Poll: Does it exist?

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  1. #61
    Yeah, you were being a dick. If your follow up was "u just mad cuz u bad" I can't imagine your first comment was all that productive either.

  2. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by Marc7 View Post
    Yeah, you were being a dick. If your follow up was "u just mad cuz u bad" I can't imagine your first comment was all that productive either.

    I think I originally asked him something like "Dude (insert name), how the hell are you only doing 30k dps?!" I think many have mentioned it, but the nice approach usually doesn't work, like where you whisper them. They typically either don't respond or will get angry and get the bad player union (now I'm gonna just call it BP Union) in to fight their battle for them.

    I think next week I'm going to try to infiltrate the union, maybe start off with something like "Whooo, check it, let's just wipe on this guy a lot so we can get the 50% determination buff, then we can collect phat loot, YEEEEAAAHHHH" and I will see if this helps me with getting into the union. Results will be documented soon.

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Buu View Post
    Not anymore. The huge exodus to Flex is leaving only the ones who got used to get carried in LFR. And since there are no carriers to ensure their success, they will now have to learn the game mechanics or being left behind.
    Well maybe something changed with LFR, but it's not limited to LFR. Heck, most regular raiding guilds with low-ish progress get a lot of guys like that.

  4. #64
    Over 9000! Santti's Avatar
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    He most likely voted to kick you. It's the same, every time. Everyone votes yes without even looking who they are kicking. But what you should do, is link the dps meters and say that you guys need to do more dps. Be polite about it, not rude. Don't go picking on single people, they know who they are. Nobody gets mad at you, and it usually works, at least a little.

    There is no such thing as "bad player union". It's more like... "nice player union". Be an ass and you get kicked, whether you are carrying the raid or not.
    Last edited by Santti; 2013-09-24 at 07:16 AM.

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by RickJamesLich View Post
    I think I originally asked him something like "Dude (insert name), how the hell are you only doing 30k dps?!" I think many have mentioned it, but the nice approach usually doesn't work, like where you whisper them. They typically either don't respond or will get angry and get the bad player union (now I'm gonna just call it BP Union) in to fight their battle for them.

    I think next week I'm going to try to infiltrate the union, maybe start off with something like "Whooo, check it, let's just wipe on this guy a lot so we can get the 50% determination buff, then we can collect phat loot, YEEEEAAAHHHH" and I will see if this helps me with getting into the union. Results will be documented soon.
    You are in a pug doing brain dead mode, pointless to waste time on such things.

    Just kill the boss and move on, don't think lfr is the place for you. Try flex instead.
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    Luckily I have no interest in Catgirl Simulator 2014 or whatever it is.
    Said while playing WoW with cow, wolf, panda and fox girls.

  6. #66
    Wow, a significant group of people don't like it when other people are rude, obnoxious jerks, even when it's not directed at them personally. Huge surprise there.

    Just because people are online doesn't mean they aren't real people, with normal, adult expectations about behaviour in social situations. Being basically civil and respectful is pretty much a standard expectation for interacting with strangers in any situation for most people, if you can't cope with that then you probably shouldn't be playing with strangers.
    Last edited by Windfury; 2013-09-24 at 07:29 AM.

  7. #67
    The Lightbringer De Lupe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magemaer View Post
    And here's a member of the union :P proof of its existance
    Toon in my sig.

    Very uncommon for me to not be in the top five DPS. BM Hunter since BC. I don't stand in fire, I burn targets that need to be burned, and all-around DO the mechanics even though it's LFR. Usually the one carrying...and couldn't care less while doing it.

    I don't care who is doing what, if shit is dying, then I'm happy.
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  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by RickJamesLich View Post
    I did LFR the other day and called out a guy that was doing 30k dps. Immediately, the guy responded with a "STFU" and I told the guy that he needed to up his dps, he was pretty upset about it and I said "you're mad because you're bad" or something along those lines. (...) Does the bad player union exist?
    No, you're just a douche that likes to berate people in raid chat for not living up to your standards and that gets you kicked. You should have whispered the guy with some neutral advice, instead of making him look like a fool in front of 24 other people. People tend not to like being treated like that.

    I've given plenty of advice to people, in whisper, and friendly, and never get kicked for it. It even often works! And sometimes someone doesn't want any advice and continues performing badly.

    Ow, and did you solo tank, heal 51% and do 51% dps at the same time? Because if you didn't, you weren't carrying anything.

