1. #4721
    Field Marshal Arpexia's Avatar
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    Playing with FS requires a little bit thinking before everything happens, i mean we have timer for everything right now and if you know when you have to move you can easily fill your focus if needed.

    I personally prefer ToTh too because in movement situations its nice to have 1-3 stacks of toth left which allows me mostly to move from A to B without getting an major dps penalty at all.

    100% Achievements - "Warlords of Draenor Edition" - 03.02.2016 - 05:52 CET
    Hunter Armory | Guild: Gambit (German) | Sellruns / Boosts (German)

  2. #4722
    Since switching to SV, I've noticed Warcraftlogs has a big problem with associating pets to SV hunters unless the pet is resummoned during a parse. Pretty much every Kargath we do, I forget to resummon my pet and so its damage is missing from my dps.

    Is there a way to manually reprocess the log to correctly associate pets to people after the log has been started, or do you just have to remember to resummon before the boss attempt (and hope your logger doesn't go offline/restart logging)? From a programming perspective, I understand automatically associating the pets together is difficult without some type of cast that interacts between owner and pet (e.g. with BM they could key off master's call or kill command which directly have a source player to target unit) and SV just doesn't have that type of interaction. But that being said, is there some work around after logs are running without resummoning to establish the relationship in Warcraftlogs? I know this is also affecting other pet-based classes.

  3. #4723
    Kihra is a boss and hangs around both these forums and the IRC, much easier contacting him with a simple PM than trying to find workarounds for bugs that could be fixed in a timely fashion if you'd just report it. Which I have done for you, now.

    Redtuzk and I did observe some missing damage from our WCL uploads as well, it's almost definitely that (as it was rouuuughly 10% sometimes less)

  4. #4724
    Quote Originally Posted by Effinhunter View Post
    Since switching to SV, I've noticed Warcraftlogs has a big problem with associating pets to SV hunters unless the pet is resummoned during a parse. Pretty much every Kargath we do, I forget to resummon my pet and so its damage is missing from my dps.

    Is there a way to manually reprocess the log to correctly associate pets to people after the log has been started, or do you just have to remember to resummon before the boss attempt (and hope your logger doesn't go offline/restart logging)? From a programming perspective, I understand automatically associating the pets together is difficult without some type of cast that interacts between owner and pet (e.g. with BM they could key off master's call or kill command which directly have a source player to target unit) and SV just doesn't have that type of interaction. But that being said, is there some work around after logs are running without resummoning to establish the relationship in Warcraftlogs? I know this is also affecting other pet-based classes.

    If you go to the rankings tab on your logs and then click the export button at the bottom then it will re-upload the logs and should merge in the pet data. I had this issue with my logs from tuesday that I had to do this for and it corrected the issue.

  5. #4725
    Mechagnome Littlepinch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dranston View Post

    If you go to the rankings tab on your logs and then click the export button at the bottom then it will re-upload the logs and should merge in the pet data. I had this issue with my logs from tuesday that I had to do this for and it corrected the issue.
    Thanks for this was wondering where some of my dmg went lol

  6. #4726
    Quote Originally Posted by Azortharion View Post
    Kihra is a boss and hangs around both these forums and the IRC, much easier contacting him with a simple PM than trying to find workarounds for bugs that could be fixed in a timely fashion if you'd just report it. Which I have done for you, now.

    Redtuzk and I did observe some missing damage from our WCL uploads as well, it's almost definitely that (as it was rouuuughly 10% sometimes less)
    Well, if I find something weird, the first thing I try to do is ask people with more experience if I should bother wasting time reporting something to a developer when I might just be simply not doing what I should be doing (e.g., maybe the uploader from our guild simply wasn't checking an option that should have been checked). As someone who develops several open source projects, I know how busy developers can get, and I would rather not pester other devs with questions that would waste their time before I at least try to find out if the problem is on my end first.

    Anyway, thanks for passing on the info to him. If it is a small fix that would be great.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dranston

    If you go to the rankings tab on your logs and then click the export button at the bottom then it will re-upload the logs and should merge in the pet data. I had this issue with my logs from tuesday that I had to do this for and it corrected the issue.
    Awesome. I'll talk to the person who uploaded it and see if he can do this!

  7. #4727
    Yea i was trying to figure it out since I uploaded it on tuesday when i went to the damage done tab my pets damage was shown with me however it didn't work with any of the rankings but i found that re-exporting it on the rankings tabbed fixed the issue looking at the warcraftlogs forums seems its an issue a bunch pf people are having but they also say it would be fixed in 6.1 since pet damage will include the characters name in it to make it easier to merge.

  8. #4728
    Yeah, our mages have been complaining about this since front of expansion (it was one of several gripes they had about playing Frost). I can confirm that reexporting works. Thanks for the heads up!

    Edit: P.S. You only have to export once for all boss reports within the same log. You do not have to do each fight individually!

  9. #4729
    Heard a rumor this trinket is still op http://www.wowhead.com/item=96546/ru...re-origination

    any ideas?

  10. #4730
    It was on the sim list a while back. It sucked. Might (likely) be better for Survival but it's still pretty bad.

