1. #1

    Localized addon showing question marks all over the place

    Hi all, I am playing on a taiwan server, with a zhtw client,

    Some addon I got from curse client, namely TSM and ASTW, tidy plates etc. are showing question marks all over the place.

    I have done some reasearch about the issue, someone suggests to download an addon called "unicode" but the problem still cannot be solved.

    I believe it has something to do with the translation and localization. In fact, I am completely fine to use the non-translated version of those addons, but I cannot figure out how.

    All I want is the interface of the said addons to show properly, either translated, or in English.

  2. #2
    Probably an encoding issue in their localization files. If you want English labels, you could simply replace the zhTW locale with the enUS locale.

    1. Find the localization files. For TSM, for example, these are in a "Locale" subfolder.
    2. Open the enUS.lua file. Copy everything after the AceLocale registration code, which should look something like this:
    local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("TradeSkillMaster", "enUS", true)
    if not L then return end
    3. Open the zhTW.lua file. Replace everything after the AceLocale registration code with the code you copied from the enUS.lua file in the previous step.
    4. Done. This should give you enUS localization for the addon.

  3. #3
    It's possible that the fonts these addons use can't display non-latin chars. If they allow to change the font, try a few different ones. If they don't you'll have to edit the Lua files.

  4. #4
    thanks for the help,

    I manage to get an english interface for TSM after following the above steps,

    However, one more problem is that the item listed on the auction house is still "????", which localization files should I be modifying those fields?


  5. #5
    Those items will always show in the locale of your WoW client. If they show as question marks I'm 100% sure that the font is the problem. You have to use a font that contains your taiwan alphabet.

  6. #6
    Thanks for the tip

    I made a fonts folder under the wow directory and modify the lua of TSM like this (mingliub being the font name)

    fonts = {
    content = "Fonts\\mingliu.ttf",
    bold = "Fonts\\mingliub.ttf",

    But then the whole tsm interface went empty and showing no characters at all, am I doing something wrong?
    Last edited by stoppersur; 2013-07-28 at 05:43 AM.

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