1. #1

    [suggestion] transmog V.2

    the game is out almost 10 years and has probably tons of models and skins of existing gears in the database allready.

    why wont we use this database of gear to design our own transmog sets using a simple dressing room like GUI?

    each xpac brought in its own uniqe models of gears, you can see them on raid bosses , NPCs and normal mobs all around
    the zones of that particular xpac.
    many times you can see a raid mob or boss using the same set model but in a different color which can not be obtain by the players at all.

    my suggestion to blizzard is:
    give us that dressing room like GUI to start designing our own gear , one piece at a time when we start with a transparent or white colored
    empty model of that particular model we want for that slot piece and we start selecting its skins and colors as we see fit , we can add a special color hue
    to that item and even an animation added to it like the warlock T6 or rogue t8 .

    when we are done a quest scroll pops up in your inventory to gather all the mats needed for that new piece and ofc those mats
    can only be found in that model's original xpac zones where the complexity of that item you design will determine how many mats and what kinds
    of mats you will need to gather to craft that item, an item with just a model and skin colors will require less and more common mats than
    an item with color hue and animation on it, those mats will be more rare and maybe drop off only raid bosses of that xpac or new rare mobs
    that blizz will place in every zones.

    all'n'all i think it in terms of a new features, this one will cost the less effort by blizz since every skin and model in the game is allready in
    the database ,just give us the tool to craft what we want out of the database and it will take us out there to the old zones and raids to craft those gears.
    i think the majority of the players would love that feature and would love to have another way to differentiate thier looks from one another.

    i allready made an in game suggestion about it few months ago so maybe we will see that feature coming to life mid or end next xpac ? who knows...

    i would love to see ppl in old tier sets but with totaly different skin colors, hue and even an animation on...total black T1 warrior set with purple hue?
    if thats excites you think about all the SoO one shoulder slots and many of the orcs sets used there in your own color and design....would be cool.

    what you guys think? Yay or Nay?

  2. #2
    Mechagnome Rehija's Avatar
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    Yay !


  3. #3
    Double Yay!

  4. #4
    Warchief Duravian's Avatar
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    Triple yay!

    This needed more views.
    It's pronounced "Dur-av-ian."

  5. #5
    Quad Triple yay!

    P.S. Say 'Yay!' to upport this hread!

  6. #6
    Wow this is a actually a really good idea.


  7. #7
    Well what I would like it not something that is handed to us on a silver platter...

    I still want to farm stuff but once I got it, put into some "skinlibrary". After that I should be able to paint it to my hearts desire.

    Perhaps the paint can be a quest (NOT A FUCKING DAILY OR MATS FROM DAILIES) or an achievement done in dungeons or with professions. I mean what is wrong with actually "playing to get something you want". Goals are very much needed. And while I said, "paint can be a quest" - I meant per color.

    Would be awesome running paladin T2 in white / blue and silver instead of gold / black and red. Or Paladin tier 6 changed to white purple red.

    I am going to be realistic here. I don't think that changing animations is an option really. Ofcourse they could built it. But why? There are loads of animations or visual effects already.

    But I do want to transmog enchants

  8. #8
    really good idea! never thought about that. I hate how costly it becomes gold wise to keep mogging i wish it was cheaper or free thats my main issue with transmog.

    I dont think blizzard will implement your idea becuase they want people to work for it and farm old dungeons but i stil dont think with transmog theres enough uniqueness id love to see your idea implemented or at least the ability to recolor gear sets.

  9. #9

  10. #10
    awesome idea in general

    but i think it will take alot more effort than you realise to implement

    models are just white 3D shapes, but the detail is a pre-coloured image layered over it. changing the hue should be easy enough to change as it changes the entire image, but changing individual coloured parts? that would be far more time consuming

    they would have to go through every single skin texture and tell the code to change the colour of this certain bit of the picture on demand (which we have already seen can be done, look at the Fey Dragon mount)

    do able? absolutely, would be awesome to have such detailed customisation. but it will take far more time to put into the game than you think

    you have my Yay!

  11. #11
    All the yay!

    I'm not sure if this is something they'd actually be willing to implement but i'd love it if they did.
    Infectionate Pawsthorne Bubblesbee
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  12. #12
    I've always wanted something like this, but always known I won't get it Still, you get a yay from me.

  13. #13
    Herald of the Titans Ihnasir's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Nov 2009
    Hell yay. Would give people another reason to visit old zones.

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