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  1. #21
    Favorite: Hyjal and Mulgore.
    Least Favorite: Zul'drak without a doubt.

  2. #22
    Pandaren Monk Bumbasta's Avatar
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    favourite: Grizzly Hills and Howling Fjord
    least favourite: Actually all the Outland zones; especially Hellfire Peninsula. I'm not really a Nagrand lover either.
    "This is no swaggering askari, no Idi Amin Dada, heavyweight boxing champion of the King's African Rifles, nor some wide shouldered, medal-strewn Nigerian general. This is an altogether more dangerous dictator - an intellectual, a spitefull African Robespierre who has outlasted them all." - The Fear: Robert Mugabe and the martyrdom of Zimbabwe, Peter Godwin.

  3. #23
    Favourite used to be Stranglethorn Vale, but now I would say Nagrand or Valley of the Four Winds.

    Least favourite would be Ghostlands.

  4. #24
    The Undying Lochton's Avatar
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    Favorite: Valley of the Four Winds (Minus the wall breach), Storm Peaks (Specificly the frozen battlefield place), Nagrand and Howling Fjord.
    Least favorite: Hellfire Peninsula, Dread Wastes (Except the double jump buff, I'm loving that), Borean Tundra, Silithus,
    FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out", also commonly known as people with a mental issue of managing time and activities, many expecting others to fit into their schedule so they don't miss out on things to come. If FOMO becomes a problem for you, do seek help, it can be a very unhealthy lifestyle..

  5. #25
    Feralas favorite, least favorite are quite a few. I get bored very quickly when a zone tries to be dark and edgy, usually Blizzard makes them high level ones.

  6. #26
    One of my most favourite is pre-cata Dun Morogh before it was ruined by gnomes. Pre-cata Loch Modan before Deathwing blew the dam up and twilight cultist moved in was also beautiful, now it's just a giant muddy hole.

    Storm Peaks, Grizzly Hills, northern part of Kun-lai Summit, those are all really beautiful and I usually do all the quests there when leveling. Something about snowy zones always gets me, which is probably why Frostfire ridge is my favourite zone in WoD so far.

    Least favourite zones for me are those that have a really dull and boring music - like Silithus, Borean Tundra, Hellfire Peninsula, Netherstorm, Un'goro Crater, Dustwallow Marsh... I used to dislike Tanaris too, but once they added that wonderful music in Cata, it suddenly feels a lot better.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gehco View Post
    Favorite: Valley of the Four Winds (Minus the wall breach), Storm Peaks (Specificly the frozen battlefield place), Nagrand and Howling Fjord.
    Least favorite: Hellfire Peninsula, Dread Wastes (Except the double jump buff, I'm loving that), Borean Tundra, Silithus,
    Hell yeah that frozen battlefield is awesome, especially when the right music kicks in and it starts snowing.

  7. #27
    The Undying Lochton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toobad View Post
    One of my most favourite is pre-cata Dun Morogh before it was ruined by gnomes. Pre-cata Loch Modan before Deathwing blew the dam up and twilight cultist moved in was also beautiful, now it's just a giant muddy hole.

    Storm Peaks, Grizzly Hills, northern part of Kun-lai Summit, those are all really beautiful and I usually do all the quests there when leveling. Something about snowy zones always gets me, which is probably why Frostfire ridge is my favourite zone in WoD so far.

    Least favourite zones for me are those that have a really dull and boring music - like Silithus, Borean Tundra, Hellfire Peninsula, Netherstorm, Un'goro Crater, Dustwallow Marsh... I used to dislike Tanaris too, but once they added that wonderful music in Cata, it suddenly feels a lot better.

    Hell yeah that frozen battlefield is awesome, especially when the right music kicks in and it starts snowing.
    Favorite AFK location, looks awesome to just look around, music to fit it. Sometimes go there when writing as well. Screw AFK'ing in Shrine or Orgrimmar, want something nice to look at. Sometimes I imagine how it would look if you saw some cutscene or the likes of the whole field just freezing over.
    FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out", also commonly known as people with a mental issue of managing time and activities, many expecting others to fit into their schedule so they don't miss out on things to come. If FOMO becomes a problem for you, do seek help, it can be a very unhealthy lifestyle..

