Crybaby Raiders is a long-time running guild on Neptulon with roots back in the Vanilla days of raiding.

We focus on progressing as well as possible while keeping a relaxed raiding atmosphere, and within a reasonable 3 day raiding schedule. We expect good attendance especially from trials, but we will always be understanding when RL needs to take priority.

To make the most of our raid time, we expect our raiders to be well prepared, have an excellent knowledge of their class, and be able to learn encounters quickly.

Our raid times are Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday 19:30 - 23:00 ST.

We are currently looking mainly for a healer and a ranged dps.

The current high priority for our recruiting is

  • Healer (preferably paladin or shaman)
  • Strong DPS (preferably mage, shaman or warlock)
  • Tanks (Preferably Warrior, Deathknight or Paladin).

Exceptional applicants of any class are always welcome at