  11. #4731
    Quote Originally Posted by boonoob View Post
    Heard a rumor this trinket is still op http://www.wowhead.com/item=96546/ru...re-origination

    any ideas?
    If we get a similar trinket in this expansion that takes into account MS as part of its parameters, it may be powerful for SV, but this is not the case with Rune. According to Simcraft, and the trinket description, this trinket only affects crit/haste/mastery. To give you an idea of what this looks like in sims, here's my current profile with the HWF, fully upgraded rune (and I actually have slightly more MS than any other stat as SV, so if the Rune was working for MS, this is something I could play with).

    Simcraft Settings for Effinhunter with Rune









    # This default action priority list is automatically created based on your character.
    # It is a attempt to provide you with a action list that is both simple and practicable,
    # while resulting in a meaningful and good simulation. It may not result in the absolutely highest possible dps.
    # Feel free to edit, adapt and improve it to your own needs.
    # SimulationCraft is always looking for updates and improvements to the default action lists.

    # Executed before combat begins. Accepts non-harmful actions only.

    # Snapshot raid buffed stats before combat begins and pre-potting is done.

    # Executed every time the actor is available.

    actions+=/potion,name=draenic_agility,if=(((cooldown.stampede.remains<1)&(cooldown.a_murder_of_crows .remains<1))&(trinket.stat.any.up|buff.archmages_greater_incandescence_agi.up))|target.tim e_to_die<=25
    actions+=/stampede,if=buff.potion.up|(cooldown.potion.remains&(buff.archmages_greater_incandescence_ agi.up|trinket.stat.any.up))|target.time_to_die<=25
    actions+=/arcane_shot,if=buff.thrill_of_the_hunt.react&focus>35&cast_regen<=focus.deficit|dot.serpen t_sting.remains<=3|target.time_to_die<4.5
    # Cast a second shot for steady focus if that won't cap us.
    actions+=/cobra_shot,if=buff.pre_steady_focus.up&buff.steady_focus.remains<5&(14+cast_regen)<=focus. deficit<80

    actions.aoe=stampede,if=buff.potion.up|(cooldown.potion.remains&(buff.archmages_greater_in candescence_agi.up|trinket.stat.any.up|buff.archmages_incandescence_agi.up))
    actions.aoe+=/explosive_shot,if=buff.lock_and_load.react&(!talent.barrage.enabled|cooldown.barrage.remai ns>0)
    actions.aoe+=/multishot,if=buff.thrill_of_the_hunt.react&focus>50&cast_regen<=focus.deficit|dot.serpent_ sting.remains<=5|target.time_to_die<4.5




    For me, the Rune always procs crit, as it is my highest stat of the 3 available (crit/mastery/haste). Because my trinkets are awful (N Scales and HWF Captive), I pair the rune with my Scales for SV and with both trinkets for MM (haste isn't as bad, and Captive gives you a healthy boost to secondaries for the Rune's proc). As you can see, the trinket is surprisingly good for a 540ish trinket. However, it's certainly not a better combo than anything else from Highmaul.

  12. #4732
    What's this thing about the 690 ring being a DPS loss in the changelogs?
    Quote Originally Posted by nnelson54 View Post
    More amusing than that is the fact that the entire basis behind Sinestra as a lore character is that she was the only dragon who was able to withstand the power of Deathwing's cock.

  13. #4733
    Quote Originally Posted by Samfisher View Post
    What's this thing about the 690 ring being a DPS loss in the changelogs?
    Using explo trap I think the sence says

  14. #4734
    Which fights do you feel comfortable enough to use FS over LW?

    The first page lists specs (SV, MM, BM), but not specifics.

  15. #4735
    The first page says that FS is perfectly usable on all fights if you're comfortable enough with it.

  16. #4736
    Quote Originally Posted by Samfisher View Post
    What's this thing about the 690 ring being a DPS loss in the changelogs?
    He is refering to explosive trap. It's not worth using with the 690 ring and a minor increase without it so he took it out of the ST rotation

  17. #4737
    Quote Originally Posted by galaxyquest View Post
    Which fights do you feel comfortable enough to use FS over LW?

    The first page lists specs (SV, MM, BM), but not specifics.
    As a pretty inexperienced Hunter, (first time using Hunter for progression) I have managed to use FS with success on everything except Tectus and Imperator. I have not had the courage to try them with FS yet. Tectus I am going to try it next raid night. Imperator I am of course the brand bitch so that's a lot of movement.

  18. #4738
    Quote Originally Posted by Waylay73 View Post
    As a pretty inexperienced Hunter, (first time using Hunter for progression) I have managed to use FS with success on everything except Tectus and Imperator. I have not had the courage to try them with FS yet. Tectus I am going to try it next raid night. Imperator I am of course the brand bitch so that's a lot of movement.
    It's perfectly doable on Tectus, with the caveat that if you get bad RNG with Crystal Barrage you will see a drop in your numbers. I was targeted by literally every single one last night and lost a ton of DPS for it, but it was an outlier and definitely not the norm.

    I was still pissed off, mind you

  19. #4739
    Is there a relevant guide out there for solo'ing as BM? I found some but they are all from 2011-2012.

  20. #4740

    This is probably the best place to look for info, although it's more discussion than guide. You'll have to do a bit of reading to parse the info.


    Skip to the last 4-5 pages or so. it's a very old thread that has just stuck around over the years.
    Last edited by Jantof; 2015-01-08 at 08:03 PM.

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