1. #1

    How Do Invites Work For WoW Communities And Bnet Groups In BFA?

    Does anyone know how invites to WoW Communities and Bnet groups work in BFA? Does it work like Guild recruitment? Is it a link like Discord? Do the people need to be on your friends list for a battlenet group? Is it per-character for WoW Communities? Can anyone who has tested the feature explain how it works?

    Me and My guild were thinking of creating a Fandom Community Battle Net Group. But we weren't sure if you could invite people to it through WoW or if it was too clunky and we should do a WoW Community instead.

  2. #2
    Battle.net groups work just like they already work today through the Battle.net client. The owner or designated moderators have to invite people, you can't make an "invite link", but you don't need to have them on your friend list necessarily, knowing the BattleTag is enough (I imagine ingame there might be other options to do that directly, but its not quite fully integrated into the Alpha quite yet).

    WoW Communities work quite similar, except on a character level, so people are invited with individual characters, not their entire B.Net account.

  3. #3
    So to be in, for example, cross-realm raiding community chat, player must be logged in on character he got invited?

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