1. #1

    Mefisto, Baal and Lazarus

    Do you wanna see one of them as Diablo 3 boss?

    I wanna defeat Baal and Lazarus again.

  2. #2
    Any new content will do.

    Especially after 2-2.5 years of waiting

  3. #3
    One of the interviews with Josh apparently said we'd be seeing the Evils in the expansion, although I have no clue where it was said or what context it was in. From DiabloFans recap: "We will be seeing the Archangels in the expansion as well as some of the Evils"

    Mephisto has a huge impact lore-wise on the games and the Diablo universe, but in-games we only saw him in a cutscene and as the act boss, so I'd expect he might get some more action in the future. Lazarus seemingly has been retconned into having been fully corrupted by Mephisto from the get go, so if Mephisto comes back he might get his lackey back as well. Lilith is also his daughter, and some suspect we may see her in the game eventually, so that could be another angle to involve Mephisto.

    The Diablo 2 prophecies might hint that at the 'ultimate invasion' of Sanctuary by hell, foretold in D3's Prophecy of the End Days, that Diablo, Baal, and Mephisto could be leading their armies.
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybHAb0VoFT4 (Strangely, Mephisto seems to be quoting this in the cinematic, but it ends up being a little different. In Mephisto's the righteous fall before the wicked and all Creation trembles before Hell's banners, and in this one (unknown who is reciting it but it's by Baal's VA) the righteous fall upon the wicked and lay siege to the gates of Hell. Both versions seem to end with the forces of Hell causing trouble though)

  4. #4
    Mephisto felt bleh in d2.

    Baal on the other hand was annoying, his wave of minions before him too, unfortunately memories were slaughtered for me by baal runs, but I can imagine them tuning it up to be a real challenge.

    But alas, once the crusader comes, hammerdins will just ruin everything again =/ Still excited though for it!

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