1. #1

    PoF,T16-set and Galakras trinket.

    So i read on elitist this:
    "Lining them up (Synapse springs) with Pillar boosts their effect by 20%. Delaying them (assuming 553 ilvl trinket, upgraded twice) gives you Springs every 84.5 seconds, a 29% drop in utility. 1.2*0.71 = 0.85. Not worth it.

    It makes the upgraded heroic warforged trinket quite nice, though, with its even 50% increase. All CDs are reduced by an even 1/3, making it much easier to line them up (at least sometimes) with other things that aren't reduced."

    But should i still wait to line them up, when the t16 frost 4set comes in play? Aka the icy spike.

  2. #2
    use them on cd, don't delay them to line them up.

  3. #3
    Ok, will use ghoul,springs and PoF as soon they come off cd then. Tyvm for you reply.

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