Poll: Do you think in today's Western Modern Society, Brothels should be legalised?

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  1. #1

    Question Brothels - Yes or No?

    Prostitution has been declared one of the oldest trades in the world many times, and the guilty pleasure of seeking out other Women (or Men) for money has not died away despite many attempts throughout the ages from various sources.

    In today's modern society, where sex is more about pleasure then the need to produce children, do we think that Brothels should be legalised? Brothels would be just like any other business, it would need to be registered, provide certain securities to their staff and it would also be an additional avenue for taxation.

    Brothels would address a growing problem, and that is abuse of young Women (and Men!). As money becomes tighter and tighter, people are looking to very odd methods of raising some cash. There are stories from around the world of Men & Women needing extra cash for their College / University courses, so they turn to Prostitution, or Web Cam work.

    Because of this increase in the number of people getting involved in Prostitution, it means naturally the number of victims is rising also. I don't think the rise is going to be disproportionate to the increase in prostitutes, but who knows!

    A lot of campaigns against Prostitution / Brothels is religious, and I know that religious topics are forbidden here at MMO-Champion, so I hope that we'll all be able to have a nice discussion without needing to go on about what religion is the worst, or how one country is the root of all evil.

    So I put to you this question; Do you think in today's Western Modern Society, Brothels should be legalised?

  2. #2
    Sure, as long as they are out of the way and don't bother other businesses or people that don't want them.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Tiili View Post
    Would be better for those selling sex if they could work under safe conditions rather than having to go to some place with someone they don't even know, with nobody around to help them if something goes wrong. So, I'll say, yes.
    That generally is my train of thought. The trade has survived thousands of years of abuse, and it is thriving still today. Why continue to try hide our urges for sex, when we could embrace and enjoy those urges in a safe environment?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Stocking View Post
    Sure, as long as they are out of the way and don't bother other businesses or people that don't want them.
    They'd be under strict regulation, and you'd certainly not find one on your high street or next to Toys R Us.

  4. #4
    I am Murloc!
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    Apr 2011
    Aarhus, Denmark, Europe
    Quote Originally Posted by Hyve View Post
    Prostitution has been declared one of the oldest trades in the world many times, and the guilty pleasure of seeking out other Women (or Men) for money has not died away despite many attempts throughout the ages from various sources.
    Hunting is older, obviously. Man needed deer to pay for prostitute :P

    I see no reason to have prostitution illegal however there are some exploitation issues with legalized prostitution in general and brothels in particular. The whole pimp (and slave keeper) trend needs to go. Legalized prostitution offers the prostitutes protection or ways to seek help that otherwise is lacking.

    However it could be argued that prostitutes should be forced to have certificates (licenses? like driver licenses) before doing their trade. Same as there are demands before people shuffle hot dogs.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Xarkan View Post
    Hunting is older, obviously. Man needed deer to pay for prostitute :P

    I see no reason to have prostitution illegal however there are some exploitation issues with legalized prostitution in general and brothels in particular. The whole pimp (and slave keeper) trend needs to go. Legalized prostitution offers the prostitutes protection or ways to seek help that otherwise is lacking.

    However it could be argued that prostitutes should be forced to have certificates (licenses? like driver licenses) before doing their trade. Same as there are demands before people shuffle hot dogs.
    Maybe more regulation would be the way to go. Having some system that allows the police to know exactly how many Prostitutes should be working at a certain Brothel would really help know if a girl has gone missing, has been killed or is just busy with a client.

    Not quite sure about licenses per prostitute, but the Brothel would need to regulate their staff, and each worker would need to be screened often for STD's.

  6. #6
    Yes. It keeps the rapists out of trouble, because they don't have to rape someone to fullfil their needs.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Still Rampant Rabbit View Post
    Yes. It keeps the rapists out of trouble, because they don't have to rape someone to fullfil their needs.
    People don't rape to get sex though. I doubt legalized brothels would help much in that regard.

  8. #8
    i guess like it has been said.

    for people who would want to sell their bodies for money, it would (or should) provide a safer envirenment, and plus once again the govt could tax the service and get a piece of the pie of another industry lol

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by orderschvank View Post
    i guess like it has been said.

    for people who would want to sell their bodies for money, it would (or should) provide a safer envirenment, and plus once again the govt could tax the service and get a piece of the pie of another industry lol
    "I'm please to open this new wing of West-borough County Hospital for Children! I'd like to thank the ladies down at Spread Wide Open for generating the Tax Revenue needed. Thanks ladies!"

