1. #2921
    Hey, I know I'm out of topic, I'm sorry, but does anyone know the game that's like Stardew Valley, with shorter characters, but is multiplayer, and I think with classes? I been looking for it for weeks

  2. #2922
    Quote Originally Posted by Lightning- View Post
    I have assetto corsa and PC2. It's really a blast. I never ever exepected to have so much fun Simracing. I don't care about cars and usually don't like racing games. But the steering wheel with FFB makes it so much fun.

    I will check the other games mate. Thank you
    Automobilista 1 and 2*

    Automodelista is an older PS2 game that looks like anime lol, Automobilista is the sim series.

  3. #2923
    Monster Hunter world iceborne.

    7/10. Was 9/10 until I got to endgame. Now it's very, very grindy with little substance. I find it hard to get into the raid system even after 220 hours /played.

    Still enjoying most of the solo hunts, although every master rank monster after 70 requires to pass an enormous learning curve before they're really fun.

  4. #2924

    extremelybased / 10.

  5. #2925
    Quote Originally Posted by Lightning- View Post
    F1 2019, 7/10. Played with steering wheel. It's a lot of fun, very immersive, but pretty difficult (for me at least)

    Recently bought the steering wheel and I'm having a BLAST. Never played racing games before because I don't like them, but the wheel makes is so much fun.
    Recently bought and played f1 2019. Had to set the difficulty all the way down! I am learning better technique though in taking all the tight corners. It is fun and makes you want to go back for more and improve.

    I also played Assassins Creed Black Flag which I think is a lot of fun. The ocean in it looks great. I almost want to get sea of thieves for the way the ocean looks in it.

    Do any of you know if epic games is a good game seller to buy from?

  6. #2926
    Monster Sanctuary 9/10
    Very much loved this little known gem on Steam. Combines Pokemon with metroidvania, but has actual difficulty and MASSIVE synergy in monster team builds that make building teams far more fun than Pokemon's 'get highest stats, one shot enemy with type advantage'.

  7. #2927
    Finished Ni-No-Kuni II. Stellar game. Loved the dumbed-down city-building aspect and RTS aspect as a break from the machinations of a single-player RPG. Characters are fun, protagonist is cool, the player character has an amazing story. Solid 8.5/10. Areas of improvement could be the difficulty, although playing it on highest difficulty was satisfying. I guess my 500+ combined hours in the Souls series & in Bloodborne, and the 300+ hours in the Kingdom Hearts series have made me an action-RPG pro. Still, mechanics of the game were fun, story was nice, do recommend.

  8. #2928
    Pandaren Monk Bugg's Avatar
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    FF7 remastered.
    6.5/10 for me.

    Nostalgia fueled experience. I did not enjoy the environment, level design, combat style.

  9. #2929
    I am Murloc! Velshin's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy VII remake, will give it a solid 8.2/10

    Awesome remake, the visuals, gameplay specially the combat system is amazing. The idea of fully customize your characters by playing with the materia system (it was great system back in 1997 FF7 classic and now they made it better). I will easily give the game full score if there didnt add those annoying fetch side quests and not adding those arbiter of fate shit and the overuse of Sephiroth really.

  10. #2930
    The Warden & the Paunch dlc for Warhammer 2 Total War

    9.5/10 for the greenskin rework alone and a really good dlc overall will give another 100 hours or more gameplay, 3 new lords Eltharion the Grim, Grom the Paunch and Prince Imrik, Lord of Dragons plus a Greenskin overhaul.
    Do you hear the voices too?

  11. #2931
    Disco Elysium


    It's not for everyone, but if there is interest in story-driven games with meaningful and interesting choices (and a fkton to read)
    this is one of the best rpgs ever made imho. Totally surprised me...several times.

  12. #2932
    DC Universe Online 7/10 for DC fans, 5/10 for the rest.

    Very little has changed since i last played this game in 2015.
    It is a now free-to-play MMO, with all that entails.
    The graphics did not get any big updates, it runs on a potato.
    The voice-acting is as good as it can get when a studio tries to rehire as many original speakers as possible for their iconic roles.
    For those who like DC it is still an enjoyable game, for everybody else it's just another old MMO.
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    I'm fine with a mafia. Of course, the mafia families often worked with independent third parties in order to maintain relations.

  13. #2933
    Quote Originally Posted by Nihilist74 View Post
    Recently bought and played f1 2019. Had to set the difficulty all the way down! I am learning better technique though in taking all the tight corners. It is fun and makes you want to go back for more and improve.