  9. #69
    LFR was designed for people to enjoy. It was about seeing content and enjoying the game for people who wouldn't otherwise raid. Blizzard then made it into part of gear progression and shoved a lot of people in there who didn't care about seeing content that they were going to see several times a week for the foreseeable future. It is still the intended place and playground though of those who just want to have a good time. Even if an individual is performing poorly, as long as content is being seen and the raid is progressing, LFR is doing what it is supposed to do. There is no reason to call anyone out.

    Now, if one person is intentionally or unintentionally wiping the raid and repeatedly stopping progression... then don't call them out, just initiate the vote kick. If you call them out, even if you don't get kicked, you are going to get some sob story about how that player is a four year old with no hands that is using his toes to play his character and his dream is to complete lfr and how YOU should be votekicked for making him feel bad, and that it is your god given duty as a player of wow to carry the person in question to his lfr completion. Heck no. You click a button without conversation to get into an lfr, and you click a button without conversation if you want someone out of an lfr. Most people don't read, they click, so give them something to click on first if you get someone who makes completion impossible. If completion is possible? Suck it up. You knew what lfr was when you queued in.

    ...lfr killed my soul.

  10. #70
    If I had to guess it's because anyone can initiate a vote kick and most people don't even read what pops up on their screen before clicking on yes. Even though every time I try to boot someone a loot role is still in progress, we just were in battle and the time limit isn't over yet, a boss has just been killed, yadda yadda..., there has to be a trick I haven't figured out yet.

  11. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by RickJamesLich View Post
    The dues for the union I believe is a full set of LFR tier and a Leeroy Jenkins title. The only benefits you get is that you wont' get kicked from a LFR, from what I have seen.
    It's not about good or bad players, it's about nice or rude persons. And this post clearly states that you attitude towards others is not the best one.
    Last edited by mmoc516e31a976; 2013-09-24 at 07:59 AM.

  12. #72
    Its normal OP and its the same in every game not just LFR ;D

    Bads will be bads, a bad player WILL NEVER IMPROVE, these forums are the perfect example of what you are talking about.

    I gave up trying to help them, i just stand there, try to play for a few minutes more until i cant take the badness anymore, and either i AFK if its some game like LoL/Dota2/HoN or simply Leave the instance/queue and go play on another character/something else.

    Especially after 5.4 things are terrible since many people resub to check stuff, and LFR is full of horrible undergeared plays.

    Horridon the other day on my hunter, i only do LFR since i simply cant raid with bad players and i dont have the willpower to raid hardcore anymore so my characters arent awesome, but i play the best i can for my gear.

    Get in group..Notice the 5 stacsks.."Hmm.." Start the fight, do 400k dps cause of the insane hunter burst at the start + 5 stacks which balances after to the usual 130-150K, nothing awesome for the gear level considering people enter in LFR and do 300k ..notice the second is doing 45000, the third 45000 and the rest of the group below 40K, there was no point in talking, the group was full of undergeared half afker leechers..I simply left ;D

    Dont say anything until the bosses are dead, there is a union of bad players for sure, and its pointless to talk to them.
    Last edited by potis; 2013-09-24 at 08:00 AM.

  13. #73
    Herald of the Titans
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    I might be in LFR on one of my overgeared characters doing way more than my "share," or I might be in LFR on one of my crap geared characters barely plodding along, but if you ask me to kick someone because of performance, and we haven't been wiping because of DPS (which never happens in LFR), I just don't want to hear it.

    Shut up or politely explain the mechanics and get back to work.

    I save my kick votes for the people who are AFK or who are stirring the shit, for example, bitching about people doing 30k.

  14. #74
    I have encountered this too. I was not kicked tho nor was I carrying the raid. I was there and noticed that:
    Player X was afk for the duration of a bossfight, who became active soon as the boss was dead and I called that out
    Player Y had an inactivity % as a dpser of about 0.3% while running around, which means he did not press any buttons
    Player Z had a dps of about 20k/30k and had no talents chosen/glyphs/enchants/gems. Activity also much lower then the rest
    Anyway I called this out: response > it's just LFR leave him be

    Like what the f*ck? Do people want to have a slow ass raid? Do people find it ok to have people like that in the group? I couldn't believe what I was reading in chat. All those "anger" towards me for calling this out. And I am just calling out extremes, I am not nitpicking on people who have a very high activity% but low dps (could assume inexperienced player here). I am not asking for bad players to get removed. I am only asking to remove people who think its ok to leech!

    edit: I want to clearify that I won't curse in /i towards anyone. I am just saying what is on the meters basically.
    Last edited by Vaelorian; 2013-09-24 at 08:15 AM.

