1. #1

    Talking Snowdown Showdown

    Might as well create own thread for this I think.

    How have your games gone?
    I have had 7 games overall, first feelings are that Nidalee, despite me liking her, is quite bad. Hew Q is countered so easily with minions. Ryze felt quite strong both in paper and in action (spell spam ftw), although my success with him was rather mediocre due to some mistakes... And Sivir I only had 2 games with, both of which were wins, she seems pretty strong since Q does good damage to enemy champ even if he hides behind minions and can be useful for pushing, E can block spell, and W can be used for faster autoattacking and pushing.
    http://i.imgur.com/FJo5NcJ.png level 1 kill ftw

    What do you feel like are good champions?
    Also what is 2v2 meta?

  2. #2
    jinx has been my only remaining undefeated 2v2 champ

  3. #3
    I've played Riven, Yi and Teemo. Riven was a level 1 win vs Ashe. She's really strong early, but if your opponent can play safe until they finish an item, it'd probably be harder to win. Yi was a level 1 loss vs Yasuo. It was misplay on my part that lost me that, since I outdamaged Yasuo easily, but Yi is far too squishy to work against any bruiser or ADC and his early damage isn't really there either. Teemo was a level 5 win vs Draven. Teemo seems to be a god against ADCs and to an extent, bruisers. Anyone with a good amount of abilities isn't instantly fucked, but Teemo still does good early damage.

  4. #4
    Just played my first one as Wukong vs an ap Nidalee. Was pretty easy. Allmost killed her at level 2, but she flashed away. Ended up just killing her when i got my ult and she was still level 5.

  5. #5
    Ridiculous match making. I only fight diamonds all the time :/

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