    I also played Assassins Creed Black Flag which I think is a lot of fun. The ocean in it looks great. I almost want to get sea of thieves for the way the ocean looks in it.

    Do any of you know if epic games is a good game seller to buy from?
    I had to set the difficulty down too, its not an easy game. Epic games is a great place to buy from

  14. #2934
    Darksiders 2 on my Switch.

    Loved the first one, 6/10 for the 2nd.

    Too damn long and tedious for what is otherwise great gameplay.

    Streets of Rage 4

    9/10. They took the classic formula and just made everything else better.
    Last edited by Macd123aw; 2020-05-24 at 12:33 PM.

  15. #2935
    Horizon Zero Dawn. 8.7/10. My biggest gripe is not enough loot progression and item management is a pain, but it nails everything else, varied enemy types, great rpg elements, side quests can be hit or miss but the main quest is top notch story, world building is amazing. Looking forward to the sequel.

  16. #2936
    I am Murloc! Mister K's Avatar
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    Warzone 8/10 but anger problems and got burned out hard for playing it hard.
    Minecraft 5/10 or 10/10 or 1/10 depends on the day.
    Classic 8/10 but got burned out second time, plus lot of time investment needed. BRING ON TBC!

    In reality I am just waiting for D4/Cyberpunk because I haven't played a new game for years. Warzone is not a game, it's an arcade same shit over and over again.

  17. #2937
    Minecraft Dungeons: An optimistic 8/10 so far. It's fun, it's a bit simple but so are games like D2 and Titan Quest, so it works for it. I don't know if it will overall be an 8/10 game or more, maybe less. I don't know much about the end game, I'm around level 50 but the levels aren't 100% tied to power level in the game. I'm currently playing in the second hardest mode (there are 3 difficulty modes and a slider for each one). There aren't a ton of levels, and I still have some hidden (you need to find and unlock them) including some secret levels that require some more sluthing. There are builds in this game, there are some strange synergies to be had, you can make almost support style roles, tank roles, healer, etc... But it's not clear cut, these options are available in game, but it's not like you are choosing this role or you won't also be taking damage to the face... Hard to describe but the choice is there. That being said there aren't tons of options, only a few you need to work between.

    It's a great game so far, but how and if there is anything to do after you beat the hardest difficulty remains to be seen, I can't really tell if there is an "endgame" or it's possible the difficulty and items are set so the pushing the difficulty becomes the end game, ala D3 on release.

  18. #2938
    Saint's Row The Third: Remastered: 7/10, its a fucking fantastic remaster, but it is still the same game in terms of story, which in my opinion is one of the, if not the, weakest stories of any of the 5 Saint's Row games.

    Maneater: I will admit I am only about 1/3rd through the story, but holy hell is it an enjoyable and hilarious game. The gameplay is solid, though somewhat shallow. It never gets old beaching yourself to get at your prey though. So far, its a solid 8/10
    Last edited by Donald Hellscream; 2020-05-27 at 10:53 PM.

  19. #2939
    4 RPGs I played during quarantine:

    - Divinity Original Sin : 8/10
    After a couple of times giving up during the first hour of the game, I finally got to the first city and absolutely loved the rest of the game (150 hours). One of the best gameplays and soundtracks of the decade for me, but I wish that the story was a little more complex. I'm really excited about playing DOS2.

    - Pathfinder Kingmaker : 9/10
    I started playing it when it released but there were a lot of bugs and I decided to wait. The majority of the bugs are now fixed and I had a wonderful time, especially with the turn based mod. Amazing story, companions, side quests, gameplay, character building, impactful choices, visuals and soundtrack. Probably the richest and most complex RPG I've ever played. I even prefer it to Baldur's Gate 2. Not a perfect score because the kingdom management could be better and less repetitive. Can't wait to play Pathfinder 2!

    - Dragon Age Inquisition : 6/10
    During the first 20 hours, I was in love and I was surprised at the low scores, then the next 100 hours were just MMO quests and exploration with a tiny bit of story every 20 hours. The base game ending is absolute garbage and you have to buy the DLC Trespasser to get the actual ending. I loved the companions but the gameplay was very basic and clunky, and the story is so thin and diluted that it's hard to give this game a good score, especially after playing the two previous games and the following one.

    - Witcher 3 Blood and Wine : 9.5/10
    Absolutely loved it! Captivating story and characters, impactful choices. Toussaint is incredibly huge and detailed. It's hard to believe this is just a DLC. A great conclusion to Witcher 3 that reminded me why this game is one of the best games of the decade. Can't wait for Cyberpunk 2077!
    Last edited by Loeko; 2020-05-28 at 03:33 AM.

