1. #1

    Macro: Outbreak, Icy Touch and Plague Strike


    This is the macro I have so far:

    /cast Outbreak
    /castsequence [modifier:alt] reset=5 Icy Touch, Plague Strike
    When I press the macro, I want to use Outbreak (which works). When Outbreak is on cooldown, I want to be able to just press alt and use Icy Touch and Plague Strike instead. This, however, does not work. How do I fix it?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    /castsequence [modifier:alt] reset=5 Icy Touch, Plague Strike
    /cast Outbreak

    Should work.. the modifiers need to go before the last resort/goto-spell.

    /castsequence [modifier:alt] reset=5 Icy Touch, Plague Strike
    /cast [nomod] Outbreak

    Cant remember wether OB is on Global Cooldown or not, and doing it like this should fix casting Outbreak anyway if it isnt on Global cooldown.
    Last edited by Ephilia; 2013-06-28 at 05:02 PM.

  3. #3
    Thanks, the first one worked splendidly!

  4. #4
    Great and you're welcome

    Btw, you dont need to type 'modifier', [mod:alt] is enough for future macroes. Saves you some typing

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