Quote Originally Posted by Karlzone View Post
Not really. You tell me how you controll where a turtle will die? Dps just have to instantly stop their Dot's when it randomly turns around and is charging the wall? And how do you predict which person a lot of rockfalls will spawn near?

There are ways to reduce the chance of said things happening and being a problem to the raid, but there is no way to eliminate that chance!
The rockfall rain happens after the quake. The random rockfalls that are outside the massive rain are not near enough in quantity to actually kill someone unless they are standing right in them. There is just no excuse there.

While yes as you say, you can not decide "this turtle is gonna die here", but you can still see where a turtle is before he dies, or where he is going. Adapt. Also keep slows on the turtles, they aint moving that fast then. If you still have problems with the turtles, then your raid group got more problems than "rng" fights.