  20. #2940
    Immortal hellhamster's Avatar
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    Dota 2

    Now that I've sunk over 1500 hours in it, not counting the hours I've wasted playing old Dota in high school, I guess I can offer my honest opinion.

    As a MOBA, I think it is evident that it is a game of extremes. It has an insane learning curve, one that will never be mastered even at the top, professional level. It has an extreme prerequisite of learning the ropes as a beginner, which is why it lost to League of Legends as far as playerbase goes. The game itself requires 100 hours of playtime before it can even allow you to use the ranked matchmaking mode.

    The meta game itself isn't self evident. It will take you maybe 50 hours before you even begin to realise this game has different roles and every role has its own gameplay. It will take you another 50 for you to understand which hero can be used as what, and you will be better off playing maybe 3 heroes at one particular role or you will risk completely ruining the game for your team before moving on to learning new things. The position 1 and 2 roles (solo lane and carry) are also not quite suited for beginners due to requiring being good at last hitting and knowing how map control works, as well as the stengths and weaknesses, item builds etc of both your team and the enemy. So, all in all, I think every new player requires a coach to teach him the ropes.

    Once you reach that point of 100 hours played, you will begin to realise that the game is 20% rock, paper, scissors, 40% individual skill and 40% reliance on teammates.

    Rock, paper scissors means that every hero is great and balanced, unless teamed against another hero which may kinda nullify him if played correctly. There are some outliers with every patch, of course. For example this current patch as I'm writing this, Ember Spirit, Lycan, Morphling, Lone Druid and Beastmaster are maybe 5% better in most team getups, and heroes like Pudge, Slardar, Techies etc are statistically giving you 5% less chance of winning. Not that a good Pudge won't completely annihilate the opposing team if given half a chance. Other than that, the game is completely and utterly balanced. Also thank fuck the game has ZERO pay 2 win mechanics like most other games and everything is unlocked from the get go.

    Other than the hero meta, the game meta has changed significantly over the years, for better or for worse. One major patch provides teams that fight more (named: brawl meta) with more experience and gold, another patch may require your carries (position 2) to sit the fuck out of fights and farm like bots until a certain item build and timing is achieved, another patch gives you major gold and xp if you win team fights as you're far behind, etc. The current meta is kinda balanced but gives huge emphasis on timed attacks and item builds by certain heroes combined with roshan aegis (extra life mechanic of beating a big neutral mob). It all changes dynamically, which I think keeps the game interesting, but it kinda alienates the playerbase if they aren't fans of certain mechanics. For example, I wasn't a fan of the comeback mechanic of 3 years or so past, even though it made the game very fun to watch at an esports level.

    Other than those big aspects of gameplay, the game hasn't changed much. You are sitting at a particular lane in the beginning depending on your role, whether you're solo lane position 1 (the playmaker of the team that needs the most xp early on to offset the enemy team and give the position 2, the carry, time and space to farm), a carry position 2 (the one that is very weak usually early on and sits at the safest lane and takes the most gold through farming, because after a certain point he does the most damage), an offlane position 3 (the one that sits at the hardest lane and tries to disrupt the enemy carry from getting farm as much as possible while also being pivotal at team fights if farming right), or positions 4 and 5, the supports, which babysit either the carry or the offlane, spend a lot of money on warding (giving vision to the team), de-warding (breaking the enemy's vision), and generally being squishy, but can offer monstrous output in fights if used correctly.

    I'm usually a position 1 or 2 player, but can also play other roles as well, even though I'm worse at them. I can play most heroes decently, but my top 10 most played heroes are storm spirit, faceless void, gyrocopter, death prophet, rubick, clockwerk, batrider, queen of pain, ogre magi and antimage. I'm not amazing but I'm usually the most impactful in my team due to those positions I play.

    I'm never gonna be playing this game alone. I'm always gonna be playing with irl friends, and this is where the game's strengths truly lie. Every game is a clusterfuck of emotions, trash talking, triumphs of epic comebacks and insane plays, rampages, but also feeding due to a bad matchup and hero drafting or being significantly worse than the enemy team, losing out of nowhere when you're far ahead, tilting, bad mannering, raging at fucking enemy techies giving you a 150 minute game etc. It's one thing to experience those things alone and another when you can share them with people you know well. And for that, all that time I've wasted in this game is well worth it.

    So I'll be giving Dota 2 a 9.5/10.
    Last edited by hellhamster; 2020-06-07 at 08:23 AM.

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