  10. #10
    Voted no. Legalizing them sends a message that being a prostitute is ok and acceptable. I think its not, it's something disgusting most people are only willing to do if they feel like they have no other options, MAking it illegal doesn't make the problem go away but it still goes a long way to discourage such things.

  11. #11

    Apart from verbal abuse, Grace, the brothel owner, treated the women like cargo, swapping them as she pleased

    The sick-looking woman, who introduced herself as Ah Fen, soon retreated into her room in a fit of coughing. Grace followed her, shouting through her door: "You've been sick long enough! What luck I have!" Ah Fen carried on coughing. "She's been ill for two days," Grace informed me, clearly infuriated. Ah Fen was just as angry with the way Grace had treated her during her illness. "She's been cursing me all day long," she told me later.

    Grace managed to include a swearword in every sentence. Her communication with Jamal was simply a stream of filth, to which her non-English-speaking xiaojies and maids would listen open-mouthed, amazed at her fluency in the language. In fact, she seemed barely able to put together a grammatical English sentence, her default mode being to scream at him a lot.

    Ah Fen came from Fuzhou, in Fujian, and had been in Britain for four years. During the first two years, like many newly arrived Chinese, she worked in catering. In the third year she was laid off amid increasing raids on Chinese restaurants by the immigration authorities. A friend introduced her to the sex trade. With no skills to find other work, she accepted immediately. She told me it was the best decision she had made during her time in Britain: her income had gone through the roof and the money she had been able to send home was making a real difference to her family. "In a good week, I can earn £1,500 to £2,000," she told me.
    Currently brothels are just a front for same abuse that has been going on for ages. I am against them, because they exploit the most vaulnable.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Lizbeth View Post
    Voted no. Legalizing them sends a message that being a prostitute is ok and acceptable. I think its not, it's something disgusting most people are only willing to do if they feel like they have no other options, MAking it illegal doesn't make the problem go away but it still goes a long way to discourage such things.
    Some escorts are in it because of the amount of money they can earn. I watched some documentary about it, someone was making 23,000$ / month or something working as an escort.. Made me slightly jealous to be honest.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Lizbeth View Post
    Voted no. Legalizing them sends a message that being a prostitute is ok and acceptable. I think its not, it's something disgusting most people are only willing to do if they feel like they have no other options, MAking it illegal doesn't make the problem go away but it still goes a long way to discourage such things.
    Clearly it doesn't, because it has been around for long enough now, and it is still a fairly good avenue for some people, particularly women, who would otherwise not be able to get enough cash together by working at some conventional store.

  14. #14
    Yes, will help everyone involved in the underground part of it now.

    Also then I could finally be with a woman again

  15. #15
    As long everything is legal (like nobody is forced to work there) why not?
    I think its a normal job like everything else as long the person decides for themself to do it.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by drwelfare View Post
    Yes, will help everyone involved in the underground part of it now.

    Also then I could finally be with a woman again
    Always a big plus!

    "Son, you're 47 now, and I'm tired of you sitting at home playing with your dick! I've booked you an appointment at the local brothel, and you're going!"

    "But daaaaaa--"

    "Don't do that! Get going, now!"

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Tiili View Post
    People don't rape to get sex though. I doubt legalized brothels would help much in that regard.
    Then why do they rape, lol.
    Last edited by Baracuda; 2013-07-07 at 11:29 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by kbarh View Post
    may i suggest you check out wowwiki or any similar site, it's Grom that orders the murder of Cairne

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Cybran View Post
    Currently brothels are just a front for same abuse that has been going on for ages. I am against them, because they exploit the most vaulnable.
    Fuck, can't go a week without some news story about immigrants being abused by their employers in any business. Was one recently with of guys living in apartments by the dozen that could barely be fit for one normal person, working every waking hour to pay absurd amounts of rent for these homes that their employed generously provided for them. Poorly-regulated workplaces always do this shit.
    "Quack, quack, Mr. Bond."

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Pion View Post
    As long everything is legal (like nobody is forced to work there) why not?
    As has been said, everything would be regulated and investigated often enough to ensure proper working standards for the girls, along with safety measures, regular screening and support and other features that would help make it a safer industry.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Baracuda View Post
    Then why do the rape lol
    For the power rush im assuming.

    Or some people are just sick in the head.

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