  15. #75
    Some answers are really wierd here and proves something like an bad player union.

    I can go crazy, too. When I see someone doing below 30k dps, which is absolutely impossible as level 90 char, and they do really poor but think they are awesome I'll go crazy, too. But I noticed something else. Those are the players leaving first after a wipe. Because they don't want to waste their time. Really?

    I can accept if they try their best. There are people out there who are slower, like my ex-girlfriend (in WoW, not in real life ). But people flaming others while they are bad as hell deserve to get punched in the face.

  16. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by RickJamesLich View Post
    My guild and I speculated, there's almost like a union when it comes to bad players, you call one out, and the others will get angry with you, as opposed to the under performing guy, just because they are angry from all of the years that they themselves were called out for underperforming. Because of this, they will boot the guy who was actually helping them down the boss, because it's their way of getting revenge against all of the players that used to kick them back in the day. Anyone else ever have an experience like this? Does the bad player union exist?
    Well, nobody likes a jerk.

    But 30k is pretty bad, he was probably afk for half of the raid...so yes, I'd say that many players in LFR have some sort of displaced anger issues. Although it sounds like you might have been able to handle the situation differently, your maturity level sounds pretty low if you're saying crap like "you're mad because you're bad" or something else designed to provoke a response.

    Remember that this game does a really crappy job of teaching new players how to play, at least try to find out what someone's deal is and offer some pointers before flaming them in raid chat.

  17. #77
    Dear hardcores: Everyone else would rather wipe than listen to your bullshit. Attempts to convince yourselves that the LFR masses actually miss you and your leetness will be laughed at and then ignored. RJL was a douchebag and got kicked, system working as intended.

  18. #78
    Really it depends on how you say it. If someone starts calling names and acting like an ass I don't care how good they are, I'd rather they not be in the group. If you say something like "look guys we really need all of our DPS to be over 30k if we want to beat this boss". People will likely start looking at the meters and voting to kick people that appear to be AFK or seriously under-performing. If someone says "STFU it's LFR, who cares", don't get in an argument and just vote to kick. If you aren't wiping though, I doubt you will find anyone who will vote to kick the person and may end up getting yourself kicked if you are being too harsh.

  19. #79
    The Lightbringer Aqua's Avatar
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    I dunno but I'm calling for my guilds good players to stop running lfr, and run flex as a team with our social members.
    So far this arrangement has been most profitable both to health of mind and loot procuration.

    Fed up with carrying lfrs, they wanna sit there for hours on end continually sucking, go right ahead. I don't have time to be the Lfr hero anymore. And it's not worth the stress I get when I dare to; 'help the failing strategy by suggesting something I've clearly done already in normal and heroic and works yet I'm an elitist prick who is daring to tell these impetuous fuckers how to live and need to shut up and get a life' Y'know...as you do.

    So... sod it. You wanna run nothing but lfr and never make nice with anyone on this MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER experience, I'm not going to moan about it anymore. Enjoy being miserable.

    I really can't handle performing for a group of quick to anger, entitled babies who get mad when someone offers advice. I bet they do this to people in real life when criticized too...
    Or have never had to work in a medium that warrants continuous criticism of your work and learned to take it.
    Last edited by Aqua; 2013-09-24 at 08:37 AM.
    I have eaten all the popcorn, I left none for anyone else.

  20. #80
    Herald of the Titans Vorkreist's Avatar
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    There is a union of bad players that has that exact behavior. Look around this thread or any other thread.
    Those who are bad like to hide behind the "am casual" blanket and when there is any kind of negative criticism on their part they jump the gun with the "you're a rude elitist @hole, how dare you point out that i'm a lazy bum who like to get carried away everywhere?".
    The moment you say something bad about them they start to come out with that so its impossible to have a conversation.
    They cannot even comprehend the reason why someone calls them out on something. Its a divine right to be bad, perform poorly, disrupt the work of the whole group and nobody has any right to say something because then, he magically becomes the infamous "elitist jerk".
    Last edited by Vorkreist; 2013-09-24 at 08:36 AM.

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