  8. #28
    Favorite: Storm Peaks

    Least: Deepholm

  9. #29
    Favorite: Shadowmoonvalley and Zul'Drak
    Least favorite: Hellfire Peninsula

  10. #30
    lest : Silithus and Deepholme
    fav : Icecrown

  11. #31
    Favorites: Gilneas (JESUS that epic-level architecture. Surwich is my favorite town in the game, despite not being in Gilneas.) and Zangarmarsh. Just love that fuckin' place.

    Least favorites: Hyjal and Twilight Highlands. I just...didn't enjoy them much. Too...oddly shaped and populated geographically, and all the years spent wondering what they'd do with all the dragon cave-looking things and other stuff I'd sneak into in Vanilla turned into...something that just didn't meet my expectations. Ehhhh...

  12. #32
    I have a lot of zones I like, OLD Hillsbrad Foothills, Grizzly Hills, Sholazar Basin, Nagrand, the new Western Plaguelands, Elwynn Forest, Redridge Mountains, the new Westfall, Jade Forest, Valley of the Four Winds, Loch Modan, the Hinterlands, Arathi Highlands.

    I also have a lot of zones I don't like, Zul'Drak, Feralas, Un'Goro, Tanaris, Dustwallow, Desolace, Felwood, Darkshore, Ashenvale, Eastern Plaguelands, Tirisfal Glades, Wetlands, Searing Gorge, Badlands, Burning Steppes, Duskwood, The Blasted Lands, Swamp of Sorrows, Townlong Steppes, Karasang Wilds, Dread Wastes, Hellfire Peninsula, Zangarmarsh, Blade's Edge, Shadowmoon Valley, Terrokar Forest, Netherstorm, Deepholm, Vash'Jir.

  13. #33
    favorite: Jungles

    least favorite: Deserts
    Last edited by muto; 2014-04-24 at 09:34 AM.

  14. #34
    Favorite: The Firelands quest hub zone.
    Visually this place kicked ass. And as a Hunter, this place felt like a playground of dangerous and interesting pets to try to tame. I also greatly enjoyed the floating rock section and have fond memories of flinging myself off the top platform with Disengage in order to launch myself at the rare crab and cat spawns. This place was just fun for me.

    Least favorite: Hillsbrad sucks for the Alliance post Cataclysm. It was a nice place for both factions to go and lock horns and now it's just a snoozefest.

    Currently playing Borderlands 1 remaster. Amped for Borderlands 3.
    Add me on the PSN for jolly-cooperation @ PuppetShoJustice

  15. #35
    Fav : Vashjir.

  16. #36
    Favorite: Grizzly Hills. The serene nordic forest with the hunter/wolfcult theme as well as iron dwarves and stuff. Really love questing through the zone.

    Hate: Silithus. It checks off so many items on my shitlist. Repulsing.
    Now you see it. Now you don't.

    But was where Dalaran?

  17. #37
    Least fav : Valley of the Four Winds. Extremely childish questlines, stupid pandabears. Farmland where we have to collect carrots and stomp bunnylike rodents. Give me a f-in break!

    Most fav : Icecrown. The atmosphere, Arthas's Palace, all the death knights. I love that stuff.

  18. #38
    Love: Vashj'ir
    Hate: all red/orange zones.

  19. #39
    Bloodsail Admiral Grumpy Old Man's Avatar
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    Favorites: Grizzly Hills (especially the music), Jade Forest, Nagrand.
    Least: I think any zone where there's nothing interesting, or are just too off way. Like Silithus and old Azshara.
    Quote Originally Posted by MoanaLisa View Post
    YouTubers are a plague. Fuck 'em. All of them.

  20. #40
    Blademaster OnceUponAStory's Avatar
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    I must be absolutely out of my mind, but my favourite zone of all time has always been, and always definitely will be, Silithus. My second favourite is Vashj'ir.

    Silithus, for me personally, is hands down my favourite, in part due to nostalgia, but also, because of the story content. I always make the effort to level through Silithus the entire way. It's just a shame Blizzard removed almost all the quests, and chopped off a large part of the story. It's also a shame that new players now won't be able to access the old quest-lines for the sake of story consumption. For example, the tortured Druids and Sentinels who have Qiraji drones in them. They'll never know why. They'll never know what Thunderaan is/does, and I understand we have Wowpedia for information, but for me, that was always an integral thing, quest-lore.

    Wish they'd bring it back. Just because hardly anyone ever quests through there is no reason to remove so much content. People don't quest through some of the other zones, either, and they didn't remove content from them. Seems unfair.

    As for my least favourite zone, it's a tie between Deepholme and Thousand Needles.

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