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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by primalmatter View Post
    You realize the items you listed are not exactly cheap right... your no longer talking about playing a support but just going double carry bot. While that can work your not going to have a good adc by the time teamfights start. Annie can support but I'm not sold on the fact she should. two stuns and lackluster damage after the first ten mins are not terrible for a support there just not very good.

    There is quite a bit to do with taste and preferred play style here and its going to be biased that's just how people are myself included. I just can't see annie as a amazing support she can kinda bully early game but after that if she tries it shes just going to get blown up against most matchups. You can not build damage fast enough on her to keep pressure up on the lane unless you either forgo warding and/or get a massive amount of kills/assists.
    And thats the aim. As I said annie will likely be doing more damage against the enemies in bot lane than than her mid lane would if built right. She's not going to carry late game, but I've gotten my fair share of wrecks late game as annie support and it hurts.

    Its a mind game really, how many annie supports do you see? Very few? I've seen 2 in the last 3 weeks of about 40-50 games total now.

    How many sonas/zyras/thresh etc have I seen? Plenty. I know their full kit and their damage output. I know its not high, I know most likely if I am equal in health, have mana, and I'm not horrible behind I can lay this person out.

    If I see annie support 9 times out of 10 I'm going to mistake her for building ap (if she isn't already) and run, when in fact I may be able to kill her. But if she builds her runes/masteries right I may have walked into a trap. She has alot of burst, lets not forget that. She's annie.

    As others have said, her auto attack range I believe is the second longest in the game at 600. Thats longer than most adcs, so perhaps you can build ad runes on her with ad masteries and just harass all lane.

    Supports for laning goes as far as being a kill lane, which is what annie is or just basically relieving pressure off your adc so he can farm more securely.

    Supports mid-late game go for warding (including early as well in their respective sides) and bringing a shur/mikaels (if needed) and a shard of true ice (if needed). After that particular aura items and maybe an aegis/locket.

    At that point she can build appropriately to how she sees fit.

    I used to do this in solo queue and I may get torn apart for it, but I ran a sion/pantheon/alistar any of those, any bruiser with hard cc sometimes soft cc bottom lane.

    My friend and I ran draven/olaf bottom lane. We hit 7 when they just turned 4. It was horrible for them.

    The best support is damage!!

    Let the flames of haters begin!

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by primalmatter View Post
    yes and granted im not a crazy high player but managed to get pretty high into g1 last season and shes just not that strong..

    very early game shes dangerous but by the time level 6 rolls around the threat is well.. its gone for most combos. Its not that annie can't support its just there is a champ that does everything she does better.

    If you want stuns and a kill leona out shines her

    If you want poke thresh does lack her kill power but his utility crushes her. On that note nami does the same thing as annie but better...

    I just find it hard to say shes a good pick when there are so many supports that can do what she does just better her weakness is just amplified when team fights start and the other supports aoe stuns and ccs start coming out.

    Shes not the worst pick in the world its just I don't see her ever as a first pick unless its to bait the other teams mid pick.
    I never claimed she's THE top tier support either. I bet you play more then 2 champs mid, or 3 top (where 2 are banned anyway) etc. but she is far from bad. Hell as far as I know she got played in the World Championship as support.

    Strange you tell that she's no threat at 6. As I simply can't count how many times I either got their sup or ADC down with over 60% health in matter of 2 seconds. (with a stun). Hell with some bush useage I can probably take their ADC 1vs1 if he's not beyond fed.

    These days I generally play Zyra or Annie. Imo they're a tad the same. Zyra obviously has more CC. Annie has tons more burst, and the only problem you'll have in lane is that YOU get the kill, no matter how hard you try not to.

    Her base damages are damn high, so don't really see how she "falls off" even in laning phase.

  3. #23
    Buy a mejai's and start smack talking in /all.

  4. #24
    How can you say she's no threat at 6? Even with heavy defense/sup masteries (my preferred annie build, and also the build the people at worlds used), Tibbers at 6 with stun is enough to bring enemy adc down to 60% and will always result in a burned flash or a kill or both. As someone pointed out, in some situations I could probably kill their adc by myself.

    She falls off damage wise later but so do all supports. But she's not there for the damage. She's here for the ridiculous amount of cc and, more importantly, AoE stuns she can put out. There's no other support who can do that. A well placed Tibbers in a teamfight, burn some spells and another well aimed W and double or triple stun, and so on. The thing with Annie is that you're in their faces a lot. She may have long auto attack range, but for tibbers and W you better stand close. That's why people build defense. You can go full AP too, as people have pointed out. It depends on the game you're in.

    As with everything, if your ADC doesn't follow up, it'll be pointless. If you stun and your adc is not following up, you're probably going to die or get bullied out of the lane both of you if the enemy lane has a clue. She's a risky pick in my kind of games because I never know if I will have an ADC with eyes and a sense of positioning or if I get a "i'm usually jungle and never adc" guy who sits back and hopefully has 5 cs every 10 minutes while getting hit by every hook, arrow, spear and their moms.

    I'm by no means a star support player, god I wish. But a lot of your play if not all depends on your adc and it can be terribly frustrating to play Annie with random adcs in my experience.
    Last edited by Cirque; 2013-11-20 at 03:23 AM.

  5. #25
    You dont, she is a Mid Champ

  6. #26
    She works well with ADC's that can put up good damage/burst like Ezreal/Corki/Draven/Sivir. She doesn't pair as well with say a Caitlyn who relies more on poking then going in.

  7. #27
    In Season 4 now you go relic and just rack in the gold -.-"

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