
I know that we can use addon currently on the beta. Unfortunatly, my weakaura does not work for me. Does someone have a tutorial to make it works on the beta ?. I sought on several forum and i found some information which are not working for me.

example :
"Okay, well, I got it to work using 2.0.7 from Curse doing the following modifications, I'm not making any promises it'll work for anyone else and I have no idea what else it will break afterwards. I successfully pulled in my Live displays and they seemed to work okay but I haven't tested anything or tried to build any new ones yet.

In WeakAuras.lua:

Replace lines 1543 (local talentId = 1 through 1573 (talentId = talentId + 1 with:

local talentId, tiers = 1,1;
local numTalents, numTiers, numColumns = 21, 7, 3
local curTalent = 1;
local talentName, talentIcon;

while tiers <= numTiers do
talentId = 1;
while talentId <= numColumns do
--Get name and icon info for the current talent of the current class and save it for that class
talentName, talentIcon = GetTalentInfo(tiers, talentId, 1)
db.talent_cache[player_class][curTalent] = {
name = talentName,
icon = talentIcon

--Put an entry in the corresponding index for each specific class
--If the talent is in db.talent_cache for that class, it will be "beautified" (show name and icon)
--If not, it will be the same as default
--Class-specific talent_type lists will only be shown if a Load condition for a certain class is set
--Otherwise, the default is used
for class in pairs(WeakAuras.class_types) do
if(db.talent_cache[class] and db.talent_cache[class][curTalent]) then
--Get the icon and name from the talent cache and record it in the table that will be used by WeakAurasOptions
WeakAuras.talent_types_specific[class][curTalent] = "|T"..(db.talent_cache[class][curTalent].icon or "error")..":0|t "..(db.talent_cache[class][curTalent].name or "error");
--If there is no data in the cache, just use the default
WeakAuras.talent_types_specific[class][curTalent] = WeakAuras.talent_types[curTalent]

talentId = talentId + 1;
curTalent = curTalent + 1;
tiers = tiers + 1;

In Types.lua:

Replace line 370 (local numTalents, numTiers, numColumns = _G.MAX_NUM_TALENTS, _G.MAX_NUM_TALENT_TIERS, _G.NUM_TALENT_COLUMNS) with:

local numTalents, numTiers, numColumns = 21, 7, 3

In WeakAurasOptions.lua:

Comment block lines 6943 through 6953 (Starts with "-- Fix from page 181-182 of World of Warcraft Programming: ..." and ends with "WeakAurasFilterInputRight:SetPoint("topright", filterInput, "topright");")

In the end it should look like this:

-- Fix from page 181-182 of World of Warcraft Programming: A Guide and Reference for Creating WoW Addon by James Whitehead
WeakAurasFilterInputMiddle:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", WeakAurasFilterInputLeft, "BOTTOMRIGHT");
WeakAurasFilterInputMiddle:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", WeakAurasFilterInputRight, "TOPLEFT");
WeakAurasFilterInputLeft:SetPoint("bottomleft", filterInput, "bottomleft");
WeakAurasFilterInputLeft:SetPoint("topleft", filterInput, "topleft");
WeakAurasFilterInputRight:SetPoint("bottomright", filterInput, "bottomright");
WeakAurasFilterInputRight:SetPoint("topright", filterInput, "topright");
