of 50%, which doesn't match what I said.

    Edit 2: nevermind, I'm wrong - "The Item - Warlock T15 DPS 4P Bonus increases the damage of Malefic Grasp itself, and the extra ticks triggered by it. Same with Drain Soul". Apologies!
    Last edited by mmocf8c85ab6c6; 2013-04-30 at 11:52 PM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhia View Post
    You're misinterpreting what the bonus is meant to do. MG does two things:

    "Binds the target in twilight, causing x Shadow damage over 4 sec.

    Every 1 sec, when Malefic Grasp deals damage, it causes all of your other periodic Affliction damage effects to instantly deal 50% of their normal periodic damage."

    The bolded bit is what gets the damage buff. Likewise for drain soul, it's the drain soul damage, not the extra ticks of other dots, that get the damage buff.

    Edit: or maybe I'm misinterpreting - what I said is what I initially assumed, but you said the set bonus is actually making your mg do 52% ticks instead of 50%, which doesn't match what I said.
    That's not correct. The damage increase also applies to the DoT ticks of Corruption, UA, and Agony that MG causes. Grimoire of Sacrifice does the same thing.

  4. #4
    It was confirmed by GC that the ghost dots should be affected by the 4p, if it's not working then it's bugged or GC was just talking out of his ass like he normally does
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirroth View Post
    Eh, I have little sympathy for such complaints. Mythic raiders will have mythic weapons and mythic trinkets that will be far more powerful than a random legendary world drop. Power wise they'll still be at the top of the mountain. This is just a way for other people to have other special things, which is not anything mythic raiders should get to have a monopoly on.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhia View Post
    Edit 2: nevermind, I'm wrong - "The Item - Warlock T15 DPS 4P Bonus increases the damage of Malefic Grasp itself, and the extra ticks triggered by it. Same with Drain Soul". Apologies!
    Yea on every topic I created about it there's always someone who think it only increase MG and DS direct damage.

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