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  1. #21
    Lei Shen should be more difficult than Dark Animus, but you're severly outgearing the fight, which should trivialise it by some amount. If you extend the raid 'til 5.4, you're definitely gonna have a good chance of clearing content, so keep at it!

    Now, on the (off-)topic of 10m vs. 25m, do keep in mind that while 25m raids have more players that can eventually fuck you over, you've also got less leeway when it comes to classes to bring.
    If you take the raidteam I did it with, we did not have spellreflect for diffusion chains, grip for ball lightnings, although we luckily had 1 warlock portal. We had very limited movement speed on classes, which in a lot of cases caused helm of command, or a following rocket fuel leak, to wipe us. That being said, I must admit I was mildly stressed out with the amount of things I had to re-learn when I killed it in 25m, playing my warlock.

  2. #22
    Yeah our comp has aoe grip, warlock portals, and a spell reflect haha. We are lucky on comp.

  3. #23
    Lei Shen is definitely harder than Dark Animus, there's alot of personal skill and responsibility involved in this fight *Intermissions*, I bet you will notice , and indeed you have a quite nice comp, should be able to kill it before next patch with extending and overgearing heh.
    Have fun and Goodluck!

  4. #24
    Lei Shen is way harder than Dark Animus imo.

  5. #25
    Animus if your raid can handle knowing the order of things in intermission, Lei Shen if their speciality is hitting things very hard and having tunnel vision.

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