1. #1

    Runes and Masteries

    Hey guys (Edit: and gals!), I've been watching you all post and discuss for several years and now I come with a question of my own. My first thread on mmo-champ, in fact!


    I'm trying to become a better LoL player right now. I started with being a 100% non-toxic player :P But now I require some information about runes and masteries. How important is it to have the right runes and masteries for <insert random champion>?

    For example, I have a mastery build that's about semi tank and semi sup for Leona - I use the very same masteries on Thresh. I also have 1 generic "AP-mid masteries" I use for like, all champions I play mid (lest they are AD, naturally).

    The same goes for my adc masteries. They're nearly entirely into AD, and a few in tank, and I take them along for all my ADC champions. I can bring up more examples, really, but I wonder if I should have different masteries for most champions? Maybe you can toss me some examples of how you go about masteries?

    The same goes about runes. I'm sitting on 100K+ IP for a while now (soon 130K) and I cannot decide: Buy more champions eventhough I got plenty (but it's always fun, new champs!) or invest in rune pages and runes?

    I got 2 rune pages: One for AP and one for AD - both pages also have defensive runes. Rather generic and balanced, really, but absolutely not specialized.

    Thoughts? What do you have?
    Last edited by mmoc1feb3cac1d; 2014-08-11 at 06:07 PM.

  2. #2
    You can play any champion with just the basic runes/masteries, but what's the point, when you could minmax? For example, phoenix Udyr works with a basic AD page, but he's much better if you go attack speed reds, and movement speed quints. Same for something like Swain, yeah you can just go magic pen reds, but hybrid pen are so much better, because you'll be autoattacking like fuck in lane, due to your E increasing your AA dmg.

    You can play anything with the basic AD/AP pages, but what's the point.

  3. #3
    I end of spending my IP on champs so sadly I just have 2 basic AD page and AP/hybrid pen page. It works for normals and such but if I wanted to step into Ranked I'd probably just focus on getting more runes

  4. #4
    Thanks for the replies so far

  5. #5
    Reds: Attack Damage, Armor Pen, Hybrid Pen, Attack Speed, flat armor, Magic Pen
    Yellow: Flat armor, flat health, scaling health
    Blue: Flat CDR, flat MR, MR/level, Mana regen/5, AP/lvl, flat AP
    Quints: Flat AP, Flat AD, Flat armor, Movement Speed, flat Health, Attack Speed

    Could miss a few, but combinations of those work for most champs. Some more will be better, but then you're really min-maxing a single champion (Ad Malzahar jungle for example). Which you won't notice unless you're Diamond probably.

    Same for Masteries. A lot of ADC's will go 21/9/0 .. some will go 21/0/9 .. some will change a tad depending on lane matchup etc. But at your level you probably won't notice anyway.

    get some good guides at www.lolking.com or www.probuilds.net or so, and you'll quickly learn what most people use.

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